Polk County Housing Trust Fund
Issue: November, 2013

Did You Know?

This month's graphic shows the number of additional affordable rental housing units needed in each of the six western Des Moines suburbs to house each community's current renter population.  This chart was created by counting the number of households making under $25,000 and subtracting the number of units that they can afford by paying 30% of their monthly income.  Altogether, an additional 2,225 units are needed in these six communities alone.

We will continue to highlight information like this as part of our monthly eNewsletter thanks to the addition of a new staff member.  After working as a Research Intern for the summer, Josh Hellyer has officially joined the PCHTF staff as the Policy and Communications Coordinator.  Feel free to contact him with any questions about the data presented in this space!

New Housing Solutions
Three-Home Blitz Build on Dean Avenue
Habitat for Humanity to hold dedication November 9
Just a few months ago, the 2400 block of Dean Avenue on the East Side of Des Moines was an abandoned, overgrown parking lot, but through the contributions of Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity's (GDM Habitat) generous partners, sponsors and volunteers, it will soon be home to three families. 

More Affordable Housing News
Fall Bus Tour Goes West
Suburban housing needs addressed in October tour

The last PCHTF Bus Tour of 2013 headed west to tour affordable housing in the metro's western suburbs.  Developments in Urbandale, Johnston, Grimes and West Des Moines were highlighted.  Along with a look at affordable options, the PCHTF offered a look at some sobering data.


"Sleep Under the Stars So Kids Can Reach Them"
Reggie's Sleepout to take place November 16
Reggie's Sleepout, an annual fundraising event for Iowa Homeless Youth Centers, will be held at Drake Stadium on November 16.  You can register to sleep out in the stadium in a box, tent, or sleeping bag, or simply consider donating to this worthy cause.  For more information, or to register or donate, click the link below!

Giovannetti Honored As "Sage Over 70"
Six local leaders to be recognized November 12
E. J. Giovannetti, a former Urbandale mayor and Polk County Supervisor, as well as a former President of the PCHTF Board, has been selected as one of dsm Magazine's six Sages Over 70, along with James A. Autry, Mary Campos, Joy Corning, Robert Larsen, and Neal Smith.  A ceremony honoring these local leaders will be held November 12 from 5 to 7 PM at the Temple for the Performing Arts.

Troy Thompson Has the Floor
Gaining the competitive advantage together

Visitors who come to my office at Bankers Trust see an aerial photo of the farm where I was raised near Renwick in Humboldt County, population 242 at last count.  While Des Moines and area suburbs are significantly larger than my hometown, a life lesson I experienced there was evident during last month's Affordable Housing Bus Tour - We're all in this together. 


Powerful Information
Get on Board!
Come ride the bus with us as we explore affordable housing issues in our area! Our 2014 tours will be held April 18, July 18, and October 17. To register, click HERE.

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Contact Us 108 3rd Street Ste. 350 Des Moines, IA 50309 Phone: (515) 282-3233 Fax: (515) 282-8444

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