Hargrave Military Academy


Hargrave Parent eNewsletter
Connecting Parents with Hargrave
In This Issue
Greatness with Courage
The Grave Week 11
Character Cadet of the Month
Cadets get Fired Up
Stuffed before Departure
College Football and Ender's Game
Fall Sports
College Acceptance
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Cadet Gift Package
Show your son that you're thinking about him with a Gift Package from the Quarter-master. Three options available!

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SAGE Online Menu
Student Activities
November 16
Miami Heat vs. Charlotte Bobcats

November 17
Movie and Pizza "Thor"

December 7
Tiger Invitational (On-Campus; varsity wrestling)

Salem Academy Semi-Formal Dance

December 8
Ice Skating and Hibachi Grill

Paintball (On-Campus)

December 14
Movie and Pizza "Hobbit"

December 15
Hanging of the Greens

Mall Trip

January 11
Monster Truck Jam at the Greensboro Coliseum

January 12
Mall Trip
Sports Schedule
PG Basketball
vs. Mt. Zion Prep
Away @ TBD

Varsity Basketball
vs. Commonwealth Academy
Home @ 2:00 PM

PG Basketball
vs. Patrick Henry C.C.
Away @ 6:00 PM

November 14, 2013

"Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world."
-- Nelson Mandela

Dear Parents, Grandparents and Guardians,

Last Friday was an interesting day on campus. In the morning, radio talk show host John Fredericks hosted 'The John Fredericks Show' live on campus. The show began around 6:00 a.m. and ended at 10:00 a.m. John interviewed several people on campus, to include four Cadets.  Cadet Spence Walker and Cadet Payne Nunn interview segments were saved. Check them out. They did an outstanding job!

Congratulations once again to our Fall Athletic teams. On Friday evening Hargrave celebrated the success of our young men in sports. Some of the stories our coaches shared on Spirit and Coach's Award winners highlighted a lot of great character development in our Cadets.

Hargrave's Corps of Cadets, the Highlanders, the Hargrave Marching Band and the Camden Rifles presented and excellent Veteran's Day Parade on Monday, November 11. While Hargrave has plenty of veterans on campus, others joined us from the local community as well. The CIS department hosted a reception for all veterans after the parade. Our young men the 7th, 8th and 9th grade had an opportunity to engage veterans that fought in Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Vietnam, Korea and even WWII! They learned history from those who lived it.

Maj. Leftwich with "The Leftwich Legacy" author 1st Lieutenant Michael Dan Kellum, USMCR at the 2/1 memorial dedication.
On November 8, 2013 at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico, Virginia, Marine Vietnam veterans dedicated a monument to honor those who served and those who died while members of the 2d Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division (Reinforced) in the Republic of Vietnam. The principle speaker was Lt.Gen. Jack W. Klimp, USMC (ret), who served as a platoon and company commander in 2/1 while in Vietnam. Major (USMC, Ret) Bill Leftwich's father commanded the battalion from April to September 1970. The money for the monument was raised by the 2/1 veterans, and approximately, 300 of them and their families attended the ceremony. A great article on Maj Leftwich can be found at "The Leftwich Legacy." Hargrave's Maj. Leftwich is Hargrave's English Chairman.

Best Regards,


Don Broome

BG, USA (Ret.)


Hargrave Military Academy 

Character Trait of the Month

Hargrave's Character Trait for the month of November is 'Courage.' The poster for the month is shown above.
Greatness with Courage
Chaplain's Message

Reverend Joe Moran, Hargrave's Chaplain, records his sermons for parents and family to hear. Get a taste of Character education from the Hargrave Chaplain's perspective.


Greatness with Courage

Chapel, Sunday, November 10, 2013


The Grave                            
Week 11                      


The Grave is a Chapel produced informational video supported by Chaplain Joe Moran, CPT Wes Robertson and special guests.


The Grave Week 11
The Grave Week 11

Character Cadet of the Month

November 2013 

Cadet Francisco Velasco-Lang
of Madrid, Spain was named Hargrave's Character Cadet of the Month of November on Tuesday, November 11, 2013 in a presentation before the Corps of Cadets. He is the Character Cadet of the Month representing Courage.
Cadets get Fired up

Humanities Department Acquires a Modern Kiln 

The new kiln and its first pots. Hargrave Art Instructor Ms. Blair Sutton showcases the first efforts.
Hargrave's Humanities department now has a brand new working kiln for use in art. The RM II 2322 offers Hargrave's studio ease of use. It has a diameter of 23.5" and a 'load friendly' 22" depth. The RM II 2322 is designed to fire ceramic materials up to 2300�F (1260�C), cone 8 on a daily basis.

The Cadets taking Art are excited and have already put the new kiln through its first firing. There were some explosions, but they Cadets were eager to learn from their mistakes and try again.
Stuffed before Departure
The Hargrave Thanksgiving Meal 

Hargrave hosts is planning Cadet Thanksgiving meal on Wednesday, November 20 prior to the Thanksgiving Break. The meal will be held at Mess III.

"The Cadets love it when we all eat as a family so please join us!" Ms. Kerry Watts, Hargrave's SAGE Food Service Manager, said. "Just give us a heads-up so we can make everybody sleepy and happy that night!"

Faculty, staff and guests are just $5 for a great meal. Here is what Ms. Kerry cooked up for the evening:

Maple Roasted Turkey Breast with Gravy
Honey Glazed Ham
Homemade Herb Dressing
Candied Sweet Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole with those little crunchy onions
Buttered Peas and Carrots
Cranberry Sauce
Rolls and Butter
Homemade Pumpkin Pie & Chocolate Cream Pie
Hot Apple Cider


PG Basketball National Signing Day
Grantham, Kelly, Overstreet, Tyree

Hargrave's Postgraduate Basketball team recognized four of their players during National Signing Day, Wednesday, November 13, 2013. Coach A.W. Hamilton stated, "(These young men) have worked diligently on and off the court, and have received full scholarship offers to various top-notch programs across the country."

Grantham, Donte: Clemson University

Overstreet, Karl: East Tennessee State University

Kelly, Rashard: Wichita State University

Tyree, Malik: Tusculum College
College Football and Ender's Game
Student Activities

On Saturday, November 9, 2013, three Hargrave coaches, MAJ Mike Broomell, CPT Ben Paris and MAJ Scott Roach, took a group of Cadets to go see the University of North Carolina (UNC) play the University of Virginia in football. The seats were great and everyone had fun. UNC dominated the high scoring game, 45-14.

On Sunday, November 10, 2013, Ms. Darlene Paton and Mrs. Elise Finkner took the Cadets to see 'Ender's Game' for a movie. The group also went to CiCi's Pizza for a buffet style dinner. "It was a really good movie. And of course having all you can eat pizza pasta and dessert, it always a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon," the leaders said.

Cross Country and PG Basketball

Fall Sports


Varsity Cross Country vs. VIC Conference
On October 26, 2013, the varsity Cross Country team placed fifth out of eleven teams at the VIC conference championship. The juniors represented Hargrave well and were led by Cadets Harry Crosby, Nick Paul, Saul Snell, Ruizhe Liu and Garrett Fox. They did a great job scoring for the Tigers. Closing out the field for Hargrave was Cadet Sixing Jiao.


PG Basketball vs. New Hope Academy
On November 6, 2013, the PG Basketball team defeated New Hope Academy 124 to 92. The Tigers had six players score in double figures. They were Cadets Justin Jordan, Asa Duvall, Donte Grantham, Rashard Kelly, Trey Grundy and Terell Gandy.

PG Basketball vs. Caldwell Community College
On November 8, 2013, the PG Basketball team lost against Caldwell Community College, 88-91. The Tigers were downed by a high Caldwell shooting percentage.

PG Basketball vs. Louisburg Tournament
On November 9, 2013, PF Basketball fell L 67-95 in the Louisburg Tournament.

PG Basketball vs. Genesis Academy
On November 12, 2013, PG Basketball defeated Genesis Academy 120-74.

PG Basketball vs. Guilford College
On November 13, 2013, PG Basketball defeated Guilford College 113-57.  

For information and commentary, check out hargravesports.com.

College Acceptance

Castellano, Chain, Hoffman 


The Class of 2014 is picking up college acceptance speed with three Cadets and four acceptances this week. Fall 2013 has seen a steady stream of acceptances going into the Thanksgiving Break. That is a great omen. Good job, Cadets!

Castellano, Ryan: East Carolina University, Western Carolina University
Chain, Stephan: The Citadel
Hoffman, Brandon: The Citadel