Principal's Message
Dear St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School Families,

Graduation is a significant milestone for our 8th grades students and a very special occasion at St. Francis of Assisi School.  The graduation mass and diploma ceremony are highlights of the school year and a fitting conclusion to a memorable time in the lives of our students. On behalf of the St. Francis of Assisi School community, I would like to congratulate the graduates of the Class of 2016 for their accomplishments and wish them continued success in high school. 
I have complete confidence that our graduates will be successful in their high school academic and extracurricular pursuits.  Watching their growth over the years buoys my confidence.  They have developed positive self-confidence by acquiring the skills, habits, and attitude needed to propel them to be productive learners both inside and outside the classroom. In addition to an excellent academic foundation, their St. Francis education has built strong character guided by a moral compass grounded in Gospel values.  Over the years our graduates developed the social and emotional skills necessary for personal growth and essential to overcome the challenges they will face in high school and beyond. 
It is with pride and excitement that I watch the Class of 2016 charge forward driven by the lessons learned as a direct result of their experience at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School.
As we say goodbye to our graduates, we also say farewell to the 8th grade parents who graduate their last child from St. Francis of Assisi School.


Many of these families joined the school community when their children began attending St. Francis in pre-kindergarten, creating bonds that have developed for over 10 years.  No matter how long you have been part of the St. Francis school community, know that you will be missed and that you are always welcome at your home away from home.  We have been blessed over the years by your generous gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Thank you for helping us build a legacy of academic, personal, and spiritual success at St. Francis of Assisi School.

Congratulations Class of 2016

Nicholas A.
Hannah K.
Emily A. 
Lucas K.
Grace B.
Jillian K.
Luke B.
Alyssa L.
Jackson B.
Leslie L.
Tristan C.Lara M.
Megan D.Jayson M.
Harrison D.Marcus M.
Sophia D.Rochelle M.
Zennen D.Julia M.
Gianna D.Amara M.
Mark D.Cody N.
Cameron D.Marcus N.
Grace E.Erin P.
Peter F.Lukas R.
Casey F.Abigail S.
Jacob G.Mark S.
Kylie G.Anna S.
Emma G.Mariya S.
Leslie G.Andrew S.
Karun G.Isabella T.
Eliana H.Lana V.
Monica H.Claire V.
Bernadette H.Bailey W.
Claire H.

Tom Waszak
Special Awards
Student of the Year: Casey F.

This collaborative award was voted on by the 8th grade class.  It is based on academic achievement, the student's leadership abilities, his/her Christian witness and service, and someone who is admired by their peers.

Illumination Award: Monica H.

This award was presented to one student that has maintained an illuminating attitude, has been a light to their classmates and has been a strong Christian role model.  This individual has encouraged students and staff to be united in spirit and in compromise and has embodied the Spirit of Christian witness, and the virtues of heart and integrity.

Principal's Award: Bernadette H. and Grace B.

Students who receive this award have exemplified hard work, a Christian spirit, a helpful and positive attitude in persevering and following the role model of our patron, Saint Francis of Assisi. They have made a difference in our school and we recognize their positive impact amongst their fellow classmates.

Perfect Attendance: Megan D., Sophia D., Eliana H., Bernadette H., and Amara M.

Students were awarded with perfect attendance if they were never late or absent all year.

8th Grade Honor Roll

Academic Excellence
Academic Achievement
Academic Merit
Megan D.
Emily A.
Harrison D.
Monica H.
Grace B.
Gianna D.
Claire H.
Jackson B.
Kylie G.
Marcus N.
Sophia D.
Karun G.

Grace E.
Leslie G.

Casey F.
Leslie L.

Emma G.
Amara M.

Eliana H.
Erin P.

Bernadette H.
Lukas R.

Hannah K.
Abigail S.

Lucas K.
Claire V.

Mark S.

Anna Gabrielle S.

Mariya S.

Isabella T.

Bailey W.
Sycamore System Closed

The Sycamore System will be closed to parent access beginning at noon on Friday, June 10 to allow teachers to process final grades for the school year. It will reopen on Friday, June 17 after dismissal.  
Parent Survey
Please take a moment to complete our parent survey for parents of Preschool to 8th grade students. One survey may be submitted for each student in your family.  The information you provide is helpful in evaluating school programs, providing feedback to the staff, and preparing for the upcoming school year.  The deadline for the completion of the survey is Sunday, June 12. Thank you in advance for your time!

The link to this year's survey:

Announcement from Sycamore Regarding Sycamore App
In the 2015-2016 school year, Sycamore partnered with NEXMachine to build a mobile solution for iOS and Android devices that interacted with the data on the web application.
However, we were not happy with the experience our users were receiving with the mobile app and Sycamore will now begin utilizing a different company for the mobile experience. Unfortunately, the current provider will be ending service June 1 and the Sycamore app will be deactivated from a users' phone. An exception applies to schools using the branded app.
Sycamore was led to believe that service would be continued through the June and July months, however, plans were changed unexpectedly, leaving users without a mobile app solution. We fully expect to have a new solution in advance of the 2016-2017 school year that includes the most popular features of the current app without the premium upgrades.
Parents, students, and staff members who paid for a premium app can request a refund from NEXMachine through the App Store. There are many step-by-step guides on how to do this, but we feel this link explains things well.

We are sorry for those schools who will not have a mobile app for their parents to check grades during the end of the school year. We realize the convenience of a mobile application and the anxiety that this may cause parents during a crucial time. 
DC Dining - Costco Pizza!

As part of the fundraising efforts for our Annual 8th Grade East Coast Study Trip, SFA offers lunch from a variety of local food vendors.  Next week our vendor is Costco Pizza.  We ask that orders be submitted by 8:00 am on Tuesday, June 14 in order to accurately tally the number of meals needed.  Thank you for your support!
DC Dining Order Form - Der Wienerschnitzel and Costco - Please use this form to order for next week!
Tech Study Hall Ends June 9

IMPORTANT: The last day for Tech Study Hall is Thursday, June 9.  Thank you!
Register for Camp Wolf Pack - Summer School!   

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School's summer school program offers a variety of opportunities for students to develop academic and social skills in a fun environment.  

Please click on the flyer below for more information or email Ms. Gillespie at with questions.

Final Opportunity to Purchase a Yearbook!     
There is a LIMITED supply of yearbooks available for purchase for the 2015-2016 school year!  To purchase, please bring cash or check to the front office. No orders or holds are taken.  Cost is $50 payable to St. Francis of Assisi.  Don't miss out on memories from 2016!

Spirit Wear Blowout Sale!      

Everything Must Go - Best Prices - Don't Miss Out!

St. Francis spirit wear will be available for a discounted rate on Wednesday, June 15!  This end of the school year blowout sale will take place from 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm at the entrance to campus. Come stock up on spirit wear for next year, pick up a last minute Father's Day gift, or finally purchase that cute t-shirt you have had your eye.  Cash or check only.
Sing for Father Sy!      

Fr. Sy Nguyen, pastor of St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, is celebrating 25 years of ordination to the priesthood this year.  There will be a celebration and reception for him following the noon mass on Sunday, June 12 at St Martin's in the hall.  St. Francis of Assisi students of all grades are invited to join our music teacher, Ms. Campbell, in singing a special song for Fr. Sy to show him our love and gratitude.  Appropriately, we will be performing "The Prayer of St. Francis" for him at 1:30 pm in the hall.  All students interested in singing should meet with Ms. Campbell near the stage in the hall at 1:15 pm (or immediately after mass).  Fr. Sy lights up when he is around the kids and this will be very special for him.  We hope to have many of our St. Francis students there to show him our support and love.
If you have any questions, please email Ms. Campbell at
Let's help make this a special day for Fr. Sy!!

Angel Bin Shoe Drive 2016 - 2017          

If you find yourself cleaning closets over the summer, please donate your shoes for the Angel Bin Shoe Drive! The proceeds from this activity will benefit our eighth grade students traveling to Boston, Washington DC, and New York on our East Coast Study Trip next year. You can drop off your gently used shoes now and throughout the summer in the box labeled "Shoe Drop" in front of school. All shoe types are accepted. Thank you!
Library Books Due        

The last day for all students to check out library books is Friday, June 3 at 12:00 pm.  

All students need to return library books the week of June 6-10.
St. Francis Family Movie Night 2016 - June 10

All SFA Family and Friends Invited to Enjoy a Night of Community!

Join us on Friday, June 10 for a showing of Inside Out on the St. Francis of Assisi athletic field. Pack a picnic dinner, chairs, and blankets and enjoy a movie under the stars.  Friends and neighbors are welcome to attend as well.  Admission is FREE and popcorn will be provided for all. Gates will open at 6:30 pm and the movie will begin around 8:00 pm.

2016 Family Movie Night Flier
Volunteer in 2016 - 2017
Have you decided how you want to contribute during the 2016-2017 school year? There are several opportunities available. Find the one that speaks to you and sign up today! Let's fill up our volunteer openings by the end of this school year!

What am I signing up for?
You are signing up for the volunteer opportunity you would like to perform in the 2016-2017 school year. The committee chairperson for the event will contact you when the time gets closer to schedule your specific shifts.

Why do it now?
By signing up now, we can identify where there are openings to fill. The chairpeople also are able to plan accordingly. Plus, you can pick what works for you.

Where can I sign up?
All of our volunteer signs ups are done through VolunteerSpot. The VolunteerSpot link for the 2016 - 2017 school year is live on the SFA website (under Support SFA / Volunteer). It includes all of the school-wide volunteer positions available for the coming school year.

What if I want to be a Room Parent or volunteer in the classroom?
Classroom related opportunities will become available when classes are assigned in August.
Every SFA family is required to complete twenty (20) Volunteer Service Hours each year. Families log their hours in the Sycamore Parent Portal as they are completed. Volunteer Service Hours began accumulating on April 1 for the 2016 - 2017 school year. 

For questions regarding volunteer opportunities, please email the Volunteers Coordinator, Tracy Foye, at volunteer@sfayl.orgFor questions regarding the VolunteerSpot technology and logging family volunteer hours on the Sycamore parent portal, please contact Mrs. Kwan at

*All volunteers are required to have a completed background check and online Safe Environment training provided by the Diocese of Orange. Please pick-up and complete an authorization for a background check and Safe Environment training information in the school office.  Contact Mrs. Driscol in the school office at 714-695-3700 x105 for more information.
St. Francis Mentor Families Wanted!
We all love our school and the wonderful community we have here at St. Francis.  An important piece of that community is our Mentor Family Program.  If you would like to be a part of welcoming new families to the SFA Community, we have the perfect opportunity for you!  We are seeking families in ALL grades to WELCOME new families to St. Francis of Assisi for the 2016-2017 school year.  It is not necessary to possess an in-depth knowledge of everything about our school or have all the answers, just a willingness to share the warmth of our SFA community.
What does a Mentor Family do?
  • Email or phone your new SFA family in early August to welcome them and answer any questions they may have regarding uniforms, hot lunch program, carline, etc.
  • Invite your new family to attend the New Parent Wine and Cheese Social as your guest on Friday, August 26.
  • Be available to answer questions throughout the school year and make sure they know about upcoming events such as Tricks, Treats and Tacos and Auction.
Our Mentor Families are important ambassadors to our school and truly represent the heart-and-soul of all that makes St. Francis special. We need loving, welcoming families to be part of this ministry. It's a fun and easy way to get volunteer hour credit as well. If you would like to be part of this special ministry please visit our Volunteer Spot page at  or contact Lisa Bryson ( form more information.
Carline Rule of the Week      

~ You may not out of a parking stall during morning carline hours (7:35 am - 8:05 am).
~ No backpacks, projects, sports equipment, etc. may be retrieved from the trunk of a vehicle while in carline.
Please have all those that drive your children to school review the carline rules located on the school website.  It is imperative that everyone follows the rules in order to have the carline flow smoothly and efficiently and most importantly, to keep all our children safe.  Thank you.

Carline Crew Members Needed! 

Do you have a great wave?  Are you a morning person?  How would you like to say good morning to 500 plus smiling faces?  Come join the morning Carline Crew and find out just how much fun 1/2 hour at SFA can be.
We are currently recruiting volunteers for the next school year.  We are looking for moms or dads to help out one day a week during morning drop-off.  The commitment is only 1 day per week from 7:35 am to 8:05 am.  It's an easy and fun way to get your volunteer hours.
Please contact Karen Carlos at if you are interested in joining the Carline Crew!
Double Volunteer Hours and Donations with Employer Matching
Gifts Through the Workplace Make an Impact on Education!

Volunteer Grants
Turn your volunteer service hours into a monetary donation for St. Francis.  Many companies reward their employees in this manner for doing good in the community.  Check with your employer to see if your volunteer hours can make a difference.

Matching Gift Opportunities
Many employers offer a matching gift program to allow employees to maximize their contribution to the charity of their choice.  Contact your Human Resources Department to see if your employer will match your contributions to St. Francis. 

United Way
You many also designate your United Way contributions to St. Francis through payroll deduction. The St. Francis United Way code is: STF100 

Click here to see a list of some companies that match employees' donations and/or volunteer hours. If your company matches donations, but you do not see it listed below, send us an email at so we can add it.

*Donations will support the general operating fund of the school.  Designations may only be given for gifts over $250.
Preschool / Pre-K Announcements          

Key Dates for the Fall:

Preschool / Pre-K Meet the Teacher DayWednesdayAugust 31
Preschool / Pre-K First Day of SchoolTuesdaySeptember 6
First Day of School for M, W, F StudentsWednesdaySeptember 7

Visit the St. Francis website to view the monthly Preschool / Pre-K Newsletter.
2016 - 2017 Key Dates      

New Parent SocialFridayAugust 26, 2016
First Day of SchoolMondayAugust 29, 2016
Labor Day HolidayMondaySeptember 5, 2016
Thanksgiving BreakMonday - FridayNovember 21 - 25, 2016
Christmas BreakWednesday - TuesdayDecember 21, 2016 - January 3, 2017
MLK HolidayMondayJanuary 16, 2017
President's Day HolidayMondayFebruary 20, 2017
Easter BreakThursday - Following FridayApril 13 - 21, 2017
Memorial Day HolidayMonday
May 29, 2017
Last Day of SchoolFridayJune 16, 2017


Scrip Summer Schedule:

Order ByReceive On

Please remember our local Scrip retailers:
Blue Agave - $20.00 certificate with a 20% rebate
Cinema City - $7.00 ticket with a 14.35% rebate ($1.00 per ticket)
Keno's - $10.00 certificate with a 10% rebate
Mother's Market - $25.00 card with a 5% rebate
Sushi Noguchi $25.00 certificate with a 10% rebate

You can purchase gift cards / certificates through Shop with Scrip
Caught Being Good

Mackenzie W.
Leilah T.
Amelia A.
Marly B.
Interested in Contributing?      

Please submit articles and announcements for the eNewsletter to  The eNewsletter is sent out weekly on Wednesday evenings.  Articles must be submitted on Monday for Wednesday distribution. I 714-695-3700