News headlines reported this month that child deaths from abuse and neglect continue to plague Illinois.
Sadly, many of these children were already part of the child welfare system, having experienced prior abuse or neglect.  | IL DCFS statistics show highest child abuse or neglect deaths in nearly 30 years. Image Courtesy: ChiTribGraphics |
CASA's Director of Operations, Claudia Lovelette notes, "In terms of protecting children, there are at least two essential differences between DCFS and CASA.
The first is the number of children represented by one individual. For CASA, this is usually a one-to-one ratio. For DCFS it can be as many as 25 children to one case worker."
The second reason CASA is able to protect children more effectively is that they advocate in each child's best interests - not just the quickest or easiest placement. "A remarkably small number of children with a CASA experience further abuse after their case closes. The model works."
100 Men Who Care 10% More
Changing Lives Through CASA
Left to Right: Mike Glickman, Terri Zenner Greenberg, and Doug Meyer (Deerfield)
When Doug Meyer heard about CASA, he knew he and his friends had to help.
They recently formed the "100 Men" group to support worthy causes in the community. Doug, who had attended this year's CASAblanca Gala, was a champion for CASA at their July meeting. He presented CASA's mission and stories to the men and they were eager to help.
Together, the group donated nearly $7,000 to support CASA - and we are grateful. Thanks for caring, gentlemen!
Check Facebook soon for more information. Search: 100 Men Who Care 10% More.
St. Joseph Catholic Church Gives
Passion for Helping Children Drives Members to CASA
CASA's partnership with St. Joseph Catholic Church grew even stronger this past summer. While five members of the church were already dedicated, active volunteer advocates, St. Joseph parishioner and Advocate, Michael Knight, connected CASA staff with the church's Social Justice and Service Ministry and helped secure a $5,000 gift for the organization.
We are grateful for St. Joseph's community support and gifts of time, talent, and treasure!
Lake County Recognized by National CASA
Receives Quality Certification For Program
The National CASA Association maintains rigorous standards to ensure high quality advocacy and program management.
In order to be formally "certified" by the national organization, each of the 951 programs across the country is evaluated every few years. CASA Lake County submitted information this past spring and was proud to receive and share notice of re-certification this month.
Back To School For CASA
Learning to Advocate for Kids In School ... and Beyond
A study conducted by the University of Houston found that children with a CASA perform better in school, and are:
- More likely to pass all courses
- Less likely to have poor conduct in school
- Less likely to be expelled
Why? Because CASA advocates are specially trained to identify children's needs, ease transitions between schools, connect children with resources, and communicate this information with the school, caregivers, and others.
This month, 27 volunteer advocates attended a mentor meeting to learn about the key issues related to educational advocacy. Two local school social workers led this meeting and shared information on the social and emotional needs of the child. They answered volunteers' questions on the topic and addressed specific case questions as well.
 | Volunteer advocates learn about educational challenges and best practices at the September Mentor Meeting. |
CASA Lake County's Mission
CASA is central to fulfilling society's most fundamental obligation by making sure a qualified, compassionate adult will fight for and protect a child's right to be safe, to be treated with dignity and respect, and to learn and grow in the security of a loving family.
Stay Connected With
CASA Lake County
CASA Lake County
700 Forest Edge Dr.
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
P) 847.383.6260
CASA Lake County Executive Director, Terri Zenner Greenberg was featured in the September issue of Suburban Life magazine.
CASA Lake County
By the Numbers
Instances of reported abuse and neglect in Lake County
* as recorded by IL DCFS
Total children served by CASA in FY14
CASA Volunteer Advocates
New volunteers trained and sworn-in
Children entered the court system this year and received a CASA volunteer
Children returned to permanent, safe homes with the help of CASA
Percentage of former "CASA children" who returned to court this year due to recurrent abuse or neglect
You can help can help a child in his or her time of greatest need.