Sylvina Consulting                                                      November 2012
Direct Selling Newsletter

Call 503.244.8787  

Insights for Network Marketing and Party Plan Companies
In This Issue
Direct Selling and Thumper's Law
Jan 2013 Direct Selling Conference
Ask Victoria: Do All Party Plan Companies Manufacture Their Own Products?

Startup Guide
Startup Guide

Sylvina Consulting

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When you were young, you probably saw the 1942 Disney animated film "Bambi."  This 70-year-old film can help you to grow your direct selling company.




January is a great month for new beginnings and for revisiting the basics.  You are cordially invited to join us at our 4th Direct Selling Edge Conference in Las Vegas on January 10 and 11, 2013.


A guest at our September conference told us:


The quality of the presenters was top notch. Every session was valuable and we learned an enormous amount in just two short days. I would recommend this conference to anyone starting a direct selling business.    




This issue, Victoria answers the question, "Do all party plan companies manufacture their own products?"


Direct Selling and Thumper's Law


In the classic Disney film "Bambi", the rabbit, Thumper, offered some great advice.  He said, "If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."


What does this have to do with direct selling?


January 2013 Direct Selling Conference


Direct Selling Edge Conference

If you have a new or a young party plan or network marketing company, where should you go for a great education in the new year?


The answer is The Direct Selling Edge Conference and the place is Las Vegas.


This conference is affordable and a great value at $199 for your ticket and $100 for each additional member of your team, but we've made it even greater.  From now until December 10, you can save $50 per ticket.


Question:  Where can you stay in Las Vegas at a 4-star hotel for $39.95 or $59.95 per night?


Answer:  The Eastside Cannery Hotel and Casino where we host the Direct Selling Edge Conference!


Conference Details


Ask Victoria

Victoria Dohr

Do all party plan companies manufacture their own products?


The answer is "no."  You can start your party plan company by purchasing products wholesale.  


Is this a good idea?


Our mission at Sylvina Consulting is to improve your party plan or network marketing company.  We work with both startups and established direct selling companies. 
With guidance from Sylvina Consulting, you can benefit from our suggestions, recommendations and deliverables gained from 25+ years of experience working with more than 300 direct selling companies.

We welcome the opportunity to be of service to you and your company.  

Jay Leisner
Jay Leisner
President, Sylvina Consulting
Office:  503.244.8787 
Email:   [email protected]