"It was not by their sword
that they won the land,
nor did their arm bring them
it was Your right hand,
Your arm, and
the light of Your face,
for You loved them."
(Psalm 44:2-3)

Trumpet & Torch Ministries

 Setting the World on Fire
for Christ -
One Heart at a Time!
"To this I will appeal:
the years of the right hand of the Most High."
(Psalm 77:10)

                                                                    January 20, 2013


Day 76

River of Righteousness

Dear Praying Friend,
This week we enjoyed a beautiful dusting of snow on the east coast, but with it came a dramatic dip in the temperature.  The colder, wetter climate has increased my longing for spring to arrive with its warmer days, greener grass, budding trees, and new life that comes with it.  Looking at the evil, immorality, idolatry, lewdness, and lack of reverence toward God on the streets, in our schools, in the media, and around the world, I long even more for God's glorious Kingdom to come!
As we meditate on Psalm 85:10-11 today, we read one of the most beautiful passages in Scripture that illustrate God's grace towards His people.  Verse 10 speaks of the embrace of God as He shows His favor to His people, while verse 11 picture the union of God with His people.  Just as we can count on the return of spring each year we can also count on God's promise of His return.  He will fulfill His covenant commitment towards His people, but He is also looking for our obedience!
"But let justice roll on like a river,
righteousness like a never-failing stream!"
(Amos 5:24)
This passage of Scripture was part of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s last speech, "I've Been To The Mountaintop", given in support of the striking sanitation workers at Mason Temple in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 3, 1968.  The very next day he was assassinated.  Tomorrow we honor his commitment to freedom and equality of all men and pray for God's righteousness and justice to prevail in the world today.  May they flow like a river from the throne of heaven and out of the hearts of men!
Dear Heavenly Father, we praise You for Your love and mercy towards Your people.  We thank You that You are a just God who works in righteousness in all You do.  We are grateful for the godly, and courageous, men and women throughout history who have made a bold stand for justice and peace in the world.  Nothing we do is of our own achievement - may we have eyes to see the hand of God behind the work of men.  We give You all the glory, honor, and praise, for the work You have done and are continuing to do through Your people.  As Your love and faithfulness meet may we wear them as a symbolic necklace around our neck to witness to the world of Your covenant of love and faithfulness towards Your people. Help us to respond in obedience so that  Your righteousness and justice will prevail in this world.  May the seeds of righteousness which have been sown throughout history begin to grow abundantly so we might reap a holy harvest this year.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Steadfast in prayer,
Traci Alexander
Trumpet and Torch Ministries
Psalm 27  
Prayer Scripture References: Psalm 72:2-3; 85:10; 115:1; Proverbs 3:3; Isaiah 45:8; Hosea 10:12.

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