the safe home journal

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 Tips to Keep Your Home Safe for All

October 2013



I am pleased to personally welcome you to the October issue of our monthly e-newsletter, the Safe Home Journal. We bring you news on the latest home safety products and services.

  Book Cover

This month I am adding a new category; books, as I just finished reading a terrific one I want to tell you about. Authored by Janet Simpson-Benvenuti, it is  titled "Don't Give Up On Me." This book details Janet's years of experiences and struggles supporting her parents as they aged and eventually passed on. As you turn the pages it's hard not to laugh and/or cry. Many will identify with the issues detailed throughout. It is so well written and so relevant that you won't be able to put this book down. I certainly couldn't!


Anyone dealing with caring for an aging parent will find many tips for coping with the process that will make it easier on everyone involved. I urge you to read this book, you won't be sorry. Obtain your copy directly at Janet's web site, or at All proceeds are donated to organizations such as Alzheimer's and Dementia agencies.


Here's to aging well!


Bill Bohmbach

Owner, President


Have you seen the latest article about Home Healthsmith in Senior Digest?

Go to our website  for your FREE copy of our e-book: Top 5 Danger Zones in Your Home.
Supplier Support 


"At Handicare, it is our goal to provide the best product safety, reliability and overall customer experience. The team at Home Healthsmith represents a professional and caring expertise that embodies who we are and how we do business. It is because of those qualities that we are proud to call Home Healthsmith a Handicare partner." 

- Jennifer Gora, Director of Marketing, Handicare US


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Handicare offers solutions and support to increase the independence of disabled or elderly people as well as to improve the convenience of those who are caring for them. It is our mission to make everyday life easier.

How Home Healthsmith Helped Me 
Bill With Van
Bill Getting Ready To Get To Work On Stairlift
by Rusty Sergeant


After an automobile accident left me paralyzed from the waist down in 1978, I knew my life would change.  Having been an active skier, sailor and tennis player, I had to grapple with a new set of challenges.


I enjoyed some success that allowed me to own accessible homes within which I lived a normal life where the difficulties of my disability were minimized.


In 2011 I was faced with three strikes: a year long hospitalization and rehab, a recession that brought my construction activity to a halt and the breakage of the stair lift to my basement office.


I couldn't find anybody knowledgeable about repairing my old lift until I mentioned it to my old sailing companion, Robie Pierce. Turns out he had been working with Bill Bohmbach on developing marketing strategies for Home Healthsmith.


Bill was not only was familiar with the lift and repaired it, but he explained the maintenance work needed that would allow me to enjoy it for many years to come.  Needless to say, being able to use my office again has made a big improvement in my quality of life. 


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We would be pleased to discuss aging-in-place options with you and your loved ones. Email or call today to make an appointment today for your Safe Home Audit by a Home Healthsmith, CAPS certified specialist. 



You worked hard to create your estate - now protect it! 

The old adage that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" certainly is true when trying to protect your family. Proper planning puts you in control, and the earlier you do it, the more options are available to you. Here are the issues you should consider:    


Read more....

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Article provided by Harvey, Carr & Hadfield, Attorneys at Law.
A full service law firm serving all of Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts.


This Month's Special: Refurbished Stairlifts




Check out all the
refurbished home accessibility equipment
we have available









 Another Happy Home Healthsmith Client

Before and after a ramp made her life easier.
We are proud to support the following events.
If you attend any, please stop by to say hello.




October 9, 2013 

PrimeTime Senior Living Expo

Warwick Mall - FREE Admission

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October 11

In service presentation on
Top 5 Danger Zones in Your Home

Temple AM David Senior Citizen Center

40 Gardiner St, Warwick, RI

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October 16

In service presentation on
Top 5 Danger Zones in Your Home

Edward King House Senior Citizen Center

35 King St, Newport, RI

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SAC of RI Logo 

October 18

Senior Agenda Coalition of RI Annual Conference

Crowne Plaza Hotel, Warwick, RI

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Robie and Linda from Home Healthsmith
at the Healthy Home Expo last month


Linda & Bill Bohmbach

Home Healthsmith provides in-home solutions that allow you to maintain your level of comfort without compromising your health and safety. 

Visit our website to learn more. 

Toll Free 1.855.HHSMITH (1.885.447.6484)

Give us a call today!

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