Nyack College & Alliance Theological Seminary
Faculty & Staff Achievements | FALL 2015

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Dr. Marie Kenote | Professor of Music, Rockland Campus
1. What brought you to Nyack?
I see God's hand in bringing me to Nyack. I felt called to work on a Doctor of Musical Arts degree that I completed in 2000. Then a position opened in music at Nyack College in 2001, and I see how God prepared me for the job. His timing is perfect!
2. What is your favorite Nyack College experience?
I have many, and to name only one is difficult. Working with our music students on programs to present on and off campus has been one of my goals and joys. We present music to many diverse organizations off campus, including churches, nursing homes, schools, and the Market Street Mission. We are always looking for ways to reach out to the community on and off campus.
I've had life-changing opportunities to travel abroad with our students to minister in music in Poland and Germany (with the Chorale); Hungary (as a leader in two Global Service Learning (GS-L) courses); and Asia (as a leader in the GS-L course). These international experiences with our students were truly life-changing and enlightening.
3. Favorite food:
Lasagna and vanilla ice cream, besides good chocolate and coffee
4. Latest interesting read:
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain. I highly recommend this book about the value of silence and solitude, and how introverts are undervalued and yet offer so much to society.
5. Unknown talent or interesting fact about yourself:
I grew up on a horse farm that was in a small town near the foothills of the Cascade Mountains outside of Seattle. Needless to say, I learned to clean horse stalls at a young age. I enjoy golfing, spending time outdoors, and camping.
6. Anything else you would like to include?
My deepest joy in life is in being a mother and now a grandmother of a nine-month-old baby girl. I see God's heart when I hold her and sing to her. Nothing compares, and I'm very thankful! I'm also thankful for my Lutheran roots and the deep faith of my parents, now in heaven, and their guidance in my life. 
Dr. Marie White | Associate Professor of Education, 
NYC Campus
1. What brought you to Nyack? 
Now that I have been a member of the Nyack faculty for 15 years, I can state without reservation that God ordered the steps that led me to Nyack College in New York City. My desire to live a life that mattered has caused me to spend a great deal of time assessing my self-set goals and those generated by the Holy Spirit. At this time, I can see how my professional goals aligned with God's calling, have led me to work in an institution whose core values are in sync with scripture, and I am living a life that matters.

2. What is your favorite Nyack College/ATS experience?
Just recently I was able to visit an alternative school in Brooklyn, NY where Nyack alumnus Andre Hayes has chosen to work with students who have been suspended from their public schools. Andre was offered several teaching positions upon his graduation from Nyack, however, he chose to work with the students who needed him. Every time I visit a school where our alumni are teaching and loving what Christ would call "the least of these," I am experiencing Simpson's vision for Nyack and our vision for the urban education center.
3. Favorite food: 
Favorite foods are often nutritiously detrimental, and of course we all have that vice. In the moment and for this season, I am constantly craving a coconut cream dessert made by a small shop in Brooklyn (Little Cupcake) that calls to me every time I walk by the coffee/bakery shop.
4. Latest interesting read: 
So much of my reading has been in preparation for research-related work, however, in this season I am reading and listening to Amal and The Night Visitors in anticipation of sharing it with our newly arrived grandson on Christmas Eve, looking forward to the day I can take Parker to live the performance at Lincoln Center.
5. Interesting fact about yourself: 
It is with great excitement that I share that we are never too old to experience new things. I will be part of the Winterim trip to the Philippines 2016 which includes both social work and education students. I am not a world traveler, prefer hotels to dorm-like situations, and enjoy my alone time. Yet, I have not been this excited about an upcoming event for a long time. I am so looking forward to traveling with Dr. Kwi and the students, visiting with our hosts, Rick and Gigi Harner, and experiencing life through the eyes of children who live in poverty in Southeast Asia and those who are there to minister to them.
6. Anything else you would like to include: 
I am encouraged to have two of our alumni enter into the field of research publication with us. Andre Hayes '13 and Maria Angelica Jean-Pierre '10 are both invited participants in book chapters for Dr. Maria DiBenedetto's book on exemplary high school teaching published by SpringerBriefs in Education. Andre will publish his chapter section under the mentorship of Dr. Bembenutty of Queens College, and Angelica will publish her chapter section under the mentorship of myself and Professor Miriam Velez. We are excited to invite two of our alumni into the exciting area of publishing research-based teaching and learning.
Marie White and Maria K. DiBenedetto co-authored a book, Self-Regulation and the Common Core: Application to ELA Standards, published by Routledge in April 2015. "The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts created new challenges for teachers and pre-service instructors. Self-regulated learning, using one's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to reach goals, can help students become independent, self-directed learners. This book provides educators the support they need to apply the principles of self-regulated learning in their teaching for success with the Common Core." To read more about this book, click here.
The New York State Education Department has approved the following new degree programs:
  • BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies
  • BS in Church Management (degree completion)
  • BS in Healthcare Management (degree completion)
  • MA in Biblical Studies (online)
  • MA in Mental Health Counseling (online)
  • MSW in Clinical Social Work 
  • MSW in Leadership in Organizations and Communities
AJCO Grad Program Getting Well-Deserved Recognition!
Nyack's graduate program in Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins is mentioned in a book by Gilbert S. Rosenthal entitled A Jubilee for All Time: The Copernican Revolution in Jewish-Christian RelationsThe author says "...a promising recent initiative at Nyack College (New York) has created the new graduate program in Ancient Judaism & Christian Origins, involving both Jewish and Christian scholars in collaboration. Professor Steven Notley, a former Ph.D. student under David Flusser at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, is the director of this new program at Nyack. This may become a model for other evangelical institutions."
Nyack College Supports the Nyack Hospital Foundation Blow Away Breast Cancer Run/Walk and Takes Home a Win!

Nyack College was a "Mile Marker Sponsor" of the 25th Annual Blow Away Breast Cancer 5K Walk/Run sponsored by The Nyack Hospital Foundation on October 11, 2015. Cross Country Assistant Coaches Joubert Derival and Sharon Fetters represented Nyack at the race. Joubert and Sharon took first and second places in the 20-29 category, respectively, and Joubert finished second overall (17:07) and Sharon finished second overall, women's division (23:14).  
Proceeds from this year's event will be earmarked to Nyack Hospital's October Blow Away Breast Cancer initiative which raises awareness of the disease and helps to provide free breast screenings and services to underserved women in Rockland County at The Breast Center at Nyack Hospital.
Baby Face

Serene Mathew and husband, Robin Jacob-Raju, were blessed with the arrival of baby girl Liana on June 1, 2015. Liana weighed 6 lbs,15 oz.
Shaun Jacobs-Patterson and wife, Sheree, welcomed baby boy Liam Judah on August 12, 2015, who weighed 6 lbs, 10 oz.

Marie Kenote was blessed with a granddaughter, Eden, on February 22, 2015. She is enjoying the blessing of being a grandmother and seeing God's creativity and love!

Jennifer Kimble-Zaghloul
 and husband, Basem, welcomed baby girl Savannah Danielle Kimble Zaghloul on August 26, 2015. Savannah weighed 4 lbs, 13 oz.
Nichole Knott-Craig and husband, Craig, welcomed baby girl Hannah Carris on June 1, 2015.
Cleotha Robertson and wife, Ana Luisa, were blessed with twin babies James and Raquel on July 29, 2015. Raquel was born at 5:13 p.m. and weighed 5 lbs, 4 oz., and James at 6:34 p.m. and weighed 5 lbs, 13 oz.

Andres Valenzuela and wife, Kim, welcomed their second daughter, Neomi Selena, on April 20 at 7:26 p.m. Neomi weighed 7 lbs,9 oz. and measured 21 inches long. Neomi Selena joins big sister Ana Sofia.
Vacation Memories

Len and Janet Kageler enjoyed a long-planned Alaskan cruise with friends in June. Then in August, they camped in the Catskills and, for the first time in five years, had no rain for their entire trip!
Family Matters

Ted Hartlett officiated the weddings of both his daughters this past year. Sarah married Scott Sawyer in Beverly, MA and Christina married Devon Marcinko in Brookfield, CT. Congratulations to the happy couples!
Interesting Reads

Marie Kenote's favorite book this past summer was The Song of the Seed: A Monastic Way of Tending the Soul by Macrina Wiederkehr. 
Keep us in the loop!

Please send your latest achievements including books published, research completed, honors received from professional organizations, fellowships awarded, oversight or development of service- learning projects, and work with community organizations to Erica Videc at [email protected].

Please provide details (who, what, where, when, why) and the significance of news in relationship to our core values, where possible. High resolution digital photos that you can share for publication are welcome. (Please note: copy may be edited for length.)


Don't forget...you're invited to submit information to the "Life After Hours...On My Time Clock" section of Class Act. We want to hear about the books you've read; fun vacations you've taken; cooking/baking skills (share your recipes); family tree updates; good habits; and unknown talents. Share your good news with us!

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Faculty Achievements 

Dr. Amy Davis Abdallah's book, The Book of Womanhood, was published in October 2015 by Wipf and Stock Publishers. "Christian womanhood. What does it mean? When does it happen--at a certain age, status, or maturity? How do we know we're no longer girls? And when we've figured that out, how will others know to call us "woman" rather than "girl"? Christian women don't usually get a rite of passage in which they are named "woman." Seeing this need, Amy Davis Abdallah created such a rite, and this book accompanies it." To read more about this book, click here.
Dr. David Ahn led the first ever student cyber security team in the CyberSEED 2015 Capture the Flag Challenge competition sponsored by Comcast and the University of Connecticut. The Nyack team ranked 14th. About this accomplishment, Dr. Ahn states, "This is a truly remarkable achievement by our computer science seniors and I am so proud of them. The CyberSEED 2015 was their first ever attended cyber-security competition and they ranked high among many well-known cyber-security teams around the country including many prestigious computer science schools from Ivy League and top-notch engineering institutions. The challenge set by Symantec was a very difficult one, but our students were fully engaged in the challenge for two days straight from 9 am until 9 pm each day and they achieved an outstanding result! In fact, this result is an exemplary of what the Nyack College Computer Science program is about: We are small, but produce highly qualified computer scientists!" 

Dr. Fernando Arzola, Jr., contributed a chapter in the Baker Academic text, Youth Ministry in the 21st Century: Five Views. In his piece, "The Ecclesial View," Dr. Arzola examines selected issues of ecclesiology, with special focus on the early Church, and suggests historically orthodox practices that may be implemented in a contemporary youth context. Dr. Arzola has published four books including Exploring Worship: Catholic, Evangelical and Orthodox Perspectives, Toward a Prophetic Youth Ministry: Theory and Praxis in Context, and Evangelical Christian Education: Mid-Twentieth-Century Foundational Texts. For more information on these books, click here. 
Dr. Vilma "Nina" Balmaceda participated in the Sixth Triennial Micah Global Consultation that took place in Lima, Peru on September 14-18, 2015. Micah is a global network that currently links 578 Christian organizations dedicated to pursuing peace, justice, relief, and development around the world. Dr. Balmaceda led a workshop on "Seeking Justice in Contexts of Violence," and moderated an academic debate on the challenges to the terminology and practice of Integral Mission, with the participation of Ms. Deborah Hancox (South Africa); Mr. Marcelo Vargas (Bolivia), Dr. Selena Headley (Canada); and Dr. Johannes Reimer (Germany). 

Dr. Balmaceda was also a featured speaker in September at the forum "A Conversation about Restorative Justice: How Individuals and Communities Can Deal With Violent Crime" at The Nyack Center. Dr. Balmaceda discussed the four basic functions of justice and the role that restorative justice can play in helping individuals, families, and communities affected by crime find healing and prevent further violence.
To read more about Dr. Balmaceda, click here. 
Dr. Gerard Becker was a sponsored participant and presenter at the Great Lakes Conference on Teaching and Learning hosted by Central Michigan University. His presentation was entitled "Creating an Action Learning Environment While Integrating Critical Thinking." He also published two articles: "Threat vectors on privacy: The trail of Digital Identity Crumbs" in the Journal of Strategic and International Studies and "A Case Study: Validating the Organizational Model" in Journal of Academy for Advancement of Business Research. 
Dr. Gordon Boronow presented his teaching model of the economy at the 11th annual meeting of the National Economics Teaching Association Conference in November. His presentation was entitled "Production, Property and Power: A Visual Model of the Semi-Free-Market Economy."

Dr. James Danaher's book,
Jesus' Copernican Revolution: The Revelation of Divine Mercy, is scheduled for publication in March 2016 by Paragon House. Erik Salvesen (NC '11, ATS '15) assisted Jim on this book and is credited on the cover. As stated by bestselling author Ian Morgan Cron, "Warning! Danaher has again written a marvelous, thought- provoking book. Few writers today are able to pen works that consistently delight, inform, and challenge the uninterrogated assumptions of readers both inside and outside of the academy. Danaher is one of them. Highly recommended!" 

Dr. Danaher published an essay, "A Second Innocence," in Oneing: An Alternative Orthodoxy, a bi-annual literary journal of the Rohr Institute.
Dr. Jeffrey Dueck delivered a paper entitled "Intellect and Imagination in Civil Discourse" at the Biola University Center for Christian Thought's 4th Annual Conference. The conference theme was "Intellectual Virtue and Civil Discourse" and featured numerous nationally-renowned scholars and researchers along with scholars-in-residence at the Center.

Dr. Elaine Eng's book, No Worries: Spiritual and Mental Health Counseling for Anxiety, was published in October 2014 by Healthy Life Press. This unique book describes how faith and psychology can be integrated in the treatment of those who suffer with anxiety. It draws upon years of experience helping people with mental conditions including phobias of various kinds, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and other issues including domestic abuse.
Dr. Jeffrey P. Garcia was a lecturer at the second annual Dead Sea Scrolls Seminar hosted by Yeshiva University (YU) in New York in June. The event was held at the YU Museum. The seminar featured lectures from prominent scholars on topics relating to the scrolls, which included 972 documents that survived for over 2,000 years in the Qumran area of Judea until being discovered between 1947 and 1956. They are considered one of the most important archaeological finds of the 20th century.
Dr. Jonathan Gates was selected to participate in "Slave Narratives," a seminar for faculty members co sponsored by The Council of Independent Colleges and the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History held at Yale University in June 2015. This weeklong seminar, led by Dr. David W. Blight, Yale Professor of American History, brought history and literature scholars from across the U.S. to examine antebellum and postbellum narratives. Participants examined an extensive collection of original documents and readings including Frederick Douglass's first autobiography and Harriet Jacobs's account, both pre-war slave narratives, as well as Booker T. Washington's Up From Slavery, the post-war narrative about his triumph over the past and aspirations for a safe and prosperous future. Dr. Gates has been developing a senior English seminar course that will examine some of the works and themes explored at this Institute.
Dr. Stanley John presented a paper entitled "Migrant Vulnerabilities that Shape Migrant Religious Experience" in the Middle East Christianity section at the American Academy of Religion (AAR) meetings held in Atlanta, GA in November. The paper highlights the various ways in which migrant workers experience marginalization while living in Kuwait and how despite these significant areas of vulnerabilities, they practice their faith through both local engagement in the diaspora context as well as transnational mission engagement in the homeland.
Dr. Len Kageler was elected to the executive board of the International Association for the Study of Youth Ministry (IASYM), a not-for-profit global organization that supports and develops the professionalization of youth ministry and youth work around the world. Dr. Kageler will present papers at the IASYM Biennial European Conference (March 30 - April 2, 2016) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and IASYM Sydney 2017: "Personal, Practical and Public: Exploring Dimensions of Youth Ministry" (January 4-7, 2017).
Dr. Daniel Kaluka collaborated with colleagues from the University of Illinois and Albert Einstein College of Medicine on a published article in the journal BBA Bioenergetics, entitled "The two transmembrane helices of CcoP are sufficient for assembly of the cbb3-type heme-copper oxygen reductase from Vibrio cholera." The manuscript took about nine months to complete from initial writing to publication as it engaged a great deal of iterative writing among the authors.
Dr. Marie Kroning had several articles published in 2015, including: "Fostering Soft Skills: A Must for Nurse Leaders Today" in American Nurse Today (February 2015); "Viewpoint: Adding Respect to Freedom of Speech" in American Nurse Today (June 2015); "An interesting assignment to learn about mental illness" in Rehabilitation Nursing Journal (July 2015); and "Are you an evolutionary leader?" in Journal of Nursing Management (August 2015). Dr. Kroning was a presenter at Seton Hall University in April, a reviewer for Nurse Education in Practice, and presented her abstract, "Do We Really Know Who Our Patients Are?" at the Westmoreland Casemanagement and Supports, Inc. (WCSI) 21st International Caritas Consortium in October 2015.
Dr. JungHang Lee conducted research at the Seoul International Christian Academy (SICA), in Korea. He worked with Dr. KyongWon Lee (Principal) and Ms. Lauren Kim (Teacher in Mathematics) to develop teacher education programs.  He is also working with SICA to develop a pre-service teacher internship program. Dr. Lee interviewed North Korean mathematics teachers for his research, and was interviewed by the Institute of Science Education for the Gifted and Talented in Yonsei University.
Dr. Elaine Lux presented an academic paper at an international, interdisciplinary conference held at the University of Paderborn, in Paderborn, Germany, from November 12-14, 2015. Her paper, "Narrativity in Dementia through Fiction: Alice Munro's "The Bear Came over the Mountain," Elie Wiesel's The Forgotten, and Lisa Genova's Still Alice," examined three variegated literary treatments of dementia.
Through preparing for and attending this fascinating conference on the theme of Dementia and Subjectivity: Aesthetic, Literary and Philosophical Perspective, Dr. Lux states, "I discovered a new field of interest for my scholarly work. In addition, I was enriched by the international atmosphere, by hearing others' papers, by being in dialogue with others, and by my own research and writing on the topic. For me, writing to discover and engaging in dialogue are important ways to learn, grow, and remain vital in my teaching and professional life." To read more about Dr. Lux and the conference, click here.
Prof. Brad McDuffie led one of a special series of seminars on important American works of literature at the American Literature Association (ALA) Conference in Boston this past May. His seminar on J. D. Salinger followed up on his groundbreaking critical study of Salinger, "Teaching Salinger's Nine Stories." At the conference, Prof. McDuffie also presented a paper, "Class Dismissed," on Robert Lowell's relationship with Donald Junkins and other poets in Boston in the early 1960s.
Prof. McDuffie's critically reorienting research into the friendship between J. D. Salinger and Ernest Hemingway was recently cited in an article by Nicholas Mills in The Daily Beast.  Mills cites Prof. McDuffie's essays in The Kansas City Star and The Hemingway Review and hyperlinks readers to McDuffie's article in the Star. Click here to read Mills's article.
Dr. Peter Park led the effort to identify all the fish species in Freshkills Park during BioBlitz 2015 (Aug 29-30), hosted by Macaulay Honors College. During a BioBlitz, a team of biologists intensely survey wildlife (e.g., mammals, birds, fish, insects, fungi, plants, microbes) within a designated site for a short duration, usually 24 hours. Bioblitzes involve researchers, students, and the general public working together to identify all species in the location, providing a snapshot of its biodiversity. Freshkills Park (Staten Island, NY) was formerly a large landfill but is now being converted into one of the largest natural parks in NYC. BioBlitz 2015 included over 500 Macaulay Honors College students and 20 biologists from the greater NY area. To read more about BioBlitz 2015, visit the Nyack College Fishing Club Blog.
Dr. Larry Poston published a book review on Ecclesial Identities in a Multi-faith Context: Jesus Truth-Gatherings (Yeshu Satangs) among Hindus and Sikhs in Northwest India by Darren Todd Duerksen in Missiology: An International Review (October 2015). Dr. Poston also published a book review on Death, Resurrection and Human Destiny: Christian and Muslim Perspectives by David Marshall and Lucinda Mosher in Missiology: An International Review.

Dr. James Romaine's Art for Advent videos will be posted on each Sunday in Advent. These videos feature visually beautiful and spiritually powerful paintings of the annunciation by Renaissance artists Fra Angelico, Fra Filippo Lippi, Sandro Botticelli, and Leonardo da Vinci.
Dr. Romaine's review of the exhibition, Flaming June, is published on The Curator, a web-based journal devoted to contemporary culture. This exhibition was on view at the Frick Collection through September 6. Click here to read the review of Flaming June.
Dr. Romaine has published five books, including Art as Spiritual Perception. His current research interest is in visual theology in the art of Vincent van Gogh.
Dr. Elizabeth Simon was selected for a prestigious Fulbright Scholar grant to lecture at the College of Nursing, Choithram Medical Centre and Christian Medical College and Hospital during the 2015-2016 academic year, as announced by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and the United States Department of State. Dr. Simon is one of more than 400 U.S. faculty and professionals who will participate in the Fulbright Specialists Program, which complements the traditional Fulbright Scholar Program and gives individuals an opportunity to support curricular and faculty development and institutional planning at post-secondary academic institutions around the world.
Dr. Simon is an author whose most recent book is Critical Care Practice Guide: A Roadmap for New Graduates and Students (Jones & Bartlett). Her articles in peer reviewed journals and periodicals such as Journal of Christian Nursing, Nursing Journal of India, Nurse Educator, Journal of Nursing Education, and Nurses Mission Voice are also among her published works. She is a regular presenter at conferences and conventions sponsored by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, the International Council of Nurses, the Research Congress of Sigma Theta Tau, Honor Society of Nursing, and the National Association of Indian Nurses of America.
On receiving the Fulbright grant, Dr. Simon commented, "I absolutely marvel at God's favor. I consider this honor a commendation from God for being here at Nyack College, the place He wanted me to be."
Prof. Damien SneedSphinx Medal of Excellence recipient, composer, conductor, producer and multi-genre recording artist, recently joined award-winning opera star Lawrence Brownlee, a top contemporary bel canto tenor in concert, "The Crypt Sessions" at the Church of the Intercession in Harlem, New York.
Damien Sneed also joined Tony Award-winner George Faison as the musical director and conductor for CityParks Foundation's SummerStage production of "The Wiz: A Celebration in Dance and Music" in August. The production featured performers such as Phylicia Rashad, Andre De Shields, and Dee Dee Bridgewater. 
Dr. Lisa Steiner along with four AGSC students (Sarah Zaske, Sabrina Durand, Melanie Molloy, and Rosana Arteta), wrote a 35-page scholarly article based on a research student conducted last fall in an AGSC Research Methods class she taught. The article entitled Effect of Spiritual Well-Being and Spirituality on State and Trait Anxiety was submitted to the Journal of Religion and Health and is awaiting notification of acceptance for publication. 
Dr. Steiner was a guest speaker at a seminar presented by Central Baptist Church and its Health Ministry in May. The seminar was designed to equip pastors, ministry and faith-based organizational leaders to address the growing concerns around mental health.
Dr. Jacqueline Washington was featured in an article, "Idea to Innovation: STEM Education Takes Hold on College Campuses." The feature was written by Joan Reid for The Journal News, July 2015 Education Outlook Higher Education supplement. Dr. Washington spoke openly about how more women and minorities need to be factored into the STEM equation and stated, "Young girls need to understand that they can be both a scientist and a woman. The two are not mutually exclusive. You can't hate math and want to be a nurse. Curriculum needs to be integrated with all subjects. We need to encourage K-12 educators to attend STEM workshops and conferences; and all educators at every level need to be fully engaged in not only their field, but in other disciplines."
Dr. Keyone Kale Yu chaired the session, "Transreligious Encounters in Asia," at the 2015 New York Conference on Asian Studies (NYCAS) at Vassar College. This interdisciplinary conference draws scholars and researchers from around the world to critically examine historical and contemporary issues surrounding Asian studies. Dr. Yu also delivered a paper entitled "Confucianism's Existential Dilemma and Christianity in Korea."
Dr. Yu received Yale Divinity School's The David M. Stowe Fund for Mission Research for 2015. This research fellowship supports visiting scholars in their missions-related research at Yale Divinity Library. Dr. Yu's project considers the relationship between the work of women missionaries affiliated with the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society (WFMS) and nation-building in late nineteenth and early twentieth century, especially as revealed in their focus on collective transformation of Korean society and whose narratives define the Christian identity in gender roles and construction. To read more about Dr. Yu, click here and here.
Staff Achievements
Mr. Earl S. Miller along with his steering committee (Nilda Aragones, Sheila Keen, Adrianne Garcia, and Dustin Hauser) recently hosted a new cohort of professionals in the Leadership Rockland's Multicultural Communities Day. Leadership Rockland offers current and emerging leaders comprehensive exposure to the infrastructure of Rockland County, NY. The ten-month program is a series of 11 daylong sessions engaging men and women employed in business, government, and the not-for-profit sectors.
On Multicultural Communities Day, participants began their tour of the County's diverse populations with a breakfast and seminar at Nyack's Rockland campus. Other tour stops included the Islamic Center of Rockland for a religious community leaders discussion; the U Noodle Snack Bar to discuss immigrant and migrant communities; and the CEJJES Institute, a cultural and education center for a presentation by the Holocaust Museum & Education Center.
Earl also represented Nyack College at Governor Cuomo's meeting in New York where the state's property-tax cap and progress on the Tappan Zee Bridge replacement project were discussed. Rockland campus faculty, staff, and students may have noticed the Governor's helicopter as it was parked on the Warrior's soccer field!
Mr. Ted Hartlett was appointed an elder over Walnut Hill Community Church Bethel, CT (Seymour CT campus). Through this ministry, a men's gathering to strengthen the body was created. Ted will also lead worship on occasion in this role.