SRJC Bear Cub Athletics
Women's Soccer
Tuesday, October 1,
- Sierra College

Friday, October 4,
     6:30pm- Diablo Valley College

Saturday, October 5,
5pm- Fresno City College
(Clo's Classic Event)

Tuesday 1
Bertolini 4731
Saturday 5 

Clo's Classic

Carnival and  

Night Football Game 

Santa Rosa Campus 

Carnival 3pm

Kick-off 5pm  

Transfer Center
Transfer Admission Guarantees

Seven UC campuses offer guaranteed admission to California community college students who meet specific requirements. Learn about requirements and receive counselor assistance with the Fall 2014 TAG.


Please click on the link below for dates and times of TAG workshops:


Transfer 101

An introduction to the process of transfer from a community college to a university. Learn about the requirements needed and the resources available for transfer students.
Please click on the link below to find dates and times of Transfer 101 workshops: 


SSU Bound in F2014

Are you ready to apply to Sonoma State University for Fall 2014?

Do you have all the CSU admission requirements?

Do you know how to apply?

Come and find out how easy it is to Transfer!

Attend a Transfer Student Informational Workshop

Presented by a SSU transfer advisor on

Thursday, October 10                         9:30 - 10:30 am


Wednesday, November 6       11:00 - 12:30 pm


Visit the Transfer Center, 3rd floor, Bertolini Student Center to sign up.

Reminder about the District Smoke-Free Environment Policy.
Last January, the Board of Trustees approved Policy and Procedure 6.8.6/6.8.6P updating the District Smoke-Free Environment Policy and Procedure.

Smoking of any kind, including use of e-cigarettes or electronic cigarettes, and all uses of tobacco are prohibited on all property and in all indoor and outdoor spaces owned, leased, licensed, or otherwise controlled by the District, and in all District-owned vehicles.
PEERS-In-Conversation: LonelinessPEERS
Tuesday, October 1st, 1:30-3pm

Bertolini 4731

Join us on our first get together to talk about loneliness. This meeting is meant to be an open safe place to discuss all that an individual faces in terms of loneliness. We will cover it's causes, symptoms, and resources available on and off campus, as well as much more! There will be delicious beverages available FREE for your valued participation. See you there!

"The eternal quest of the human being is to shatter [one's] loneliness." -Norman Cousins  

Depression Screening
Bear Fact
Six of the eight species of bears are classified as vulnerable
 or threatened with extinction.

The giant panda is the most threatened of all bear species, with only 1600 remaining individuals. Giant pandas are classified as Endangered by the IUCN. The sun bear, the smallest of the bear species, is classified as Vulnerable by the IUCN, as is the Andean bear, the sloth bear, the Asiatic black bear and the polar bear.

Brown bears and black bears are classified as Least Concern by the IUCN and are considered to be outside of immediate risk of extinction at this time.

Santa Rosa Junior College |

1501 Mendocino Ave.                   680 Sonoma Mountain Parkway
Santa Rosa, CA 95401                                   Petaluma, CA 94954
707.527.4011                                                            707.778.2415

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BearFacts is a publication of the SRJC Student Affairs Office
The purpose of the BearFacts Bulletin is to provide students with information about SRJC events, activities, engagement opportunities and important deadlines. All submissions can be emailed to the
Student Graphic Artist/BearFacts Editor, 
Submissions may be edited for length & clarity.