Newsletter Title
President's Message
By David Honma, President

At this time, I thank all of you -- our valued Members, Board of Directors, Committee Chairs, Past Presidents and our Executive Assistant, Lei Momi Fujiyama Pillers -- for unconditional support of our chamber.

Reflecting on the past year, I cannot emphasize enough how hard your chamber officers, board of directors, committee chairs, and administration worked to focus and enrich your membership experience, perpetuate our Japanese culture and heritage, and strengthen our relationship with our sister city from Higashi-Hiroshima.

Your chamber sponsored and hosted numerous community events, forums and workshops to enhance membership experience, while supporting the community's best interest. Some of our larger events included our signature Taste of Hilo, popular annual Golf Classic Tournament, State of Agriculture for Hawaii Island workshop, and the County of Hawaii Annual Economic Outlook. Other notable events we promoted included leadership workshops at the University of Hawaii at Hilo and Goji Kara events at Hamakua Springs Farm, Big Island Trading Company, First Hawaiian Bank, and St. Joseph School in support of our member businesses.

To preserve and perpetuate our Japanese culture and heritage, we also endorsed and hosted the following events: First Annual Tanabata Star Festival at Subaru Telescope, Irieto Memorial Service at Alae Cemetery, Japanese Tea Ceremony (Urasenke) at Liliuokalani Gardens, and the "Go For Broke" Exhibit at the Hawaii Japanese Cultural Center. We attended and supported Shinnenkai celebrations for Hui Okinawa Kenjin Kai, Hawaii Shima Fukuoka Kenjin Kai, and held our very own inaugural Shinnenkai celebration at Nani Mau Gardens.

In the past year, along with my wife Victoria, I had the honor and privilege to represent your chamber during the president's annual visit to our sister city, Higashi Hiroshima. During our visit, we participated in many festivities including the Higashi-Hiroshima Chamber of Commerce & Industry ,signatory Sake Festival and numerous tea ceremonies. We also toured many cultural and historical sites including Takehara City, Miyajima Island, and Peace Memorial Park. In summary, our journey to Higashi Hiroshima was truly a once in a lifetime experience.

Looking forward, I assure you that Darren Nishioka, our incoming president, will uphold the culture and values our members expect from their Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hawaii. Both Darren and the chamber can also depend on my unconditional support in the next year and beyond.

In closing, I thank you again for the opportunity to be your 64th President. It has truly been a pleasure to work with all of you, and I encourage your continued enthusiastic support and participation as Darren Nishioka takes over on July 1st.






Sister City of the County of Hawai`i

Yurihama Town, Tottori Prefecture, Japan

By Tommy Goya


 Tommy Goya

Sister City Relationship 

The Sister City relationship with the County of Hawaii and Hawai Cho was established in 1996 by then Mayors Steven Yamashiro of Hawaii County and Masanao Inoue of Hawai Cho. At that time, an additional agreement between the County of Hawaii and the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hawaii was signed designating the Chamber as the host community organization. In 2004, the townships of Hawai Cho, Togo and Tomari were formally merged to become Yurihama. In 1995, a reaffirmation agreement was signed by Hawaii County Mayor Harry Kim and Yurihama Mayor Tsuneo Yamamoto. And in 2013, current Yurihama Mayor Masaichi Miyawaki made an official visit to Hilo. All three of the Yurihama mayors have professed their full commitment to the Sister City relationship and that goodwill will lead to other benefits. They also professed to a strong interest in furthering their knowledge of Hawaiian and Western cultures, and they look forward to annually hosting the Mayor of the County of Hawaii.

Yurihama Background

Yurihama has a population of about 20,000 residents. The town is in Tottori Prefecture and is on the Western shore of the main island of Honshu. The economy is primarily agriculture (featuring premium quality grapes and pears), fishing and tourism (with sandy beaches, a country setting, temples and shrines, gardens, festivals and hot springs resorts). The central attraction is Lake Togo with its natural hot springs. Getting to Yurihama is not easy by land transportation as a bus ride is nearly 5 hours from Osaka's Kansai Airport. Daily flights are available from Tokyo's Haneda Airport to Tottori.

A Hawaiian Festival is held annual in July which features a Hilo-based Halau. This venue provides many opportunities for cultural exchange and hands on arts and craft. There are also wonderful workshops for the youth and the elderly. Chamber
member, Amy Aoyagi, helps coordinate all of these activities. Amy is also the initiator of the Aloha Shirt program in which lightly-used aloha shirts are collected from Japanese Chamber members in Hilo and distributed to Yurihama government employees to wear during the hot and humid summer months. She initiated this program after observing visiting delegations purchase many aloha shirts on their visits to Hilo. Hilo's own Loco Moco is on the menu at some restaurants.

Student Exchange Program

The Hilo Intermediate School Builders Club under the supervision of the East Hawaii Kiwanis Club has been making biennial trips to Yurihama for many years. The students do their own fundraising for their trips. Preparation for this year's October trip includes learning about the background of Yurihama and the culture of Japanese people as well as brushing up on their own family backgrounds and the Hawaiian culture. As ambassadors from Hawaii, they all learn to sing Hawaiian songs and dance the hula. They stay with host families for five days.

Yurihama students also visit Hawaii biennially. We reciprocate the Japanese hospitality with our Aloha hospitality. They are hosted by home-stay families and visit the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Nawahi Charter School, the Mayor's office, as well as island-wide points of interest. They attend our schools and participate in many traditional craft activities. They will be visiting Hilo in July 2016.

Unlike the Hawaii Central School System, their Department of Education is under the jurisdiction of the Yurihama Government and is the primary sponsor of the student visitation program. English as a second language is taught at the middle school level.  


Taiko Lessons

By Mike Miyahira 


I grew up watching Taiko performances at Bon Dances, ceremonial dinners, and various community events. I met Johnny Mori who was formerly with the Asian jazz fusion group, Hiroshima. Besides Hiroshima, Johnny also performed with a Taiko group in Southern California. I've always been fascinated by the rhythmic beats generated by good Taiko performers. So when our Social & Cultural Committee announced the introductory session for Chamber members with Taishoji Taiko, I signed up right away. 

On Monday, May 4, 2015, a group of 15 chamber members met Chad Nakagawa who leads Taishoji Taiko. All of us were curious neophytes, without a clue of what we were in for!

The first thing that struck me about Chad was his truly impressive shoulders and arms that come from a lifetime of Taiko. And he makes beating those drums look so simple and easy. NOT! 

He taught us the proper stance. That's important for balance and making proper contact with the drum, but that was hard on thighs not used to the position. It reminded me of why I don't go the gym anymore.
And how to hold the drum sticks. Not too firmly; not too loosely; but just right! It was like my father trying to teach me to grip my putter for the first time. 

And how to strike the drum. Raised arm, straightened wrists, then drop your arm straight down and strike the drum. Easy, yeah? Try doing that with both arms, rhythmically, for two or three minutes. My left arm didn't want to cooperate beyond the fifth or sixth beat. 

Then came the challenging parts for us newbies; beating the drum according to different rhythms. Whoa, Chad. I just learned how to hit the drum. Now you want me to do rhythms? 

But I have to tell you, it was fun. I hope we do this again, and I hope more chamber members will take advantage of the opportunity to participate in this cultural program.

I attended the recently held Big Island Taiko Festival, and Taishoji Taiko was featured along with five other Taiko groups. I thought I appreciated Taiko before, but now armed with my very limited experience with Taiko, I have a much deeper appreciation for the dedication and training that good Taiko performers have. I wonder if they have a 'makule' program 
for us old people?........


17th Annual

A Taste of Hilo

By Russell Arikawa


It is hard to believe that we're already on our 17th Annual Taste of Hilo! The inaugural event took place in 1999 at the Nani Mau Gardens. Today, the TOH has grown as one of the most popular and anticipated food events in East Hawaii. 

Tri-chairs Ryan Kajikawa, Russell Arikawa and Craig Shiroma, along with their hard working committee, promise another fantastic TOH. We will have over 30 of the finest food and beverage vendors from the Big Island, and this year's featured dish will be fresh Big Island Abalone. This is a must try delicacy that you won't want to miss! 

Mark your calendars! Third Sunday, October 18, 2015, between 1-3pm at the Sangha Hall. You will be treated to mouthwatering, onolicious dishes that you can wash down with cold, refreshing beverages. 

Ticket sales will KICK OFF at our 65th Annual Installation and General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, June 17th at the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel, Moku'Ola Ballroom.
  • $50 pre-sale 
  • $65 at the door (if available). 
The TOH is always a sold out event, so be sure to get tickets early through any committee member or at the JCCIH Office, 934-0177.

Remember...doing what you like is freedom, liking what you do is happiness. What is happiness? Happiness is TOH! 

Arigato gozaimasu.



Creating Effective Mentorship in a Workplace

By Charlene Iboshi


Mentoring in the workplace develops relationships which provide mentors and mentees a "sense of purpose," by understanding the values and mission of the organization and sharing the "nuts and bolts" on how to get things done. Tom Dewitt, Tom DeWitt Ph.D., JCCIH Education Committee member and the UHH Applied Learning Experience director, said during the workshop, "Creating Effective Mentoring Skills in the Workplace," on May 27th Mentoring involves a relationship in which a more experienced and knowledgeable person teaches another. It takes many forms, including one-on-one mentoring, peer mentoring, group mentoring, e-mentoring, and even "reverse mentoring" where a younger person sheds light on his or her generation and skills, including superior technology use.

A generational mix of JCCIH members attended the workshop, including past JCCIH Presidents Tommy Goya and Ivan Nakano. Ivan shared that he works for a five-generation, family-owned business. Audrey Takamine, who works with her husband Craig at Takamine Construction, attended to learn how mentoring could enhance their business.

HPM's Leah Borsting and other participants discovered how "mentoring" improves employee productivity, aids succession planning through generational knowledge transfer, and supports leadership skills.

Interesting facts were provided throughout the workshop. By 2020, 46% of all U.S. workers will be "millennials," those born in the early 1980s to the early 2000s. Mentoring will develop leadership skills of this energetic workforce and aid mployee retention and job satisfaction.  Millennials want guidance through mentoring and regular feedback, according to recent research.

The JCCIH's Educational Committee continues the Leadership Development Series to create productive and profitable businesses and leaders.



Hawaii Community College Updates

By Chancellor Noreen Yamane 

noreenyamane Hawai'i Community College is pleased to be offering a series of non-credit classes in agriculture this summer. Touching on a variety of subjects, the classes are designed to provide training that leads to jobs in agriculture for the unemployed, professional improvement for those already employed in agriculture, and instruction for those who want to work in the agriculture field.

The classes are part of the C3T-1 program that Hawai'i CC and other University of Hawai'i Community Colleges are participating in.

C3T Hawai'i is a $24.6 million grant awarded to the University of Hawai'i Community Colleges through the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration. The grant fuels the development of education and training curriculum and student academic/career coaching, which targets certificate and degree programs specific to the needs of agriculture, energy and health industries. These industry-focused, employer-driven programs are designed to increase college completion rates and provide job opportunities to the C3T participants.

The following agriculture classes are being offered this summer:

* Home and Community Food Security, Friday, June 5 and Friday, July 24. Cost for each one-day class is $59.

* Farm Management, Thursday, 6-8 p.m. and Saturday, 9 am-3:30 pm, June 11-27. Cost: $59.

* Integrated Pest Management, Tuesday, 6-8 pm and Thursday, 9 am-3:30 pm, June 30-July 16. Cost: $59.

* Irrigation Repair and Theory, Thursday, 6-8 pm and Saturday, 9 am-3:30 pm, July 23-Aug.8. Cost: $59.

* Horticultural Operations (HOP), Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9 am-2:30 pm, July 27-Aug. 13. Cost: $67.

For more information on how to register for these classes and about the course contents, contact Linda Burnham Larish, C3T-1 Sustainable Agriculture Coordinator at Hawai`i CC, at 934-2687 or by email

Palamanui a Model of Sustainability

The new Hawai'i Community College - Pulamanui campus is scheduled to open in Fall 2015 in North Kona. This is an exciting development for West Hawai'i because it means that for the first time the community will have permanent facilities for higher education.

One interesting aspect of the new branch campus is the level of sustainability incorporated into the design. Hawai'i Community College - Palamanui has attained a Platinum rating from the Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) program. Platinum is the highest status in the LEED green building program.

The campus attained this status with:

* An on-site Photovoltaic Solar System
*  Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified Wood Products
*   Maximized use of daylight
* Low-emitting paints, adhesives, and other materials
* Design techniques for limiting storm water run-off
* An on-site constructed wetlands wastewater treatment system 
* And more....

The University of Hawai'i system has established a sustainability policy, and Hawai'i Community College - Pālamanui is helping to lead the way.


Aloha and Happy Summer from TMT!

By Sandra Dawson 

Sandra DawsonWith summer upon us, it's a great time to talk about the Akamai Workforce Initiative (AWI), now in its 13th year. TMT is proud to have sponsored this program for five years and to be the major sponsor this year. AWI provides college students with summer projects at observatories and other high tech companies in Hawaii. The goal is to advance local students in the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) workforce and increase participation from underrepresented groups. Akamai uses a unique model that enables the current workforce to train the next generation with the skills to be successful. 

Over the thirteen-year period 265 college students from Hawaii have participated in Akamai. Akamai accepts college students from Hawaii (80% graduated from a Hawaii high school or were born in Hawaii). A key objective is to increase the participation of underrepresented and underserved populations in STEM. So far, the Akamai Workforce Initiative alumni include 41% women, 23% Native Hawaiian, 52% underrepresented minority and 37% from community colleges.

AWI interns get credit from UH Hilo and all begin in Hilo for a preparatory course from June 12-16, before spending seven weeks at intern sites including TMT (Pasadena), Institute for Astronomy (Pukalani), Air Force Research Laboratory (Maui), Cellana (Kona), NELHA (Kona), SMA (Hilo), Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (Pukalani), W.H. Keck Observatory (Waimea), Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (Waimea), Institute for Astronomy (Hilo), Akimeka (Kihei), Subaru (Hilo), Big Island Abalone Farm (Kona), Caltech (Pasadena), and Gemini Observatory (Hilo).

2015 Hawaii Island Akamai Interns 

Hawaii Island 2015 AWI interns include Paul Barnes, Hilo High and attending UH Hilo; Brittany Denzer, Kealakehe High and attending Colorado College; Kapono Gaughen, Kealakehe High and attending UH Manoa; Tuan Giang, Kaiser High and attending UH Hilo; Mickie Hirata, Hawaii Preparatory Academy and attending University of Redlands; Brialyn Onodera, Kamehameha Hawaii and attending UH Manoa; Hannah Twigg-Smith, Hawaii Preparatory Academy and attending Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Luke Van Der Spoel, Kealakehe High and attending Rice University; Alexandra Van Pernis, Hawaii Preparatory Academy and attending Brown University; and Raycen Scott Wong, Waiakea High and attending UH Manoa. 

TMT is honored to continue its major support for this well-developed program, helping Hawaii students achieve success.

OMKM celebrates the resources of Maunakea and our young, local talent  
By  Stephanie Nagata, Director
Office of Mauna Kea Management
Stephanie Nagata 
OMKM believes in nurturing the next generation of resource managers to understand and care for Maunakea. To this end, OMKM offers internships to local students participating in the Pacific Internship Programs for Exploring Science (PIPES). OMKM's Natural Resources team currently includes three former PIPES interns, hired on a fulltime basis upon graduation:

* Jessica Kirkpatrick - Hilo High; B.S. Environmental Science, UH Hilo. As OMKM's first PIPES intern in 2012, Jessica declared that she "fell in love with arthropods, the Wēkiu Bug in particular," and has been working since then as an OMKM Resource Management Assistant. She co-authored the Maunakea Management Board approved Invasive Species Management plan. Jessica will be entering UH Hilo's Fall 2016 Master's cohort in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science on a full Hau'oli Loa Foundation assistantship. Her focus is on Wēkiu Bug habitat restoration and mitigation under the mentorship of UHH Assistant Professor, Dr. Jesse Eiben, and OMKM's Fritz Klasner.

* Amber Stillman - Kamehameha Schools Hawai'i; B.A. Geography and Natural Resources Management, San Diego State University. Amber is our Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Resource Technician, primarily responsible for maintaining our GIS database and developing interactive graphics and maps of Maunakea. Amber designs, develops and drafts content for our outreach displays and is updating interpretive literature. She will also be coordinating OMKM's educational outreach efforts.

* Darcy Yogi - Kamehameha Schools, Kāpalama campus; B.S. Environmental Science, UH Hilo. Darcy previously interned with Mālama Maunalua as a Watershed Coordinator. For her 2014 PIPES internship, Darcy worked with the Hawaii Ant Lab and OMKM on fire ant research. As our newest staff member while Jessica transitions to graduate school, Darcy will assume many of Jessica's duties including arthropod surveys, insect identification, and drafting and implementing standard operating procedures for our Invasive Species Management Plan.

When asked what an 'average day' is like, the team spoke to fulfilling management actions specified by the 2009 Comprehensive Management Plan. This includes crafting Standard Operating Procedures, participating in annual archaeological monitoring, planning and executing arthropod including Wēkiu bug surveys, participating in ongoing natural resources research, data management, running the Maunakea Resource Orientation Program, and writing reports. They also learn and gain experience in routine operating activities such as invasive species monitoring at observatory facilities and equipment deliveries which are components of the 2015 Invasive Species Management Plan. Our team is given opportunities to attend and have presented at professional conferences including the Hawaii Conservation Conference, and national and Pacific Entomological Society meetings.

One of their most rewarding tasks is community outreach. This involves our successful Volunteer Program of 'āhinahina (silversword) outplantings and invasive weed pulls on Maunakea, robotics demonstrations, presentations and interactive booths at local schools and other public events. These kinds of outreach allow OMKM to engage productively and openly with the public. When asked what they most wished for the public to know about OMKM, the team responded with a collective desire for the public to be open-minded, informed and involved for long-term management of Maunakea.

From left to right:
Jessica Kirkpatrick, Darcy Yogi,
and Amber Stillman



By Joji-san

In Hawaii and Japan, Obon is one of the most important Japanese traditions. People believe that their ancestors' spirits come back to their homes to be reunited with their family during Obon and pray for the spirits. Obon is an important family time, and many people return to their hometowns in celebration. 

During this period, people clean their houses and place a variety of food offerings such as rice and fruits to the spirits of ancestors in front of a butsudan (Buddhist altar). Also, Chochin lanterns and arrangements of flower are usually placed next to the butsudan. You can smell the burning of senko incense that fills the air at the Japanese houses and cemeteries.

Another part of the tradition is Toro nagashi (floating lanterns) that is often observed during Obon. Usually, people send off their ancestors' spirits with the lanterns, lit by a candle inside and floated down a river into the ocean. In the recent lantern ceremony in Honolulu, the theme was "Many rivers, One Ocean"!

Along with other events during Obon, is the bon odori (folk dance) which is widely practiced on Obon nights. Variety of styles of dance vary from area to area, usually Japanese taiko drums keep the rhythms. In Hawaii and Japan, people go to their neighborhood bon odori held at parks, gardens, shrines, or temples, wearing yukata (summer kimono) and dance around a yagura stage. Anyone can participate in bon odori, and it is welcome to join the circle and imitate what others are doing.

2015 Obon Service and Dance Schedule on the Big Island


June 13: Obon Festival at Keauhou Shopping Center Kona Hongwanji


June 13: Honomu Henjyoji Mission
June 20: Papaikou Hongwanji
June 27: Honomu Hongwanji
July 3-4: Puna Hongwanji
July 4: Kohala Hongwanji

July 11:Kona Daifukuji Soto Mission

July 11: Paauilo Hongwanji
July 11: Kohala Jodo Mission
July 11: Hilo Meisho-in
July 13: Pahala Hongwanji Mission
July 13: Naalehu Hongwanji

July 17-18: Honpa Hongwanji Hilo Betsuin

July 18: Honokaa Hongwanji

July 18: Keei Buddhist Church (Kona Hongwanji

July 25: Kona Hongwanji
July 25: Papaaloa Hongwanji
July 25: Hilo Hooganji Mission
Aug. 1: Hilo Taishoji Soto Mission
Aug. 1: Hawi Jodo Mission
Aug. 1: Paauilo Kongoji Mission
Aug. 1: Kurtistown Jodo Mission
Aug. 8: Hamakua Jodo Mission

Aug. 8: Kona Koyasan Daishiji Mission

Aug. 14: Life Care Center of Hilo (Hilo Higashi Hongwanji)
Aug. 15: Kamuela Hongwanji

Aug. 15: Hakalau Jodo Mission
Aug. 29: Honohina Hongwanji





Current Benefits for Members


Please check out the current benefits and discounts that you can take advantage of as a JCCIH member!   






Gina Tanouye, Allstate - Speegle Insurance Agency is dedicated to providing outstanding service with Aloha for your auto, home, renters, life insurance and financial service needs. Contact Gina Tanouye at or 969-7767. For every referral the office receives, the member will receive a $10 gift card for allowing them to provide an insurance quote. 



Kagari Fujita, Ph. D, Big Island Wisteria, LLC is offering members translation services of Japanese to English, or English to Japanese at a discounted price. Contact Kagari Fujita at   



Amelia Hayashi, Bob's Jewelers is offering members 30% off watches; 30% off gold jewelry (Po Son Hon collection excluded); and 30% off sterling silver jewelry.  Contact Amelia Hayashi at 935-8434. 


Diann Horita - With an office in Hilo, Eyewear Hilo has been serving Keaau, Papaikou, Kurtistown and Waimea for more than 4 years. Prior to beginning in Dec. 2008, the staff was employed by Eyewear Hawaii, Inc. and that same respected service is found at Eyewear Hilo.  When you desire superior cutting edge lens technology, call Eyewear Hilo at 935-1119. Members will receive a 20% discount. 


Joy Madriaga, Hawaii Petroleum, Inc., HPI offers dependable bulk fuel and lubricant delivery services to all districts of the island.  HPI's proprietary gas card program - Hawaii Fueling Network - provides a convenient, cost saving way for businesses and consumers to fuel. As a member, when you sign up with HFN, you will receive a discount on your gas purchase.  Contact Joy Madriaga at 969-1405 for further questions.  Applications are available at the Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Hawaii.  

Sandy Wilson, Wilson's Trophies, provides awards for sports and academics; signs and banners; corporate awards, gifts & recognition; custom and personalized products (made to order); wood and acrylic crafting (laser engraving and designs); special occasions (Valentine's, Christmas, etc.); jewelry items (earrings, pendants, hair picks and more). Members will receive awards discounts. Contact Sandy Wilson at 969-7077.   




Words of Wisdom 

By Tommy Goya


Tommy Goya


"Plan A should always include Plan B"






back to the top







In This Issue




Officers & Directors  


Executive Officers

David Honma, President

Darren Nishioka, 1st Vice President

Russell Arikawa, 2nd Vice President

Audrey Takamine, 3rd Vice President

Naomi Menor, Japanese Secretary

Donn Mende, Treasurer
Ivan Nakano, Auditor

Carol VanCamp, Immediate-Past President


Directors - term expiring 6/30/15

Barbara Hastings

Randy Kurohara

Amanda Lee

Tracey Miura

Michael Miyahira

Allan Onishi

Debbie Shigehara

Nina Tanabe

Toby Taniguchi


Directors - term expiring 6/30/16
Nobuo Arimoto

Ross Birch

Laurie Correa

Charlene Iboshi

Michael Kaleikini

Ka'iu Kimura

Kimo Lee
Barry Mizuno

Steve Ueda

Nico Verissimo


Directors - term expiring 6/30/17

Jon Arizumi

Tommy Goya

Josie Kiyan

Phoebe Lambeth

Dwayne Mukai

Russell Oda

Joseph Skruch

Arthur Taniguchi

Gina Tanouye

Jere Usui 

Oshirase Newsletter   

Amanda Lee, Editor 
Lei Momi Fujiyama Pillers, Executive Assistant    




Welcome New Members! 


Debra Beaver

One Gallery

186 Kamehameha Ave., Hilo, HI  96720

Ph: 961-2787 Cell: 430-4235 


Jan K. DeLuz 


505 Kilauea Ave., Hilo, HI  96720

Ph: 813-748-8803 


Collin Hashiro

Hawaii Gas

945 Kalanianaole Ave., Hilo, HI  96720

Ph: 933-0071 Cell: 315-0530 Fax: 969-9134 


Debra Ota

Hawaii Gas

945 Kalanianaole Ave., Hilo, HI  96720

Ph: 935-2337Cell: 315-2441 Fax: 969-9134


David Pettie-Jon

Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home

1180 Waianuenue Ave., Hilo, HI  96720

Ph: 961-1500  Fax: 933-1835


Keith Okamoto

County of Hawaii, Department of Water Supply

345 Kekuanaoa St., #20, Hilo, HI  96720

Ph: 961-8050   Cell: 756-3773   Fax: 961-8657 


Kimberly Pua

Wesley R. Segawa & Associates, Inc.

101 Silva St., ste. 201, Hilo, HI  96720

Ph: 935-4677   Fax: 888-880-6307 


William Wilson

Kama'aina Motors, Inc.

400 W. Kawili St., Hilo, HI  96720 



Seniors Helping Seniors 2013-2014

Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home


Kama'aina Motors 




Direct Link 2013-2014


Kama'aina Nissan

Creative Arts 2013-2014


HELCO 2013-2014
Seniors Helping Seniors 2013-2014

Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home


Kama'aina Motors 




Direct Link 2013-2014


Kama'aina Nissan

Creative Arts 2013-2014


HELCO 2013-2014

© Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hawai'i


714 Kanoelehua Avenue
Hilo, Hawai'i 96720-4565
Phone: 808-934-0177
Fax: 808-934-0178 


Visit us at: