Polk County Housing Trust Fund
Issue: September, 2015
See the impact of PCHTF's supportive services funding!
Since 1995, PCHTF has allocated more than $7 million in community dollars for programs serving individuals and families living in affordable housing.  These programs assist people in retaining their housing and moving toward self-sufficiency. Last year, they helped over 4,000 Polk County families.

Funding necessary to support these programs comes from PCHTF's Combined Campaign for Housing.  This annual Campaign to the metro Des Moines business community was started in 1997.  It complements the Trust Fund's work to increase and preserve the affordable housing inventory in Polk County.  One hundred percent of the dollars raised are used to fund programs. Thank you to all of our donors for making these programs possible!

Click here to see the incredible results of last year's funded Supportive Services programs, and find out who was awarded PCHTF funding for the next year!
More Affordable Housing News
Vacant House Becomes a Family Home
Hawthorn Hill transforms donated East Side house
Last winter, Hawthorn Hill received a donated single family home from Wells Fargo. The home which was a foreclosure had been vacant for many months, and was in dire need of major renovations.

Viva East Bank! Celebrates One Year
Coalition invests $9.3 million in three neighborhoods
Viva East Bank!, a coalition of over 30 nonprofit and government organizations including PCHTF, celebrated one year of serving three East Side neighborhoods on August 14. Viva organizations have invested an incredible $9.3 million in these neighborhoods to date. Learn more about their initiatives, including Healthy Homes East Bank, in the Viva blog by clicking below.

Hannah Twaddell Has the Floor
Urban planning expert talks housing in Urbandale
I recently had the privilege of helping to facilitate an intensive, two-day workshop about advancing equitable development with an amazing group of bright, thoughtful, and proactive Urbandale residents, staff, and officials.  Supported by a technical assistance award from the US Environmental Protection Agency Sustainable Communities Building Blocks program, the workshop was preceded by several teleconferences and a detailed self-assessment conducted by a steering committee of community leaders convened by the Polk County Housing Trust Fund.  

Read Hannah's summary of the workshop by clicking below!

Powerful Information
Get on board!
Save the date: our next bus tour will be held October 16 from 9 to 11:30. Come ride the bus with us as we explore affordable housing issues in our area! Watch for more information in next month's eNewsletter.
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Contact Us 108 3rd Street Ste. 350 Des Moines, IA 50309 Phone: (515) 282-3233 Fax: (515) 282-8444

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