November 2013
How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses
There is an emerging educational philosophy, one that applies the logic of the digital age to the classroom. That logic is inexorable: Access to a world of infinite information has changed how we communicate, process information, and think. Decentralized systems have proven to be more productive and agile than rigid, top-down ones. Innovation, creativity, and independent thinking are increasingly crucial to the global economy. That's why a new breed of educators, inspired by everything from the Internet to evolutionary psychology, neuroscience, and AI, are inventing radical new ways for children to learn, grow, and thrive. More

Nomination Fees Increase 11/9


This Friday is the last day to nominate your innovative product or service at a reduced rate. Nominate today!

Visit our website to learn about the benefits of winning an Edison Award, and find out how you can nominate your new product or service.

Showcased Nominee of the Week 

NOVAERUS Air Plasma Device


In the weeks leading up to the 2014 Edison Awards, we will be featuring some of our outstanding Nominees in this space.
NOVAERUS is the first and only airborne infection control technology to use cold plasma (which requires no heat to produce under normal atmospheric conditions) to eradicate airborne and surface pathogens. The NOVAERUS system provides significant health and cost benefits to patients and staff at healthcare facilities.

Ten Thinkers Who Are Changing 

Our World

The phones in our pockets and the Web at our fingertips. The way we live, the ways our children learn and the discoveries that make us excited about the days ahead. None materialized out of thin air. Great advances come from great ideas. And great ideas come from great thinkers. More

Enter Our Sweepstakes

Win a St. Louis Cardinals' Rawlings S100� 

Pro Comp™ Batting Helmet


The next-generation Rawlings S100™ Pro Comp - the Official Batting Helmet of Major League Baseball� in 2013 - the only batting helmet designed to withstand a 100 miles per hour ball strike through its aerospace-grade carbon fiber/epoxy resin construction, creating a 30 0% stiffer and 130 times stronger shell than traditional ABS plastic helmets.


Click here to enter our sweepstakes and win your own St. Louis Cardinals' Rawlings S100� Pro Comp™ Batting Helmet!


Edison Awards Call for Speakers
Are you or someone you know interested in presenting on the topics of

Science and Medical, Education or Transportation at the 2014 Edison Awards Conference in San Francisco on April 29-30? If so, please contact info@edisonawards.com

  New Sponsorship Opportunities
Consider some of the new sponsorship opportunities available for the 2014 Edison Awards.  Our event will take place on April 29 and 30, 2014 in San Francisco, where we'll host hundreds of influential innovators, marketers and corporate executives.  You'll get outstanding visibility, recognition and value.  For more information, contact Frank Bonafilia at Fbonafilia@edisonawards.com
Follow us on Twitter, and set your calendar for every Thursday at 3:00pm CDT, when Edison Awards' Social Media Manager, Matt Hensler, will host an online Innovation Chat.

Join us today for The Art & Engineering of Social Entrepreneurship with co-host CBS Eco Media.    
11/14/13      Rotary International
11/21/13      Schlage
12/5/13        Clearpath Robotics
12/12/13      NineSigma
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