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March 21, 2013  

Do More

Your voice is important, whether you're a direct care worker, a client, an employer, a family member, or a concerned citizen. Here are some ways to help win minimum wage and overtime pay for home care workers:
Thank you for your support. Your action will make a difference for home care workers and the people who depend on them.


Respect for Home Care Workers brings you news from the Direct Care Alliance about the campaign to win home care workers the right to minimum wage and overtime pay.
for Home Care Workers
Click on this image to see DCA's Dudzinski in a DOL video.
Tell the White House and OMB to act now!


Today marks the one-year anniversary of the end of the comment period for a proposed rule from the Department of Labor (DOL) to extend federal minimum wage and overtime protections to home care workers. The comments that poured in from the public were overwhelmingly positive, with more than 20,000 people writing in to voice their support.

In mid-January, the rule moved to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), creating new and important opportunities for advocacy. Review by OMB is the last step in the process the rule must go through before it is finalized. Now more than ever, we need you to tell President Obama and OMB that home care workers can't wait any longer.


Got two minutes? Here are two things you can do:   

  1. Sign an open letter to President Obama from The Nation.
  2. Sign the new petition from MomsRising. Hard copies of the signatures will be delivered to OMB, DOL and the White House.

Highlights from recent coverage:
Don't miss this chance to make your voice heard!
Direct Care AllianceDirect Care Alliance