Keystone Computer Concepts, Inc.
Question Of The Week Email
Keystone Computer Concepts
October 1, 2013
In This Issue
Live Seminar
Question of the Week
Computer Seminar
If you live in the Jensen Beach, Stuart, Port Saint Lucie area, you're invited to our second live seminar of the new season.  Our seminars are still only $8 per person and we'll have lots of "goodies" to go along with your coffee or juice.  Also, we'll have some prizes to give away for those who stay until the end.  Our seminar this month is about computer "tools" which can make your life easier - whether you own a PC or a Mac.
Remember, there's no need to sign up in advance, just join us and we'll take care of the rest. Here's all the info you should need:

October 19,
10:00 a.m.- 12 Noon
 What:  Computer "Tools" To Make Your Life Easier
$8 per person  
Trinity United Methodist Church
2221 NE Savannah Rd., Jensen Beach, FL  34957
(Click on the Church name for directions.)
Remote Technical Support
If you're a Remote Technical Support customer and your subscription ends in September, you should have already received your renewal email.  Thank you for continuing to be an RTS customer.  We appreciate you!
Halloween Decorations! 
Joyce just bought some Christmas Ornaments from this company and they are awesome.  Why not have a look yourself?  Just click this link:

Save 10% off spooky Halloween decorations at with promo code ORNAMENTS10 through Oct. 31st
****4KCC Blog****

Since we've pledged to keep our emails to you at a low rate (usually 1 a week), our blog is the place we put important information (usually security-related) that we don't cover in the Question of the Week email.

Why not visit our blog today?  There's lots of valuable information!

Visit our blog 
Quick Links...
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Social Media

If you're on Facebook or Twitter, please "Like" us and "Follow" us for important information.

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Please, please, please... read the Question and Answer below.  This is SO important and people are being "taken" by the scam we talk about below.  Please, please, please take the time to read it.



Question of the Week

Question:  "Someone called me from Microsoft and told me my computer was sending them error messages.  What's up with this?"

Answer:  Here's the reason you should always read our blog ( -
Microsoft (or Apple, for that matter) will NEVER call you unless you've been in touch with them and submitted a service ticket.

If you receive a call from someone claiming to be Microsoft or "Windows" or Apple, HANG UP on them.  If they call back, HANG UP AGAIN.  They are persistent.  This past week, one customer was called 3 times in an hour and a half and when our customer told him she wasn't interested, the man on the phone told her to "Shut up!"  Do you honestly think a Microsoft employee would tell a customer to "Shut up!"? 

Please... take 5 minutes and read our two blogs about this issue.

The first one is from May of 2012:
Microsoft Is NOT Calling.  Read it HERE.

The second one is from August of 2012:
"Windows" Is Not Calling, Either. Read it HERE.

Don't be "taken" by these crooks - read the blogs and be educated when they call.  Calls have increased tremendously in recent weeks.

Please forward this email to everyone you know who owns a computer! 


We're gearing up for our two October free webinars and we hope you'll join us! 

Never attended a webinar?  Now would be a great time to start!  Our webinars are free, last roughly 30 minutes and you can attend right from the comfort of your home (or office).  You must sign up ahead of time but, other than that, there's nothing for you to do but attend!  Remember, if you can't be at your computer when a webinar is scheduled, sign up anyway.  After the webinar, we'll send out a "Sorry you missed our webinar" email with all the information you'll need to watch the webinar and get the links and other things we mention during the webinar itself.

Here is the information for our October webinars:
Thursday, October 10, 2013 * 11:00 a.m.
Using Your Computer's Search Option Effectively

The search option on your computing device has improved immensely in the last few years.  Unfortunately, most of us are not taking advantage of all the new ways to search.  In this free, 30-minute webinar, we'll look at search on your computer and show you some really neat ways of making the task of finding files easier and faster!
Please join us for 30 minutes of free learning by signing up today!  Also, would you be kind enough to invite your friends and family to sign up, as well?  
Register HERE!


Wednesday, October 23, 2013 * 2:00 p.m.

In this free, 30-minute webinar, we'll discuss the different terms you find in Facebook.  For instance, what's the difference between a friend and an acquaintance?  Why can you only LIKE some people and not become their friend?  
Whether you already use Facebook or you're just thinking about joining, this webinar will clarify some terms so you can more readily take advantage of all that Facebook has to offer.
Please join us for 30 minutes of free training by signing up today!  Also, would you be kind enough to invite your friends and family to sign up, as well?  Register today by clicking HERE!