The Voice Online of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark
Online Edition - Thursday, December 10, 2015

From the Bishop
The Bishop's Blog: Signs of God's Grace
Scapegoating never works
Posted by the Rt. Rev. Mark Beckwith on December 10, 2015
Scapegoating never works

In recent days there has been enormous public expression to "other" Muslims - to render them suspect, foreign, alien. We need to remember, and honor, the fact that Christianity and Islam are branches from the same religious root. Muslims are our brothers and sisters in the Abrahamic faith.

We have seen this before. At various points in history, public sentiment has scapegoated Jews, people of color, gays and lesbians, Roma, Japanese, Hutus, Tutsis, Serbs, Croatians and on and on and on. Not to mention Christians. Read more.
Engaging the World
$171,000 in 2015 Alleluia Fund Grants

2015 Alleluia Fund grants
Last night, Diocesan Council ratified the Alleluia Fund grant board's recommendation to award a total of $171,000 in grants to 42 programs.

You can still support our Alleluia Fund partners this year! Your gift received by December 31, 2015 will be distributed to these organizations doing God's work in the world. If you haven't already, please consider making a tax-deductible gift today.

Our 2015 Alleluia Fund partners are: read more.
Upcoming Event
Cathedral invites congregations to join in Memorials to the Lost
This Sunday, December 13, 3 PM at Trinity & St. Philip's Cathedral, Newark 

Memorials to the Lost All who are concerned about the epidemic of gun violence in our country are invited to join with the Cathedral of Trinity and St. Philip's in Memorials to the Lost.

This publicly visible statement, planned to coincide with the national Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath Weekend, will take the form of T-shirts bearing the names of community members lost to gun violence, hung along the Cathedral's iron fence on Broad Street, and will culminate in a Service of Lessons and Carols in which traditional Advent lessons will combine with contemporary readings on the impact of violence.

Bryan Miller, the originator of Memorials to the Lost, will be the featured speaker, and will be joined by local officials in law enforcement and corrections in solidarity with the message of heightened awareness. Find out more.
In the News
Religious leaders call on N.J. to welcome Syrian refugees

Bishop Mark Beckwith [The Record] A coalition of Muslim, Christian and Jewish leaders on Tuesday called on New Jersey to welcome Syrian refugees, part of a growing interfaith movement that is gaining traction to counter escalating anti-Muslim rhetoric in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks.

Bishop Mark Beckwith of the Newark Episcopal Diocese and other members of the New Jersey Coalition of Religious Leaders signed a statement making a pointed reference to the power of religious voters, apparently directed at Gov. Christie and other political leaders who have attempted to block the refugees. Read more.
In the News
100 N.J. religious leaders to Christie: Follow your faith, accept Syrian refugees

DeSmith_ Poppe_ Wilson
[] Nearly 100 New Jersey religious leaders have signed a letter urging Gov. Chris Christie as "a man of faith" to reconsider his widely-publicized statements that the nation refuse all Syrian refugees, even "orphans under age 5."

Signers include the Rev. David DeSmith of St. David's Church, Kinnelon; the Rev. Bernard Poppe of St. George's Church, Maplewood; and the Rev. Canon Dr. Sandye Wilson of St. Andrew and Holy Communion, South Orange. Read more.

Related: Resources for refugee advocacy and support
Visit for resources to help congregations advocate for Syrian refugees, including webinars, information on contacting your Representative, Senators and Governor, and more.

Also, the Board of the United Thank Offering has presented a challenge to The Episcopal Church to benefit a special grant of $30,000 for Episcopal Migration Ministries. Deemed
Advent: Journey from Gratitude to Hope, the United Thank Offering board is challenging Episcopalians to support refugee welcome in the United States through its 2015 Ingathering Challenge. Find out more.

In the News
'We've had enough!' - pastors say Jersey City is 'in a crisis' over violence

[The Jersey Journal] Enough.

That was the message a group of nearly three dozen religious and community leaders sent today about the violence that has plagued Jersey City's southern neighborhoods in the last two months.

The Rev. Thomas Murphy of St. Paul's in Bergen, Jersey City and the Rev. Laurie Wurm of Grace Church Van Vorst in Jersey City are among the leaders of Jersey City Together, a coalition of leaders from more than 30 Jersey City congregations focused on public safety, education, and housing and homelessness. Read more.
In the News
Ridgewood churches help families get back on track

[The Ridgewood News] During the holiday season, we sometimes need a reminder of the basic gifts we are lucky to have - food, water, family and a safe home with a warm bed in which to sleep. Such is the role of Family Promise of Bergen County, which works with local churches to provide housing for temporarily homeless families and has a robust presence in the village. Over on Cottage Place, Christ Episcopal Church is getting ready to host its next round of families on Nov. 29. Read more.
Equipping Congregations
"Geeks for God" Blog
Spiffing up your church's communications for Christmas
Posted by Nina Nicholson on December 8, 2015

Spiffing up your church_s communications for ChristmasChristmas is coming, along with many occasional or even first-time visitors to your church, and you want to make sure your church's communications are the best they can be. Luckily, the Geeks have you covered - just check out these past blog posts about websites, social media, photography and videography. Read more.

Resources from the Liturgy & Music Commission

Advent - Suggestions for Congregations to Recognize the Winter Solstice (December 21)

Empowering People
"Senior Moments" Column
Grief... grieving... loss: One person's journey
By Leah Johnston-Rowbotham, MS, APRN

Leah Johnston-Rowbotham_ MS_ APRN The loss of someone or something that we mourn over or grieve about carries with it a heaviness. Yet, if such heaviness comes with loss, it makes no sense; because when you think about it, loss should lighten one's burden. It does not. It can drag one down, even when we are surrounded by caring people who try to hold us tight, hold us up, hold the burden for us. But when grieving, few of us allow such intrusion. We are attached to our world the way it was before the loss. We are blinded from seeing a new and different future, a future that could not possibly be acceptable to us. Read more.
Advent meditations and resources

Advent email meditations
Online meditations by diocesan members 
The daily Advent email meditations that have been so meaningful to folks in the past have returned! To read or subscribe, go to

Advent resources from the wider church 
See also the avenues for observing Advent provided by The Episcopal Church, as well as the Anglican Communion's AdventWord global online Advent Calendar, created in real time from contributors' photos (maybe yours?) posted on Instagram and other social media.

Upcoming events at Cross Roads

Cross Roads Camp
Young Adult Retreat - January 1-3
Start your year off the right way With fellowship, singing, prayer, games, great food and friends at this weekend retreat for young adults 18-30(ish).

Wednesday Away - January 6, 9 AM - 3 PM
A time of spiritual renewal in the Christ Center. Throughout the year we will gather with a variety of spiritual directors who will focus each month upon a different spiritual practice.

"Framily" Retreat - January 22-24 
Framily = Friends + Family! You're invited to Cross Roads for their First Annual Framily Weekend to experience camp, grow in faith, and connect with Christ in a new way.

Find out more - and also check out Cross Roads' new website! - at

News from
Episcopal House
Paul Shackford_ CFO Congregational Pledges for 2016 were due December 1
Each church has been sent a form asking for them to submit an estimate of their 2016 Normal Operating Income (NOI), their percentage pledge for 2016, and the resulting dollar pledge amount. Pledge cards are to be approved and signed by the Vestry.

It is important that congregations submit their pledges now as it impacts the diocesan budget.

Questions? Contact Paul Shackford, diocesan CFO, at or 973-430-9983.

The Rev. Canon Gregory Jacobs Clergy ministry transitions
The Rev. Canon Gregory A. Jacobs, Canon to the Ordinary, announces the following clergy ministry transitions:

Arrival: The Rev. J. Gregory Morgan, Interim, All Saints Church, Hoboken - November 23

Departure: The Rev. Bruce Woodcock, Vicar, St. Matthew's Church, Paramus - December 31

Upcoming Ordinations

Ordination to the Vocational Diaconate: John Van Dine

This Saturday, December 12, 10 AM at St. John's, Dover

Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate: Richard Hogue and Young Yoon
Next Saturday, December 19, 10 AM at Trinity & St. Philip's Cathedral, Newark

142nd Annual Convention_ Who is my neighbor_
Michael Francaviglia
From Michael Francaviglia, Assistant Secretary of Convention
In just 50 days, the 142nd Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, whose theme is Who is My Neighbor?, will convene on January 29, 2016 at the Hilton Hotel in Parsippany.

The two days are packed with opportunities for deputies, guests and visitors to attend a variety of workshops, listen to thought-provoking presentations on matters of interest and ministry, enjoy the sounds and move to the beat of Walkin' the Boulevard (the band of the Rev. Chuck Hatfield), attend the annual breakfast sponsored by the Women's Commission, hear the Bishop's State of the Diocese address, and meet our preacher, Bishop Stephen Lane from the Diocese of Maine. As always, there is time to reconnect with those you met last year at convention or at other diocesan events.

Convention materials will be mailed to churches for distribution in the next few weeks and posted on the website at Upcoming deadlines are also listed there, and other information will continue to be posted there as Convention nears.

An important item to remember is to enjoy your time. You will be meeting your neighbors.


The VOICE Online is a bi-weekly publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark with news, events and feature articles of interest to members and friends of our diocese. 


Questions? Please contact Nina Nicholson, Director of Communications & Technology, 973-430-9907.


Contact Episcopal House: 31 Mulberry Street, Newark NJ 07102 | 973-430-9900 | Staff Directory


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