SUMMER, 2014
 | First Place Winners at the July 7th Tournament, hosted by CDW: (L to R) Roland Serna of Barrington, CJ Orton of Algonquin, Shea Hart of Chicago, and Lenny Hart of Chicago |
Golf For a Child
A Good Game for a Great Cause
 | Enjoying the day and supporting the work of CASA at the July event. Pictured (L to R) CDW Executive and CASA Executive Board Member, Jim "Norm" Lillis with CASA Executive Director, Terri Zenner Greenberg |
CASA's "Golf for a Child" Invitational events were held at Kemper Lakes this past June and July. The golf season kicked off on June 16th with an event hosted by Underwriters Laboratory. The fun continued July 7th as CDW employees and partners came out for the cause. Over 200 golfers supported the organization, and raised a combined $150,000! Thank you to all who came out to play - and especially to CDW and Underwriters Laboratories. Your generosity is changing lives for children in our community!
 | The top team at the June 16th event, sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories. Pictured (L to R) Alex Dupur, Ed Hartigan, PJ Mazza, and Adam Garvanian |
 | Getting ready for the green at the June "Golf for a Child" Invitational. Pictured (L to R) Jerry Stricker (Underwriters Laboratories Executive and CASA Executive Board Member), Terri Zenner Greenberg (CASA Executive Director), and Brent Arnold (Stericycle Executive and CASA Board Member) |
Summer School Graduates CASA's Newest Volunteers
 | Left to Right: Nina Bremneour (Barrington), Sue Dreys (Lake Zurich), Kim Stricker (Northfield), Judge Lessman, Paul Novak (Attorney), Kim Frankel (Buffalo Grove), Lisa Henderson (Grayslake), Stacy Friedland (Deerfield), Eliza Wells (Lake Zurich) Not shown: Marv Feig (Northbrook) |
CASA congratulates the newest Volunteer Advocates who were sworn in this past June.
After completing their forty-hour initial training, all volunteers attended a swearing in ceremony, led by Judge Lessman.
Exchange Club of Gurnee Continues to Give $20,000 donated since 1999
This month, CASA Volunteer Coordinator, Suzanne Cash attended a very special meeting of the Exchange Club of Gurnee. Representatives presented CASA with a check for $1,600 to support volunteer training and mentoring.
We are grateful for their generosity - this is 15th year the club has awarded a grant to CASA!
CASA Lake County's Mission
CASA is central to fulfilling society's most fundamental obligation by making sure a qualified, compassionate adult will fight for and protect a child's right to be safe, to be treated with dignity and respect, and to learn and grow in the security of a loving family.
Stay Connected With
CASA Lake County
CASA Lake County
700 Forest Edge Dr.
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
P) 847.383.6260
CASA Lake County
By the Numbers
Instances of reported abuse and neglect in Lake County
* as recorded by IL DCFS
Total children served by CASA in FY14
CASA Volunteer Advocates
New volunteers trained and sworn-in
Children entered the court system this year and received a CASA volunteer
Children returned to permanent, safe homes with the help of CASA
Percentage of former "CASA children" who returned to court this year due to recurrent abuse or neglect
You can help can help a child in their time of greatest need