Immunization and Infectious Disease Update
National Association of County & City Health Officials
Information and Resources for Local Health Departments

Recent News

Politico (June 22, 2014)

M Live (MI) (June 23, 2014)
Pediatrics (July 1, 2014)  
NBC News (July 1, 2014) 
Forbes (July 3, 2014)
Washington Post (July 3, 2014)

HPV Vaccine for Oral Cancer?
JAMA (July 8, 2014) 

New York Times (July 8, 2014)

NPR Shots (July 8, 2014)
Reuters (July 11, 2014) 
Idaho Statesman (July 11, 2014)
Columbia Daily Tribune (July 12, 2014) 
Sacramento Bee (CA)(July 14, 2014) 
Kansas City Public Media (July 14, 2014) 
Yahoo! (July 14, 2014) 
TIME (July 16, 2014) 
Times-Herald (GA) (July 16, 2014) 
Scientific America (July 17, 2014)
TIME (July 21, 2014)  
Phoenix News Times (July 21, 2014) 


In July 2014, the CDC reported the first locally-acquired case of chikungunya in the U.S. Visit CDC's website for the latest information and read more about chikungunya on NACCHO's vector-borne disease control webpage and blog

VFC Storage and Handling Fact Sheets 
The CDC created two new vaccine storage and temperature best practices. The fact sheets align with last year's Vaccines for Children (VFC) in Action meetings. 


Webinar Recording: If Vaccines Don't Cause Autism, What Does?

On July 1, 2014, the IAC sponsored a webinar that featured Alison Singer, co-founder and president of the Autism Science Foundation. The session explored the most recent science on the causes of autism so that healthcare providers can respond to misconceptions about vaccines. The slide deck is available here.  


NACCHO's Findings from the 2014 Forces of Change Survey

NACCHO released 2014 Forces of Change, a series of five research briefs that contain new findings on the forces that affect change in our nation's LHDs. Two of the primary drivers of change in the local public health system are the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and shrinking federal, state, and local funding. Most LHDs (86%) now bill public and private third-party payers for at least one clinical service they offer and most LHDs (81%) are seeking to increase billing efforts. Sixty percent of LHDs bill both public (Medicaid and/or Medicare) as well as private insurers. Learn more about how economic and political forces have triggered LHDs to bill for clinical services here


CDC Immunization Schedule App

A free CDC Vaccine Schedules app for clinicians and other health care professionals offers immediate access to CDC's latest recommended immunization schedules. See childhood, adolescent, adult and catch-up vaccine schedules and footnotes on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch devices. Download this free app from the  iTunes App Store.


Billing Task Analysis Resource

NACCHO and the CDC developed the Billing Task Analysis Resource that will walk users with varying levels of billing experience through the process and link them to resources in NACCHO's Billing for Clinical Services Toolkit.  


NACCHO Immunization Videos Page
NACCHO gathered videos addressing vaccination into one convenient place. Watch short videos covering immunization issues, including influenza, pertussis, adolescent immunization, and personal stories about vaccine preventable diseases.  

Get Involved

Johns Hopkins Seeking Practicum Opportunities
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is seeking practicum opportunities for MPH students to engage with organizations working on public health issues. The practicum is an opportunity for students to apply classroom knowledge and theory to real world public health practice. Hosting organizations and agencies benefit from engagement and support from the Bloomberg School and an opportunity to mentor students and contribute to building the future public health workforce.

A short description of the MPH Practicum is provided in this 1-page information sheet. More details about practicum requirements and preceptor responsibilities are available here. If you would like to submit an opportunity, please click here. For a student to work with you in October 2014, please submit the opportunity by August 31, 2014. Contact Jennifer Le at for any questions.

Recognizing National Immunization Awareness Month 
As National Immunization Awareness Month, August is an opportunity to highlight the value of immunization across the lifespan. For more information, visit the CDC NIAM's webpage

Funding Opportunity: Implementation of Strategic Plans for Billing for Immunization Services in Health Department Clinics - CDC-RFA-IP14-1411
The Billables Project is a CDC-funded effort to enable state and local health departments to bill public and private insurance plans for immunization services. This grant opportunity will provide funding for the continuance of current insurance billing projects or for states to implement new projects for public health department insurance billing. The application is due on August 8, 2014 (11:59 PM EDT). An informational call for interested applicants will be held on July 24, 2014 (10:00 AM EDT); the call-in information is: 1-866-873-4356, participant code 492415.

NOVA Scheduled to Air Amazing New Vaccine Documentary This Fall
PBS' award-winning science series, NOVA, has just announced plans to premiere the film Vaccines - Calling The Shots on September 10, 2014. The documentary, which features numerous experts in vaccines, social science, anthropology and autism, examines the science behind immunizations. For more details and a preview of this amazing documentary please visit the NOVA website 
Funding Opportunity: Health Impact Assessment at LHDs
With support from the CDC's Healthy Community Design Initiative, NACCHO is currently accepting applications for health impact assessments (HIAs) led by LHDs. Selected LHDs will receive funding and support to complete an HIA on a transportation, land use, community design, parks and recreation, or energy policy. Applications are due Friday, August 22, 2014 (5:00 PM EDT). For more information and to download a copy of the funding announcement, click here.

Vaccine Education Center Webinar Series

The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, together with the Pennsylvania chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, will offer a vaccine webinar series for healthcare providers. Specific topics will be available on the registration page approximately one to two weeks before each event. Each presentation will be 40-45 minutes, followed by 15-20 minutes of audience questions. Register for the next webinaron September 10, 2014 (12:00-1:00 PM EDT) here.

National Immunization Conference: U. S. Immunization in a Time of Change 

CDC will host the National Immunization Conference on September 29-30, 2014, at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta, Georgia. Register for the conference here

American College of Epidemiology: 2014 Annual Meeting
The theme of this year's meeting in Silver Spring, Maryland, is Making Epidemiology More Consequential. The American College of Epidemiology (ACE) will focus on how epidemiology is used to directly impact the public health of communities and societies, both locally and globally. Educational pre-conference workshops will be held on September 7, 2014, and the scientific sessions will take place September 8-9, 2014. 
Submit a Tool to NACCHO's Immunization and Infectious Disease Toolkits
NACCHO's Toolbox provides LHDs with resources related to immunization and infectious disease prevention and control practices. Examples of tools include templates, guides, community resources and much more. 



CDC. MMWR. 2014 Jul 11; 63(27), 591-594. 

Immunization Action Coalition. 2014 July; 24(2).

Immunization Action Coalition. 2014 July; 18(2). 
Infectious Diseases

Restrepo, BI, Schlesinger, LS. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2014 July 14; e-pub ahead of print.

Gerlich, WH. Intervirology. 2014 July; 57(3-4).

Kemal, J. Veterinary Science & Tech. 2014, 5:2.

The mission of the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) is to be a leader, partner, catalyst, and voice for local public health departments.


For additional information about NACCHO, visit