CASA Lake County's Outreach Reception
Friends of CASA Lake County, Mark and Susan Goodman, hosted an evening reception at their home in Lake Bluff, on February 25th, 2015. 25 guests joined together to learn more about CASA Lake County's advocacy work for the abused and or neglected children we serve. Executive Director Terri Greenberg kicked off the evening with an introduuction about CASA. Judge Valerie Ceckowski joined us as the featured speaker, and she fielded a lively discussion about the work of CASA volunteers and the needs of the Juvenile Court for our service. Also in attendance were two of our advocate managers, Hope May and Dick Hulseman. CASA volunteer Joan Shannahan spoke about her work as an advocate and the incredible training program. CASA Lake County's needs and mission are important to share with our communities, and the evening was a lovely way to spread the word. Our goal is to host 6 such events in 2015. For more information on attending or hosting a reception, please contact Mari Christopherson at 847-383-6260, ext 217 or
 CASA Lake County's Executive Director, Terri Zenner Greenberg, and Board Member and Gala Chair, Joanna Lynn, attended a tasting lunch at Ravinia on March 17th. The food and venue are equally delicious, and May 2nd is going to be a lovely, heartfelt night. This year, there is a special focus on communicating the personal experiences and perspectives of some of those closest to the CASA family. Read More
CASA Lake County Welcomes Two New Partners
We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to 2 new partners, The Highland Park Health Care Foundation and the Sacks Family Foundation. Their support of CASA is particularly important, because they are both first time grantors. CASA Lake County is working hard to expand our network of supporters, and it is very gratifying that these Lake County-based funders recognized our valuable work. Read More
Meet CASA Ryan Lalonde
Ryan,right with husband,Christopher, and son, Farber
Ryan LaLonde is an illustrator, artist and designer. He is a children's book author. He also has worked for that last 15 years building and designing websites for various non-profits, corporations and academic institutes. He and his husband, Christopher, live in Libertyville with their son Farber. Ryan is also a new CASA who is off to a great start advocating for two young boys whose parents are struggling with drug addiction. Since completing his training in January, Ryan has jumped into so many roles at CASA, beyond his work as an advocate. After reading Ryan's volunteer information sheet, we learned that we had a website expert in our midst and reached out to Ryan to see if he could help Advocate Manager Dick Hulseman with a couple questions about our website redesign project. Selflessly, Ryan has done much more than we could ever have hoped! He helped staff pick a template, will be designing all the modifications, found us a developer, contributed to content layout and made all of us think in new ways about how our site could be vibrant, informing and user friendly.