Value Series Electrified Functions
Detex offers a low cost alternative to the Advantex line of panic hardware and electrified functions. Let the Value Series electrified functions work for you.
The EB electrified option is designed for primary and secondary exits that require an alarmed panic or surface vertical rod exit device. The 100dB alarm will sound when someone attempts to exit, alerting management to the unauthorized exit. Available in various configurations, the EB electrified option provides security while meeting all life safety concerns, offering exceptional value.
V40xEB Catalog Page
V50xEB Catalog Page
The EBxW electrified option is designed for doors and gates, or pairs of doors or gates without mullions that require a battery powered, alarmed, weatherized panic device. The 100dB alarm will sound when someone attempts to exit, alerting management to the unauthorized exit. The internal alarm with both remote bypass and remote signaling capabilities is ideal for applications where both security and life safety are a concern. In addition to listing as UL panic and fire exit hardware device, this device conforms to UL1034-34 Temperature Section 34, UL1034-54 Dust Section 54, MIL-STD 810F, Method 506.4 (driving rain test); MIL-STD 810F, Method 509.4 (salt fog test) and UBC standard 7-2 (positive pressure).
V40xEBxW Catalog Page
V50xEBxW Catalog Page

The ED Electric Dogging electrified option is designed for single or pairs of entrance and exit doors with panic or fire exit hardware. When energized, and after a pushpad is depressed, the pushpad and the latch bolt remain retracted, providing push-pull operation. Relocking all devices is accomplished by using a single switch or through a fire alarm input.
V40xED Catalog Page
V50xED Catalog Page

The EE electrified option, designed for primary and secondary exits, provides a secure 15-second delay and a 100dB alarm when someone attempts to exit. This 15-second delay allows management time to respond before someone exits and the alarm deters the exit from occurring. Per life safety requirements, the EE electrified option must be provided with a fire alarm input, thus providing a system override during a fire emergency. The EE electrified option provides security while meeting all life safety concerns, offering an exceptional value.
V40xEE Catalog Page
V50xEE Catalog Page

The EH electrified option is designed for primary and secondary exits that require an alarmed panic or surface vertical rod exit device. The 100dB alarm will sound when someone attempts to exit, alerting management to the unauthorized exit. Available in various configurations, the EH electrified option provides security while meeting all life safety concerns, offering exceptional value.
V40xEH Catalog Page
V50xEH Catalog Page

The EHxR device option is designed for doors and pairs of doors without mullions that require a hardwired, alarmed panic device with remote signal and bypass. When the alarm sounds a remote signal can be sent to turn on a remote horn, strobe or other security device. The alarm can also be bypassed using a remote button, keypad, card reader or other access control device. The alarm, with approximately 100dB will sound when someone attempts to exit, alerting management that an unauthorized exit has occurred. With electric switching that monitors the pushpad, the EHxR provides a high level of security while also meeting all life safety concerns.
V40xEHxR Catalog Page
V50xEHxR Catalog Page

The Electric Integration device, designed for applications where electric integration is required, provides the customer with a means of integration to new or existing systems, including the Detex Series 800 Logic Controller. The customer may select from these components to integrate and create different functions from the single product package. This variety of components offers an alarm to sound, monitor the latch bolt position and/or pushpad when depressed, signals a remote panel by key switch operation when activated from inside or outside authorization, and offers 2 LED's to enhance required functions. The operation of switches will open or close (SPDT) to integrate with digital video recorders, remote alarms, strobe lights, or commence the cycle in a separate delayed egress system.
V40xEI Catalog Page
Not available with V50/V51

The EM, designed for primary and secondary exits, provides a secure 15-second delay and a 100dB alarm when someone attempts to exit. This 15-second delay allows management time to respond before someone exits and the alarm deters the exit from occurring. Per life safety requirements, the EM must be provided with a fire alarm input, thus providing a system override during a fire emergency. The EM provides security while meeting all life safety concerns, offering an exceptional value.
V40xEM Catalog Page
Not available with V50/V51

The Electric Latch Retraction (ER) exit device option is designed for entrance and exit doors with panic or fire exit hardware where remote unlocking, remote dogging, access control or automatic door operator is desired.
V40xER Catalog Page
V50xER Catalog Page

The Electric Latch Retraction (ERxW) exit device option is designed for entrance and exit doors with panic or fire exit hardware where remote unlocking, remote dogging, access control or automatic door operator is desired. In addition to listing as UL panic and fire exit hardware device, this device conforms to UL1034-34 Temperature Section 34, UL1034-54 Dust Section 54, MIL-STD 810F, Method 506.4 (driving rain test); MIL-STD 810F, Method 509.4 (salt fog test) and UBC standard 7-2 (positive pressure).
Not available with V40
V50xERxW Catalog Page

The Electric Switching (ES) device option is designed for doors that require a means of switching when someone depresses the pushpad on the panic device during egress or retracts the latch using an authorized key in an outside trim. Always used in conjunction with other security items, the ES provides a normally closed or normally open contact that can be used for a variety of different uses such as activating a remote horn or strobe. The ES is UL listed as panic and fire exit hardware as well as UBC standard 7-2 (positive pressure).
V40xES Catalog Page
Not available with V50/V51

The EX Electric Request to Exit Switching device, designed for applications (double door applications for V50/V51) where electric signaling is required, provides the customer with a means of signaling when the pushpad is depressed. The EX Exit Switching monitors the pushpad and when depressed, will open or close (SPDT) to signal an alarm, send a remote signal to monitor egress, or commence the cycle in a separate delayed egress system.
V40xEX Catalog Page
V50xEX Catalog Page

The EXxW Electric Request to Exit Switching device, designed for outdoor gates and other wet environments, provides the customer with a means of signaling when the pushpad is depressed. This will open or close switch contacts (SPDT) and signal an alarm, remote strobe light or commence the cycle in a separate delayed egress system.
V40xEXxW Catalog Page
V50xEXxW Catalog Page
Where electrified function can be used on which Series?