VBC Logo
In This Issue (*indicates new or updated article)
*All Saints Service
*Join Us Each Sunday
City Gate
Family Friendly Events
*Church Council
*Thank You
*Deacon Team G Lunch
Special Guest Musicians
Engaging with Aging
Meeting Minutes
Quick Links

Our Children's Ministry 
Many thanks to our members who help with our Children's Ministries each week.

Megan Pauley, Sara Keys, and Janet Ford

Children's Worship: 
Pat Aprahamian and Bryan Kline

Weekly Email Information
The VBC weekly email is sent on Wednesdays.
The deadline to submit an article for the weekly email is Tuesday at noon.
The prayer concerns are sent in a separate email each week to those subscribed to the prayer concerns list. Click Update Profile/Email address at the bottom of this email to subscribe.
Opportunities for Discipleship


October 15, 2014 

All Saints Service
This Sunday, we will hold the annual All Saints observance during the worship service. If you have a loved one who has passed away during the past year (October 27, 2013 - present), please let us know in the church office by tomorrow at 5 p.m. so that we may add the names to the Time of Remembrance during the service. 
Join us each Sunday at VBC


8:45 a.m. Intercessory Prayer


9:30 a.m.  Join us for Bible study classes offered for all ages.

11:00 a.m. 
Join us as we worship God together. 

Sunday, October 26
All Saints Sunday
Pastor Austin Almaguer, preaching
Please join us for this very special service as we honor and remember those who have gone before us. 

Sunday, October 26
Installation Sunday
Rev. Dr. Randy Ashcraft, preaching
Please join us as we celebrate the installation of Austin Almaguer as Pastor of Vienna Baptist Church.

Installation of Pastor Austin

Vienna Baptist Church cordially invites you to the installation of Austin Almaguer as Pastor during the worship service on Sunday, November 2, at 11:00 a.m., with a luncheon to follow. If you will be attending the luncheon, please RSVP by clicking below or calling the church office by Wednesday, October 29. All are invited.

RSVP for the Luncheon by October 29, by clicking here.

Special Covenant Signing

During the service on November 2, we will have a portion of the service dedicated to the signing of the Church Covenant. At that time, members of Vienna Baptist Church who have not had an opportunity to sign the book will be invited to come forward at that time. Additionally, if you wish to make public your decision to join Vienna Baptist Church as a member, you will be invited to place your names in the Book of Covenant at this time.

City Gate Visit

Our next City Gate visit to Richardson Dwellings will be on Saturday, October 25. We will meet at Vienna Baptist at 10 a.m. to travel together and return no later than 2 p.m. Bring some cookies and fruit to share, and gently used clothing items you may wish to donate.

Many thanks to those who replaced the basketball goal last August. Hooray! Thanks to Chris Thomas, Pat McDermott, and Jerry West and company. Apparently, they not only replaced the backboard and post but also, and more significantly, got the community out together to help with the effort.  

If you can make it to the visit on the 25th and are able to drive, please let either Chris Thomas, Pat McDermott, or Jerry West know as soon as possible.   
Family Friendly Events in October!

Fall Festival & 
Wear your costume for games, prizes, food, and fun on the VBC playground on Sunday, Oct. 26 from 3-5 pm! Decorate your car and hand out treats to the children for Trunk-or-Treat in the parking lot! Invite your friends, family, and neighbors! Donations will be gladly received at the festival and
go towards the VBC youth mission project to purchase items for the DC children served by the City Gate organization. Ways to help include handing out treats during Trunk-or-Treat or donating cupcakes, juice boxes, soft drinks, and bottled water. For more information, contact Ginny Richardson in the church office.

Halloween Parade
Children and their parents are invited to come and walk with us in the Annual Town of Vienna
Halloween Parade on Wednesday, October 29 at 7pm. Children wear costumes - and parents can too! The group will meet up at 6:30pm behind the Virginia Commerce Bank (corner of 274 Maple Avenue NE and Branch Road) - look for the VBC and VBCC banner! Contact Ginny Richardson for more information on this event.
Church Council Meeting

There will be a Church Council meeting on Monday, October 27 at 7 p.m. in the Adult Lounge. All members of the church are welcome to attend. If you have any items for the agenda, please send them to James Rouse

Bye Bye Junk!

What do you get when you match 14 hardy and willing souls with tired, dirty, broken, unused, dilapidated, out-of-date, threadbare, or just plain "grimy after 20 years in a corner" stuff? You get a dumpster full!


That's just what Vienna Baptist Church got after a 3 � hour Clean-Out Day on Saturday. What an improvement inside and outside the church!


A huge thanks to the following people who gave up their Saturday morning - Austin Alamguer, Pat Aprahamian, Turner Bridgforth, John Campbell, Judy Campbell, Harry Dorcus, Audrey Grena, Bob Grena, Donna Hall, Ward Kay, Jean Matthews, John Muse, Wolfie Scherer and Betsy Tharrington. Thanks also to those who cleaned out their areas ahead of time - Lynn Collins, CJ Redden-Liotta and Ginny Richardson.


With appreciation to VBCC who partnered with us by identifying their items that "needed to go" and to the generosity of Emily Miller and her family for the purchase of new chairs for room 219 (currently used by the Missions Committee and as pastoral counseling waiting room).


We are also most grateful to Mary and Tom Johnson who arranged for the dumpster delivery/pickup and to American Disposal Services for providing prompt, efficient and friendly service.


Let us continue working together in this spirit to keep our church beautiful and neat as we use it in service to God.
Deacon Team G Luncheon

Deacon Team G will host a luncheon after worship in the Adult Lounge on Sunday, November 9, for all families and individuals whose deacon is John Campbell, Harry and Debbie Dorcus, Linda Gooding, Andrea Harvey, Rob and Debby Ruth, Joyce Salgado, Sally Reno, or Gaye Wymer. Please RSVP to your deacon by November 2. We hope to see you there!

Vienna CROP Hunger Walk 


On November 9, 2014, we will gather with relatives and friends on the Vienna Town Green for the annual CROP walk.  To register on line go to www.cropwalk.org, click on Virginia, to Vienna and follow the directions. (list your sponsor as Vienna Baptist Church or VBCC). Then, collect donations from family & friends to place in your registration envelope, which you can bring and deliver at the registration desk at Vienna Presbyterian Church on November 9), or simply register the day of the walk. If you write a check, write "Vienna Baptist" in the memo line. The Vienna Crop Walk has a goal to raise $40,000 this year, and we'd like the VBC/VBCC portion of that to be at least $2000! Make sure you identify yourself being from Vienna Baptist/VBCC.


Of the total we raise, 25% stays local with CHO (Committee for Helping Others). The balance is used mostly in the U.S. for emergencies such as hurricanes, tornadoes, fire, flood, etc... Other special ways to donate directly will be on flyers in the church foyer (near the TV), as well as a box for donations. On November 5, there will be a special day of shopping at Whole Foods in Vienna, with 5% of their total proceeds for the day donated to the Vienna CROP Walk. Restaurants are participating and we will have fliers displayed when available. Be sure to stop in the foyer and pick up a CROP Walk information brochure. For questions, contact Claire Davis. 

St. Petersburg Men's Ensemble to Visit Vienna Baptist in November

On November 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the Worship Room, Vienna Baptist Church is pleased to present the St. Petersburg Men's Ensemble, a quartet of singers who travel the world performing Russian sacred and traditional folk music. Admission at the door is only $15 for adults, $10 for students and seniors.

In addition to their performance, our guest performers are requesting host housing during their stay here in Vienna on the 13th and 14th of November. If you are able to host one or more of the gentlemen (who all speak English), please contact CJ Redden-Liotta. 
Engaging With Aging

Vienna Presbyterian Church, 124 Park St NE, is hosting interesting and relevant seminars for Senior AdultsTuesday, October 28, 9:30am-2:30pm. Topics to choose from include: Medicare/Medicaid. Caring for an Aging Relative. Creating a Personal Medical Record. Financial Planning for Retirement. Down-sizing/Organizing. Preparing for the Death of a Loved One. Cost: only $10/person. Includes Lunch. Local businesses and agencies serving the needs of the Elderly will be on-site during the day to share resources and information. For more information and to register, go to viennapres.org/seniorsweek. Or call Charles Geschiere at 703-938-9050, x-151. Deadline to register is October 26.

Meeting Minutes


On August 17, the congregation voted to accept the Pastor Search Team's recommended candidate, Austin Almaguer, as senior pastor. Click here to read the minutes of the meeting.


The minutes of the July Church and Budget Council meeting

are attached here.


The congregation met on September 28 for a scheduled business meeting. Read the minutes of the meeting here.

Vienna Baptist Church is affiliated with the American Baptist Churches/USA,
the Alliance of Baptists, the Baptist General Association of Virginia,
and the Baptist World Alliance.