The Voice Online of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark
Online Edition - Thursday, January 14, 2016

MLK Day Episcopal House will be closed next Monday, January 18 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Almighty God, by the hand of Moses your servant you led your people out of slavery, and made them free at last: Grant that your Church, following the example of your prophet Martin Luther King, may resist oppression in the name of your love, and may secure for all your children the blessed liberty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

From the Bishop
Epiphany The Bishop's Blog: Signs of God's Grace
Epiphany, signs - and guns
Epiphany is a season when we are invited to see things that we are not supposed to be able to see. To see things that require our imagination and invite us to suspend what we know about how the world works. The stories of Epiphany are filled with fantastic showings or manifestations - epiphanies of God's presence. The season begins with the story of a star moving across the sky, and ends with a story of Jesus being lit up like a star at the Transfiguration. This last Sunday the story was not of light, but about a voice - coming down from heaven telling Jesus that he was beloved by God.

Jesus spent the bulk of his three-year ministry conveying to people in a variety of ways that they, too, were beloved of God - and that they too should be bearers of that same message and light- that people are beloved of and blessed by God.

This year, on the eve of Epiphany, President Obama suspended the current culture of politics as we know it. Brushing away tears brought on by the memory of gun violence victims, he announced executive actions aimed at reducing gun violence - and side-stepping a gridlocked Congress. Read more.
Engaging the World
Episcopal House Staff Opening: Hispanic/Latino Missioner
Episcopal House This part-time position (25 hours/week) is responsible for advocacy and for oversight of Hispanic/Latino ministry in the Diocese of Newark. The Hispanic/Latino Missioner will work with the Bishop, diocesan staff, clergy, congregations and diocesan organizations to promote, encourage, create, enhance, and develop opportunities for ministry among people of Hispanic and Latino cultural backgrounds in their communities and unique missional contexts, and to initiate, promote, carry out, and maintain these mission/ministry initiatives. Applications must be received by March 15. Find out more.
Equipping Congregations
"Geeks for God" blog post by Jan Paxton
Optimize images for your church's Facebook page
For your church's Facebook page, you just upload the photos from your phone, right? No problem! But wait - you may not get the results you anticipate. It is helpful to have some information about how Facebook formats your images. Read more.

Churches can apply now for these diocesan grants

Ward J. Herbert Fund
Provides funds for buildings that are used for congregational functions. There are three funding cycles each year, with funds being dispersed in June, September and December.
Application deadline for June 2016 grants: Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Find out more, and download the Ward J. Herbert grant application
Funds Church program proposals. There is one funding cycle each year.
Application deadline for 2016 grants: Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Find out more, and download the ACTS/VIM grant application

Marge Christie Congregational Growth and Vitality Fund
Provides funds for the support, strengthening, development and renewal of our congregations' mission and ministry. There is one funding cycle each year.
Application deadline for 2016 grants: Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Find out more, and download the Marge Christie Fund grant application

Empowering People
Pat Moulton
"Senior Moments" column by Pat Moulton
Movement matters
Someone once said, "Resting is rusting." As we mature, an active lifestyle is more important than ever. Staying active, both mentally and physically, works wonders. It will help boost energy, maintain our independence, and manage symptoms of illness or pain. Staying active can even reverse some of the symptom of aging. Whether we are generally healthy, or are managing an illness, there are plenty of ways for us to get more active, improve confidence, and boost our fitness.

Read more, and learn about Senior Ministries' Convention workshop, Senior Strength: Movement Matters, on January 29.

In the News
Louri Crew Clay and Ernest Clay
The Anniston (Alabama) Star
After 40 years, Anniston native finds acceptance
Some people spend their entire lives running away from the person they were supposed to be. For Anniston native Louie Crew Clay, that identity was rooted in the church. But as a man who found himself attracted to other men, it was hard for him to find a place in a world that seemed programmed to follow another doctrine. Go to the full article >>

FiOS1 News video
Celebrating Christmas Mass in Newark
FiOS1 News' Nick Delgado meets parishioners at Grace Church in Newark. With interviews with the Rev. Brent Bates, Rector, and Jim Hopkins, Director of Music. Video length: 1:46. Go to the video >>
Upcoming Events
Friday, February 5 - Sunday, February 7
Happening #28 - registration now open!
Happening Happening - A Christian Experience is a fabulous program for youth in grades 9-12 to make new friends, relax and have lots of fun in a safe environment while exploring their own spirituality.

For youth registrations made by the "early-bird" deadline of January 21, the discounted registration fee is $60 per youth. The full registration fee of $72 per youth will be charged for youth registrations made January 22-28. Scholarships are available.

Find out more, including registration forms for youth participants and adult chaperones.

Confirmation Retreats
Confirmation Retreats - register early for a discount
The Bishop strongly urges everyone preparing for Confirmation, Reception or Reaffirmation of their baptismal vows this spring to attend a Confirmation Retreat, and three retreats are being provided in March and early April. Discounted early-bird registration is currently available for all three, but will begin to expire in February. Once a retreat's early-bird deadline passes, registrants will have to pay full price. Don't wait - register now! Find out more.
Cross Roads Camp
Friday, January 22 - Sunday, January 24
"Framily" Retreat at Cross Roads
Framily = Friends + Family! You're invited to Cross Roads for their First Annual Framily Weekend to experience camp, grow in faith, and connect with Christ in a new way. Find out more - and also check out Cross Roads' new website!

Diocese of New York Friday, January 29 & Saturday, January 30
Anti-Racism Dialogues hosted by the Diocese of New York
Those not attending our Annual Diocesan Convention this same weekend, who would like to take Anti-Racism Training, may wish to consider this workshop, which will fulfill our diocesan requirements. Find out more.
Absalom Jones
Sunday, February 21, 3 PM
Public celebration of the Feast of Absalom Jones
The Diocese of Newark Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians will celebrate the life and ministry of the Rev. Absalom Jones, the first person of African descent ordained a deacon and priest in the Episcopal Church, at a service at Trinity & St. Philip's Cathedral in Newark. Find out more.

News from
Episcopal House
Nina Nicholson
Submit your news to The VOICE Online
The next issue of The VOICE Online will be published on Thursday, January 28.
If you would like to submit a feature article, or a link to media coverage about your church, please submit it for consideration to Nina Nicholson, Director of Communications & Technology, no later than Friday, January 22.
Paul Shackford
Online filing now open for 2015 Parochial Reports
Online filing for 2015 Parochial Reports began January 4; the deadline is Tuesday, March 1. The workbooks for assistance in filing the report are available online. "Churches that complete the Reports in January and February find that the reports are much easier to complete than when they wait longer," said Paul Shackford, diocesan CFO. Find out more.
Clergy ministry transitions
The Rev. Canon Gregory A. Jacobs The Rev. Canon Gregory A. Jacobs, Canon to the Ordinary, announces the following;

  • The Rev. Gary Commins, Priest-in-Charge, Church of the Incarnation, Jersey City - February 7, 2016
  • The Rev. C. Melissa Hall, from Interim to Rector, St. James, Upper Montclair - February 1, 2016
  • The Rev. Petero Sabune, Interim Priest, Trinity & St. Philip's Cathedral, Newark - January 17, 2016
  • The Rev. Anne Bolles-Beaven, Priest-in-Residence, Church of the Holy Innocents, West Orange - January 1, 2016
  • The Rev. Fain Webb, Priest-in-Residence, St. Dunstan's Church, Succasunna - November 29, 2015
  • The Rev. Briggett J. Keith, Rector, Holy Trinity Church, Hillsdale - June 30, 2016
See all clergy ministry transitions in 2015 and 2016.

Open clergy positions
  • St. Mary's, Sparta - full-time rector
  • St. Peter's, Morristown - full-time priest associate
142nd Annual Convention_ Who is my neighbor_
15 days to Convention - final deadlines
Michael Francaviglia
TODAY is the final deadline to make room reservations at the Parsippany Hilton.

Friday, January 22 is the final deadline for late nominations for elections.

Wednesday, January 27 is the final deadline to submit video announcements.
Pre-Convention Meeting videos & materials
Last Saturday, January 9, a Pre-Convention Meeting was held at Grace Church in Madison. This will be the only "in-person" Pre-Convention Meeting held before this year's Convention.

For Convention deputies who could not attend the Pre-Convention Meeting -- or for anyone who is interested in the issues to be addressed at Convention -- videos of the presentations have been posted online, along with downloadable copies of any related materials:

Opening Remarks by Bishop Mark Beckwith

Missional Update by the Rev. Ginny Dinsmore, Coordinator for Missional Church Strategy

Proposed 2016 Budget by Paul Shackford, Chief Financial Officer

Resolutions Proposed to Convention by Patrice Henderson and the Rev. Joseph Harmon, Co-Chairs of the Resolutions Committee

What to Expect at Convention by Michael Francaviglia, Assistant Secretary of Convention


The VOICE Online is a bi-weekly publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark with news, events and feature articles of interest to members and friends of our diocese. 


Questions? Please contact Nina Nicholson, Director of Communications & Technology, 973-430-9907.


Contact Episcopal House: 31 Mulberry Street, Newark NJ 07102 | 973-430-9900 | Staff Directory


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