ParishSoft News
ParishSOFT's Newsletter for Users and Friends     |     March 2016
4 Ways to Be More Welcoming During Holy Week    
Responding to the call of the Year of Mercy 

We're fast approaching Easter in the Jubilee Year of Mercy. During Holy Week and especially on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, you can count on seeing unfamiliar faces along with your weekly regulars. Folks will bring family members who are in town for the holiday, Easter/Christmas attendees will make their semi-annual appearance, and others may find their way to your parish, well, just because. Whatever a newcomer's reason for sitting in an unknown pew surrounded by unfamiliar faces, it's your mission to offer them a warm, genuine welcome. 


Now is the perfect time to do a little self-assessment and renew our enthusiasm for a deeper, more genuine hospitality, driven by our love for the Lord and each other. Our goal is to be even friendlier, warmer, and more personable by Holy Week. Let's send a clear message to newcomers and regular parishioners alike: welcome to our loving parish family - we're glad you're here.     



Tips for Emailing Students and Parents  
Religious education and faith formation require a LOT of communication. Did you know that your software has built-in tools to help you reach exactly the right people? It's true! Check out these tips for getting emails out the door quickly to specific individuals as well as entire classes, terms and sessions. Whether you need to reach students, parents, or both, you can do it all using ConnectNow Religious Education.   

To learn more about how ConnectNow Religious Education supports your faith formation and catechesis, visit or contact us.   
Save the date for Users_ Conference 2016 in Atlanta_
Save the Date: Users' Conference October 9-12, 2016 
Hosted by the Archdiocese of Atlanta
Don't miss the ParishSOFT Users' Conference, October 9-12, 2016, in Atlanta. Session planning and speaker lineups are underway for THE Catholic technology conference of the year!

Stay on top of the latest speaker, workshop, and registration information by subscribing to our Conference news!