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Leadership Compass                                   Fall 2012

In This Issue:
In The News
Featured Leadership Article: Rethinking Group Decision Making
Featured Leadership Workshop: The Art of Participatory Decision Making
Quick Links To Learning
Leadership Thought To Consider

In The News 


David O'Brien to Present The Art of Participatory Decision Making Workshop


As part of David's ongoing partnership with the CT Association of Nonprofits, Center for Professional Development, he will be delivering his very popular The Art of Participatory Decision Making workshop on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at the Hartford office of CAN. In this highly interactive, 3-hour workshop, participants will explore proven tools and actions that help to harness the intellectual capital of their teams. The 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon workshop is open to the public but registration is required. This workshop has been approved for 2.75 HRCI credits. For more information or to register for this workshop, please visit CAN online by clicking here.

David O'Brien to Present "Unlocking Your Full Leadership Capacity" at Annual Conference


David O'Brien will be one of the featured speakers at the 10th annual Nonprofit Conference in New Haven, CT on November 19, 2012.  He will be delivering a 90-minute version of his Unlocking Your Full Leadership Capacity workshop. The interactive presentation explores proven strategies for helping leaders and teams to uncover and seize the role model opportunity in and out of work. The conference is open to the public but registration is required. For more information or to register for the conference, please visit CAN online by clicking here.


David O'Brien to be Featured Guest on Walking In Destiny Radio Show  


David O'Brien will be the featured guest on the December 14, 2012 broadcast of the Walking In Destiny internet radio show with Host Benecia Ponder. The 45-minute interview will begin at 12:00 p.m. EST and will include an interactive segment where David will take questions from listeners. David's topic for the show will be Leading From The Inside Out. Listeners can tune-in here.


Dear Friends,


Welcome to another edition of the Leadership Compass. In this issue, you will find a range of ideas and resources that reflect my observations about the current state of leadership. While employee engagement continues to be a central theme in my conversations with leaders, effective group decision making appears to be on the minds of many leaders too. I hope the following information and observations serve you well on your leadership journey. 

Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and may you find the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Choose to Navigate,

Dave O'Brien

Featured Leadership Article:

Rethinking Group Decision Making 


Group Decision MakingThe value of effective group decision making has been known for a long time. Yet with few exceptions, most leaders and teams today fall short of recognizing the full range of benefits associated with participatory decision making. All too often, the fastest thinkers or most vocal among the team drive to a decision point that at the least leaves many valuable insights or perspectives off the table. At its most damaging level, others are left wondering why they even attempted to offer their opinion. To be sure, these scenarios play-out countless times every day and in their wake are capable team members whose motivation may well be diminished.


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Featured Leadership Workshop:

The Art of Participatory

Participatory Decision MakingDecision Making

Often, a key differentiating factor in the success of an organization is not just its products or services or market share but its ability to elicit, harness and focus the vast intellectual capital and goodwill of its employees. With increased productivity a daily task and the constantly accelerating demand to do more with less a commonplace in today's workplace, leaders must employ a wide range of techniques for maximizing the participatory decision making process. In this highly interactive three-hour workshop, participants explore proven tools and actions that help to harness the intellectual capital of their teams.

For the Full Course Description of this workshop, please click here.

Learning Key Quick Links To Learning

Link # One: "Leadership Listening & The
4 Most Important Words" - Tom Peters


Considered by many as one of the great leadership thinkers of our time, Tom Peters reminds of us of the four most important words of leadership while also presenting a powerful insight about leadership listening. Just over 2 minutes in length, this video clip should be viewed at least once per month to help maximize team potential and contribution. Please click here to watch the video.

Link # Two: "Social Intelligence & Leadership" - Daniel Goleman
Emotional Intelligence pioneer and prolific writer Daniel Goleman discusses his latest thinking on EI and its link to leadership success. Just over 10 minutes in length, this video of a recent Harvard Business Review interview offers many important insights for leaders to consider. Please click here to watch the video.

Link # Three: WorkChoice Solutions Learning Resources 

In continuing our commitment to leadership development, we have added new content to the Learning Resources link on the WorkChoice Solutions web site. Within the link, you will find a wide range of complimentary leadership assessments, power point slides and a variety of leadership articles. Please click here for Learning Resources.

Thought To ConsiderLeadership Thought To Consider


"A team's level of discretionary effort is inversely proportionate to the leader's need to be important and right."   -- David O'Brien 

Leadership Suggestion: Consider what this quote means in your world of work and in your role as a leader. Also try to uncover the leadership opportunity that it presents.


Three Questions Worth Considering:

  1. Speaker SolutionsDo you need a high impact / high content speaker for your next off-site event or conference?
  2. Is there a high potential employee on your team that struggles with public speaking?
  3. Could other people in your organization improve their
    public speaking effectiveness?

If you answered yes to any of these questions,
please click here to learn more about Speaker Solutions.

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