from the Reverend Redactor

Volume 4                                                           November   2014


As you prepare for Christmas, let your Christmas card reflect your faith and your patriotism. Instead of a dancing snowman, make this lovely picture of the Holy Family represent you and your family. At the same time, when you buy these cards, you help to support and promote the Catholic War Veterans. Cards are $2 apiece, 5 cards for $7.50 and even greater discounts for larger amounts. Contact David Dalton at the National Office for pricing on orders. Order early for delivery in time to get the cards to you for your own Christmas mailing.    

If you have not visited our Facebook page, you should. And when you do, "Like" our page, leave a comment, increase our visibility on Facebook.


Financial Report on the 2014 Convention:

Income - $22,218.10

Expenses - $14,918.40

Profit - $7,299.70


It is one of the obvious facts of life for any organization - membership is important. New members are the life blood for present activities and they are most definitely the future. If this organization is to survive beyond us, we have to constantly bring in new members. 

November 8 to 16 is the period of our upcoming new members drive, and if you are not involved, you should be. Materials are available through the national office. Your department, your district, your post should be planning some activity. It could be having a table at Sunday Mass, with an article in the Church bulletin. It could be a radio interview on a local station, a visit to an American Legion or a Knights of Columbus meeting, it could be simply calling someone that you know is a veteran and asking him or her to join.

If your local post isn't doing anything, that doesn't mean YOU can't do something. One on one recruiting is often the best. Get some brochures and application forms, and start asking people. Wear your cap or CWV jacket, and when people ask what that's about, be prepared to tell them. If everyone in the CWV brought in one new member - instead of complaining about the people who don't do anything - we'd be in great shape!  

Here is a link to a flyer - there is LOTS of information and help on the website to aid in your recruiting efforts.


At the recent Board meeting, the charter of the new foundation was formally presented by National Executive Director Dave Crum and committee chair Jose Garcia.  

Application has been made for the IRS status that declares the foundation tax exempt, which means donations can be deducted. Approval is expected.

The foundation is independent of the CWV, and officers may not be officers of the foundation. A certain number of the Directors must be non-CWV members as well, to demonstrate the independence of the new entity. Donations to the foundation may be designated for specific use by the CWV or the Auxiliary but for them to be deductible, checks or payment designations must be to the foundation. 

The Auxiliary officers and members joined the CWV members for the presentation.

Buying a CWV calendar for yourself is good. It shows that you are supporting the organization. We printed 3,000 calendars, and we have over 8,000 members. Yet we struggle to sell all we have printed. 

Selling calendars to your friends is good. It gives them a way to help support veterans, it put in their hands a useful tool that will also remind them of the CWV every day, and it could possibly give them a nice cash reward.

Finally, the CWV calendar makes a GREAT present! If you have people on your shopping list in the $20 price range, think about buying them a calendar. It's a nice present. And if they win one of the large prizes, you have just become a hero!

(Of course, having a Mass said for them by one of the CWV Chaplains is also a great present at Christmas. Or having a liturgical item or vestment memorialized is another great and very special gift.)

There are still some items available as commemorative opportunities including several of the new chasubles used in the celebration of Mass, one ciborium, and a number of concelebration stoles. 

Contact the National Office for more information about remaining items and what the donation is for each one. Several people may come together to memorialize an item, as well as any of our units. Give glory to God when we worship! 

The vestments are hand-made from Italy and are both light and very beautiful. 

A reminder that Mass cards are available through the CWV. Instead of having Masses said by another group when a loved one dies, or to celebrate a special occasion, chaplains in the Catholic War Veterans have volunteered to say those Masses for your intentions.

Thank you for your support of this important work, and a special thanks to our Chaplains, who are volunteering to help support this special project. 


The Sun Coast is the hotel where we will be having our 2015 National Convention. It is a large facility with many options for family fun, including bowling alleys, golf courses (yes, plural!), and many restaurants. Click on the link below for more information and a video.

Convention Corporation Chair PNC Fred Schwally made a preliminary report at the recent National Board meeting. Rooms other than Friday and Saturday will be $45, and $79 for Friday and Saturday. The CWV rate will also be valid for three days before and three days after the convention dates. 

Airport transportation is available by public transit - $2 one way - and they require exact change. The hotel also has a shuttle that runs on every odd hour, and the local Post has two mini vans that will also be available. 

There will be  winery tour on Monday as well as a bowling tournament. There will also be workshops in basic computer skills and about Service Officers, for both candidates and those interested in receiving benefits. The Hospitality Room will open each night at 7:30 PM, parking at the hotel is free, the public transport bus runs into the Strip and the possibilities of having a Mass at a local Church and having individuals take part in a service project are being investigated. Two large Malls are nearby, and the hotel v/ans will take you to the malls. 

As additional details become available they will be posted on the CWV web site. Reservations can be made at 866 636-7111 or online at the link below. Use the code A5CWC08. 


In October I spent ten days at the University of Fairfield on retreat, ten days of prayer and silence. It's a wonderful opportunity to step out of the parade of daily life, to make sure the parade is going in the direction you want to go. It's a chance to review the past year, and to renew spiritual energy for the year coming up. Catholic War Veterans and the Auxiliary were one of the groups about which and for which I prayed. 

Five days after I returned from retreat I headed to Alexandria for the National Board meeting, and the day after I returned, I concelebrated Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral with Cardinal Dolan in anticipation of Veterans Day. National Commander Finkel and National Executive Director Crum helped to bring up the gifts. On November 11 we had the the NY Veterans Day Parade, and that night I flew out for a trip to Ireland from where I am writing this note.   
At the National Board meeting we had a number of items that were very positive: the presentation of the charter of the new foundation, news about the conventions of 2014 and 2015, a complete financial presentation from the National Treasurer, a long list of committee assignments (which will be on the website and published here as soon as corrections have been made) and reports from a number of hard-working and productive officers. The last appeal letter is doing well financially as the preliminary reports start to come up although many of our members have not responded yet. One could list negatives and moan about how bad things are, but the truth is, we as an organization are accomplishing more each week. As long as you are making an individual contribution to that effort, you can join the rejoicing. If you are not contributing your time and your experience and when possible, your money - then you are not only not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Remember who said that?

 Know that I pray for all our members each day and remember you regularly at Mass. I will be making my retreat in October and I will keep you and all the organization in my prayers. Please remember me in your prayers, as well as all our officers and our whole organization.

Do something good for yourself today.

Fr. John R. Sheehan, SJ
National Chaplain

(Please feel free to share events in your area)

November 8-16
National Recruitment Week - Bring In A New Member!

November 27
Thanksgiving Day

December 8
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
National Catholic War Veterans Day

December 13
Mass at 10 AM at St. Patrick's Cathedral for St. Lucy, patron saint of the blind. 
(I know, this isn't a CWV event - but I will be the principal celebrant and I run the Xavier Society for the Blind, so I'm sneaking it in. If you are in the area, support by attending would be greatly appreciated.)  

December 25


January 18
Immaculate Conception Church 
90th Anniversary Banquet 
Russo's on the Bay, Howard Beach, NY

February 13
Birthday of National Commander Finkel

February 22
Birthday of Bishop Protector Higgins

March 17
St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York City. All CWV and Auxiliary are welcome to march under the CWV banner. This is an important year to show a Catholic presence. 

March 21/22
Queens Chapter Convention & Banquet

April 9-12
Dept. of Ohio convention

April 24-26
Dept. of New Hampshire convention

April 30 - May 2
National Board Meeting

May 16/17
Dept. of NY Convention & Banquet

August 9 - 16
National Convention - Las Vegas 


Don't waste water by pouring a bucket of the cold stuff over your head. Just send a check to Catholic War Veterans and it counts. After all, the challenge isn't just for ALS but for ANY charity - and we certainly count. So stay dry - stay warm - conserve water - and help the Catholic War Veterans with a check.
441 North Lee Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Voice: (703) 549-3622
Fax: (703) 684-5196
Website: www.cwv.org