Special Edition

Sharing news here of revisions to the Spokane Association of REALTORS� MLS Rules and Regulations as recommended by the MLS Steering Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.

Respectfully at your service,

Rob Higgins, Executive Officer 
Spokane Association of REALTORS� 
Brokers Need to Know - Volume 3   Number 11   Special Edition


Revised MLS Rules and Regulations for New Listings


Effective date: OCTOBER 1, 2014


  • MLS Listing Date is now the date marketing and/or advertising begins (including the posting of signs).
  • You no longer need to send a letter to the Spokane MLS for an Exempt Listing (if seller does not want property in the MLS). Instead a new "Seller's Waiver of MLS Benefits" form must be submitted to the MLSby the next business day.
  • Failure to enter into the MLS or sending in a Waiver of MLS Benefits form is subject to a Tier 1 Violation of the MLS Rules and Regulations.
  • Bottom line: When marketing and/or advertising begins on a property - put it in the MLS or send a Seller's Waiver of MLS Benefits form to the Spokane MLS.
  • Click to read the revised MLS Rules and Regulations and the "Seller's Waiver of MLS Benefits" form. This form will be on ZipForm for use October 1st.

Supporting documents:

See the new Seller's Waiver of MLS Benefits document (pictured above) online here.

Members of your MLS Steering Committee and Board of Directors have prepared a "Revisions and "FAQ" document (pictured above) to help explain the new MLS rules. See that document online here.

We welcome your comments and submissions.  Please click here to begin an email to Angie in the SAR office who is happy to serve you.
Spokane Association of REALTORS
1924 North Ash Street
Spokane, Washington 99205