Maize USD266 website                           ECC Calendar                           Skyward Family Access

In This Issue
Enrollment 2014-2015
Spring Portraits
Infant/Parent Classes
Parents As Teachers
Facebook and Twitter

Upcoming Events 


March 13: End of Term 3


March 17-21: Spring Break-NO SCHOOL


April 1: Infant Group 10-11am (childcare provided)


April 1: Cookie Bookie-Bunnies 6-7:30 pm


April 10: Pre-K enrollment for New Students 5-8pm

Maize Early Childhood Center
 ECC News
Enrollment for 2014-2015 

If you know of anyone who would like to join us here please pass along this information about enrollment! 

Pre-K enrollment for new students is going on now. Please contact the office if you have questions.

Pre-K program enrollment will be on April 10 from 5-8:00pm

If you are a current student you do not need to re-enroll.


Any questions at all please call the office at 722-3105. 

Spring Portraits

Spring portraits for Pre-K classes were taken on Tuesday, February 18th. Packets with the individual portraits have been sent home and are due back Thursday March 13th. If you wish to purchase any of them please send the money to school. If you do NOT wish to purchase please send the packet with all the portraits back to school and give to your teacher. Thank you for your help in this.

Parent Drop Off/Pick Up
When you are dropping off your child, please park and walk them in holding their hand. If you go through the drop off line be careful on which side you open their door and make sure they make it to the sidewalk. Do not park in the drop off lane. 
If you arrive late to school please make sure you sign in your child at the office. 


Infant/Parent Classes
The last infant/parent class will be on April 1 topic will be "Natural Baby."  Class will be from 10-11am and childcare is provided for older siblings. 

If interested please email Erin Bowen at



  • Don't keep us a secret! 
    Please tell your friends and neighbors about the Parents as Teachers program.  Encourage them to log onto our website to read more about the program.  Encourage them to enroll online now, so that they can attend playgroups and activities, receive home visits and take advantage of this great resource!
  • Bad Weather Cancellations: 
    Parents as Teachers follows the Maize School District schedule when inclement weather/snow days are called.  During bad weather, stay tuned to the local news or check the website.  If the school district cancels classes, all playgroups and home visits are cancelled.  If bad weather occurs on an evening playgroup check, then the early learning programs page for information.
  • Home Visits during the winter:  Please help keep your parent educator safe by clearing the path to your front door and turning on the porch light for
    evening visits

Facebook and Twitter

Join our group "Maize Parents as Teachers and Early Childhood Center" on Facebook! Just search for the group and ask to join. Get updates of activities going on at ECC, free tips and more!  
Follow us on Twitter at maizeecc_pat
 PTO News
Box Tops Battle
Our second Box Top Battle between  classrooms was another HUGE success!  Miss Crystal's AM class won the trophy and a donut/juice party after bringing in over 900 box tops! Overall our school raised over $560 in the spring, bringing our grand total for this school year to $1100!!!  Awesome!  Keep clipping and saving!! 
Labels for Education
Our box top battle also brought in 3,458 points in Labels for Education!!  So amazing. Those points will be used for playground equipment and arts & craft supplies. Thank you so much for taking the time to clip them! 




Maize Early Childhood Center
535 S James
Maize, KS 67101