Fall 2012 Section Newsletter
An Official Publication of the Atlanta Council of Younger Lawyers Section
In This Issue
Life of a Trial
Fado Happy Hour
Mentoring Breakfasts
Donate Now Before the Associates' Campaign Ends
Get Involved
Upcoming Events
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Fall 2012
Atlanta Council of Younger Lawyers Section
2012-2013 Board of Directors


President   Nicole Iannarone 
Vice President   Kristin Zielmanski 
Secretary   Eugenia Wooten Iredale
Treasurer   Jonathan Smith
Immediate Past President   Jonathan Hawkins
Members at Large
Ashten Bailey
Laura Benz
Frederic Bold
William E. Cannon III
Eric Coleman
Elizabeth Gould Eager
Brianne Hart Erwin
Clinton F. Fletcher
C. Joseph Hoffman
Rhani Lott
Cindy Spidler Manning
Douglas J. Miller
Jamie Perez
Matthew Pociask
Matthew Simmons
James Yeargan
Thank you to our Annual Section Sponsors
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Life of a Trial
This year's Life of a Trial series got off to a great start on August 22 at Manuel's Tavern.  Special thanks to our panelists - Judge Cynthia Becker, Superior Court of DeKalb County, M. Jerome Elmore, Bondurant Mixson and Elmore LLP, and Taylor Davis, Robins Kaplan Miller & Ceresi, LLP - for hosting a great discussion on effective pre-trial discovery.  On September 26, the series moved into the development of a theme in trial and featured speakers Judge John J. Ellington, Georgia Court of Appeals, Hasley G. Knapp, Jr. of Foltz Martin, LLC and Jeremy B. Cole, Wimberly & Lawson.  At each session, the attendees and panelists enjoyed this unique opportunity to have beer & and earn CLE credit in a laid back atmosphere.
Every month, we will be hosting another event focused on practical knowledge that can be applied in the courtroom.  We have a great slate of panelists lined up to share their experience and stories in an intimate setting.  The remaining calendar is:
October 24, 2012: Direct and Cross Examination
- Hon. Kimberly M. Esmond Adams, Superior Court of
  Fulton County
- Brenda Joy (BJ) Bernstein, The Bernstein Firm PC
- Cindy S. Manning, Manning Levine & Marlow LLP

November 28, 2012: After the Closing Arguments: Jury Insructions, Motions and Appeal
- Hon. William M. Ray II, Georgia Court of Appeals
- Donald F. Samuel, Garland, Samuel & Loeb, PC
- Carlos Rodriguez, Kilgore & Rodriguez 


Fado Happy Hour
Thanks to everyone who came out and enjoyed a great happy hour on August 30th.  A great collection of experienced associates, new practitioners, and law students showed up at Fad� Irish Pub in Buckhead.  Fad� provided great food and drinks for the assembled guests.  The goal for these happy hours is to provide a chance to meet other young lawyers in an enjoyable social setting.  By that measure, this one was another success.  Please join us on October 25 for our next happy hour at STK Atlanta and come meet and network with other ACYL members and friends.


Mentoring Breakfasts

The Atlanta Council of Younger Lawyers Section kicked off its new series of Mentoring Breakfasts this Fall.  On Wednesday, September 5, 2012, the ACYL Section hosted its first Mentoring Breakfast at J. Christopher's in Midtown.  Stephanie Stuckey Benfield, the Executive Director
of GreenLaw, joined the group to share
some of her advice on maintaining
work-life balance. 


Ms. Benfield noted that younger attorneys often get swept up in the fast-paced life of a lawyer, but stressed that it is very important to set aside time for yourself.  Exercising is an important way to release the stress that lawyers inevitably face on a daily basis.  Ms. Benfield also noted that she made sure to get her career on track before having children.  Having goals for your future and planning accordingly can help you reach your career goals while still making your goals for your personal life a reality.  Ms. Benfield also pointed out that when you have children, you have to come to terms with the fact that you cannot do everything at once.  There will be areas that you will not be able to keep up with as well, and it is important to realize that so you can put your best effort into each of the things you remain involved with. 


Read entire article

A Little Goes A Long Way:  Donate Now Before the Associates' Campaign Ends!
donate canThe Associates' Campaign for Legal Services asks each associate in Atlanta to donate the value of one billable hour to one or more legal services organizations.  The average billable rate for an associate in Atlanta far exceeds $100, a rate that most of us could not afford if we needed legal help.  While one hour's worth of work may not get a client very far, a legal aid attorney can stretch $100 to provide meaningful assistance to a client in need.  We asked the Associates' Campaign beneficiaries to tell us what $100 means to their clients and what amazing things it can do.  Even if you are not able to donate the value of your billable hour, just $100 will make a real impact. The Associates' Campaign ends this month - be sure to make your donation now!


Get Involved!
Are you interested in getting more involved with the Section?

There are multiple ways you can participate!  Join one of our Section committees by filling
out the online form.
Upcoming Events


Beer & CLE: The Life of a Trial
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 and Wednesday, November 28, 2012 - 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm at Manuel's Tavern

1.5 CLE hours, including 1.5 Trial Practice hours per session.

Register online and view more informationSee article below for speakers and topic information for each session.



Section Happy Hour

Thursday, October 25, 2012 - 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm at
STK Atlanta

Appetizers & two drinks provided

Register online and view more information



Run for Justice in support of the Atlanta Legal
Aid Society

Saturday, November 10, 2012 - 9:00 am in Decatur/Oakhurst

A great opportunity for our members to show their support for the great service the Atlanta Legal Aid Society continues to provide to our community.  Be sure you let the Section know you'll be running - sign up through the link below and we'll be in touch with a meet up location and maybe even details on a post-race brunch.

Sign up for the race and view more information 



Section Mentoring Breakfast

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 - 7:30 am at J. Christopher's in Midtown

RSVP to kzielmanski@bfvlaw.com




Planning the Start of Your Law Firm Webinar

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 - 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Do you dream of starting your own practice, but don't know where to start? Whether you've spent years working in someone else's firm or are fresh out of law school, the temptation to start your own law firm is always there. This webinar series provides information and resources for starting and building a successful and satisfying law practice in a convenient and affordable format.

Register online and view more information

View the Webinar Series Homepage for future sessions (registration coming soon)



Joint Section Fall Social
Thursday, November 15, 2012 - 5:30 pm at 5 Seasons Brewing (Westside)

Come celebrate the season with the Atlanta Council of Younger Lawyers, Environmental & Toxic Tort and Litigation Sections of the Atlanta Bar Association, the Law School Outreach Committee of the Atlanta Bar Association and the Gate City Bar Association

Register online and view more information



Section Race 2 Recycle Service Opportunity

Saturday, November 17, 2012 - 7:00 am to 10:00 am at Piedmont Park

ACYL Service Opportunity:  Keep Atlanta Beautiful

Members of the ACYL Section will be serving as race volunteers for Keep Atlanta Beautiful's Race 2 Recycle at Piedmont Park from 7:00 am - 10:00 am.  Join us as we help cheer on runners and give back to the Atlanta community.  Be sure to sign up early - volunteer slots are limited. 

Volunteer online and view more information