Tailgate Detection System

The Detex AT-5200 Tailgate Detection System assures that only one individual enters a secured doorway for each authorized card read. Compatible with most card reader technologies, the AT-5200 is easy to retrofit. This unique and cost effective optical security system, which uses infrared sensor beams to detect tailgating, is perfectly suited for areas requiring tighter security.

  • Adds an additional layer of security to a restricted area
  • Compatible with most access control systems and easily retrofits
  • ADA compliant
  • Encourages employees, students, visitors, etc. to maintain access control procedures
  • Local control/annunciator; unauthorized access is annunciated locally and with the access control system
  • Alarm can be reset through an on-board timer
  • Mounts on standard width door frame or wall
  • Remote annunciator plates fit in a single gang box

AT-5200-RO (without remote alarm) ........ $4,494.00 List Price
AT-5200-R1 (with remote alarm) ............. $4,594.00 List Price



For a live product demonstration...


Come see us at NFM&T March 10-12, 2015 in Baltimore, Maryland in booth #2444.



Tech Tip     



The AT-5200 was designed for easy installation. The mounting brackets can be used as a template for screw holes and wire runs. Additionally, the Single Touch Calibration procedure does away with time sensor alignment.

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Baltimore, MD
March 10-12, 2015


H.L. Flake
Houston, TX

March 26-28, 2015



Las Vegas, NV

April 15-17, 2015


Expo Seguridad

Mexico City, MEX

April 28-30, 2015



Phoenix, AZ

April 28-May 1, 2015


Baltimore, MD
April 30-May 1, 2015

Upcoming Training

Hans Johnson

Dallas, TX

March 6, 2015

[email protected]


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Detex Corporation

March 12, 2015

[email protected]


HL Flake

Houston, TX

March 26-27, 2015

[email protected]


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