Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes
January 10, 2014
Sneak Peek for the Coming Weeks

Week of January 13th thru January 17th
Student/Rebbe/Teacher Conferences


January 19th-26th

Mid-Winter Vacation


January 31st

2nd Quarter Ends 


February 2nd


Open House



 Have a GREAT Shabbos!

מזל טוב

to Boaz Abramson on winning the Rohr Middle School Spelling Bee.


הצלחה on representing Rohr Middle School at the Miami Herald Spelling Bee that will be taking place in March.

RMS Torah Cards

Our most exciting program to date was introduced this past week. The RMS Torah Card Program organized by Rabbi Kaganoff was introduced. Dayan Dunner Shlita of England gave a dynamic, interactive speech regarding the importance of Torah learning.  The boys have embraced the opportunity to learn, bentch and daven with great enthusiasm.
7th Grade Tefillin Practicum
The 7th grade students engaged in the yearly tefillin practicum. The boys learned about the halachos of tefillin and how to wear them correctly.  
Rabbi Dreyfuss' 10th and 11th grade shiur came to test the boys during the practicum. 

I think it was a good idea to learn the halachos of tefillin with the class before my Bar Mitzvah. 
It was nice to work with the High School boys.
I worked with Eli Sugerman. I managed to master the halachos quickly and easily. 
-Yossi Cohen

It was fun to learn how to put on tefillin. I found it cool that we were able to work with the older boys and be tested by them. 
I feel prepared to put on tefillin when my Bar Mitzvah comes in August.
 -Yosef Steinberg
Melacha of בונה
This melacha is about building.  Rabbi Kaganoff had us build the go cart for the melacha of  בונה. He told us about last year's class that built a go cart and offered us to do it too. We worked on it twice a week, cutting the wood, screwing the parts together and then we would check if it was good. We took practice rides on it. When we decided it was perfect we painted it yellow.
-Rafael Haimov

Save the date: March 5, 2014 

Rohr Middle School presents: 

"The Shushan Chronicles: A Royal Reversal"

From The Office Of Admissions - Attention 8th Grade Parents


Dear Parents,


Please be aware that we have already begun administering bechinahs. In order to schedule a bechinah you must submit an application.

Thank you for your understanding and attention to this matter.  

Mrs. Miryam Schloss

Director of Admissions