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For direct care workers and their allies

December 10, 2013
Help Make Direct Care Worker Voices Heard

While you're wrapping up your holiday shopping, don't forget: It's not too late to add DCA to your gift list!

Donating to DCA is a meaningful way to give something back to the direct care workers who give so much all year long. Your donation will help us empower and support direct care worker leaders, so they can advocate for better working conditions, training, wages and benefits--like the minimum wage and overtime guarantee DCA and our allies won this year when home care workers were finally granted coverage under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

If you've already donated to DCA this season, thank you!

If you have not, please consider doing so today. A donation of as little as $10 will help us make sure worker voices are heard.

Carla Washington
Executive Director, Direct Care Alliance
The Direct Care Alliance is the national advocacy voice of direct care workers in long-term care. We empower workers to speak out for better wages, benefits, respect, and working conditions, so more people can commit to direct care as a career. We also convene powerful allies nationwide to build consensus for change.

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Questions? Comments? Story ideas? Please contact Elise Nakhnikian at 646-823-7434 or enakhnikian@directcarealliance.org.