Solstice Greetings
Dear Spiritual Partners,


May you and your families and friends have a deep and meaningful Solstice!


May your relationships with them become spiritual partnerships.


This is the day that the long count Mayan calendar comes to an end, and some people believe the world will end. The Mayans say this perspective of their ancient system of time keeping is nonsensical and non-Mayan.


I learned this unmistakably because of an error I made in the last Soul Connections newsletter. I wrote that "the Mayans ended long ago." I meant to write that "the Mayan civilization that produced this calendar ended long ago." The next day some of my Mayan relatives reminded me that there are seven million Mayans in Southern Mexico and northern Central America.


I immediately called my adopted Sioux brother, Chief Phil Lane, Jr., to ask about correcting this error, which in my mind was disrespectful to my Mayan relatives. I found him in Los Angeles (he lives in Canada) where he was attending the World Premiere of a movie about Mayans!


I want to share this movie, which is called Shift of the Ages, with you. It features the Mayan Grand Elder, Wakatel Utiw, which means "Wandering Wolf" in his native language.   Wandering Wolf, who is 82, came from Guatemala to Los Angeles to bless the film. It also includes Mayan Grandmother Elizabeth Araujo and Phil.


Shift of the Ages was scheduled to premiere in Los Angeles and online from December 14 until today - the date the Mayan calendar ends. Yesterday the elders asked the producer to extend the opportunity for donation-based viewing as a tribute to the children who lost their lives, not only recently in the Newtown violence in the US, but also the children who suffer and die daily around the world.

 As a result, you can view the Shift of the Ages from any internet-connected computer until January 15 by clicking this link:

 Shift of the Ages 


This movie shows the wisdom and strength of the Mayan culture, and how it is especially supporting us now in powerful, tender, and loving ways. Be sure to watch for Phil. He is powerful in a good way and easy to recognize.  


You can visit his Four Worlds International Institute at:  


I sincerely apologize to my Maya relatives and to everyone who read my incorrect information. I am grateful for the love they showed by correcting my error, which in turn, has allowed me to share this wonderful information with you.  


Click here for a Video Solstice Greeting from Linda and me.

Joyful Solstice!  


