
Wisconsin Conference Life Newsletter

October 9, 2013

Art Wille
Rev. Art Wille
Nurturing Generations

I am a product of OCWM (Our Church's Wider Mission) and the benevolent support to United Church of Christ institutions provided by UCC members for generations.


I was born at UCC-related Deaconess Hospital in Milwaukee. When I fractured my left elbow at age eight and needed surgery, it was at Deaconess Hospital that I received the care I needed. I grew up in several different UCC congregations: baptized at Friedens UCC, confirmed at Immanuel Reformed UCC--both in Milwaukee--and I was ordained at First Congregational UCC in Oconomowoc. As a youngster I used Church School, Vacation Bible School, and Confirmation curriculum from the UCC publishing house. The pastors who nurtured my spiritual life and that of my family were educated at UCC colleges and seminaries.

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Pastor Bill Utke and his Congregation
Emanuel Church Receives Grant

Emanuel Church, Hales Corners, United Church of Christ, has received a grant of $33,000.00 to enable its minister, William Utke, to participate in the 2013 National Clergy Renewal Program funded by the Indianapolis-based Lilly Endowment Inc. and administered by Christian Theological Seminary. The church is one of 87 congregations across the country selected to participate in this competitive grant program.

Pastor Bill's plans center around sustainable agriculture and immigration. Read more about the grant and how it will be used by clicking here.
Rev. James Jang
Wisconsin Conference Hosts United Reformed Church Pastor James Jang

The Wisconsin Conference enjoys a partner relationship with the South Western Synod of the United Reform Church in England--130 local congregations in Cornwall, Devin, Somerset, Wiltshire, and Bristol--who send a pastor each fall to live and learn among us, even as we send a pastor each Spring to live and learn among them. This October, it's our pleasure to have Rev. James Jang among us.
Read more 
Interim Ministry Training

Are you a s
easoned interim minister who wishes to deepen your insights and leadership skills? Or are you seeking an introduction to interim ministry? If so, sign up for the 
Interim Ministry Workshop being sponsored by the Wisconsin Conference United Church of Christ, Church and Ministry Commission. The workshop takes place on Thursday, October 24, at Grace UCC in Wausau.

More information
Save $1500 on Closing Costs

If your church is looking for the right loan to finance a building repair, improvement or expansion project, it's time to talk to the Cornerstone Fund! In addition to good rates and a range of terms designed with churches in mind, the Cornerstone Fund is now offering up to $1,500 toward its already low closing costs. For more information, visit cornerstonefund.org.  
Cert School

Are you looking for greater skills in ministering with children, youth, and families? If yes, then Cert School is for you! Check out the video below to hear what past attendees had to say, and click here for a brochure for the 2014 Cert School.

Cert School 2012 (2:51)
Cert School 2012 (2:51)
Links of Interest

Get Valuable Insights from MissionInsite

Have you checked out MissionInsite Demographics yet? The Wisconsin Conference contracts with MissionInsite so that Wisconsin UCC congregations can use the service for free. Not sure how to get started? Now there is a recorded webinar to help you learn how to take advantage of the tools offered by MissionInsite. To learn how MissionInsite can help your congregation, click here for more information.

Union Congregational UCC in Three Lakes celebrated its 95th anniversary on Sunday, September 29th. 
New Advent Devotional

Bright Stars of Bethlehem, a US nonprofit organization, supports the witness and work of Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem. The Southwest Association of the Wisconsin Conference has, since 2004, partnered with Bright Stars of Bethlehem hoping to increase awareness of the life and faith of Palestinian Christians. This year an Advent devotional,The Bright Star of Bethlehem, has been written by Pastor Mitri Raheb and Bright Stars of Bethlehem representatives including Bonnie Van Overbeke, retired pastor of Fitchburg Memorial UCC, who has co-lead several trips to the Holy Land.


To order this new Advent devotional for your congregation, call 800-325-9414 or go to creativecommunications.com. By using the discount code "STARS" when you order, a portion of the sales will go to support the work of Bright Stars of Bethlehem.


If you are interested in learning more about the work and witness of Bright Stars of Bethlehem and Christmas Lutheran Church, a video is available. There also are several Wisconsin UCC folk who would love to share their encounters with people and experiences in the Holy Land. Contact Bonnie Van Overbeke or Nancy Baumgardner to borrow the video or arrange a presentation for your church.

Wisconsin Conference United Church of Christ | 4459 Gray Road | PO Box 435 | DeForest, WI  53532
In This Issue
Emanuel Church Receives Grant
Wis. Conference Hosts URC Pastor
Interim Ministry Training
Closing Costs Savings
Youth Ministry Skills Training
Links of Interest
MissionInsite How-To Webinar
Union Congregational 95th Anniversary
Advent Devotional
Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List
Church Spotlight
The Marion Immanuel Church, in the Southwest
Association, has been in the countryside near Woodman, Wis., since 1899. Pastor Barb Dunlap-Wolfe  preaches at 10:00am on Sundays (9:00am in the summer!). A popular yearly event is the Soup Supper, ladled up on the Tuesday evening before Lent. 
Lay Academy Director/Minister Position Open
The Wisconsin Conference is seeking a half-time Lay Academy Director/Minister. 
Discernment Day
Friday, November 8, 2013
Trost Center
Facilitator: Dr. Martha Baumer 
Robert Douglas Mutton Lectureship in Theology and the Practice of Ministry
Featuring Marilynne Robinson, author of Gilead  November 15-16, 2013
Madison & DeForest
Knock Knock Retreat for Middle School Youth
November 22-24, 2013
Pilgrim Center
Director of Children and Youth Ministry Sought
First Congregatgional UCC of Oconomowoc is searching for a part-time Director of Children and Youth Ministry. Click here to send a resume. For more information, call the church office at 262-567-4461 or visit the church website

Got News?
Let us know! If you have something you'd like considered for publication in
Wisconsin Conference Life, please email Nola at the Wisconsin Conference.