Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes
November 22, 2013
Sneak Peek for the Coming Weeks
Thursday, November 28th
Sunday Schedule

Friday - Monday November 29th - December 2nd
Chanukah Vacation

Wednesday, December 4th
Chanukah Breakfast

Wednesday, December 25th -1:30PM
Spelling Bee

 Have a GREAT Shabbos!

Family Game Night

The Rohr Middle School's 5th Annual Family Game Night was a huge success. There was free game play for families, intense tournaments with many winners, and other arcade games like Spin to Win and The Claw with amazing prizes. There was a snack bar if you got hungry, with drinks, cookies, muffins and potato chips. There was also spaghetti and a popcorn stand. Then, at the end of game night, the winners of the raffles were announced. Those lucky people got to walk off with a Gamewright game package full of fun games.  A special thanks to all the student staff who participated in making this happen and to Yakov Greenberg for leading Maariv after game night was over. 

-Avner Yeshurun


Awesome....the best ever! -Rabbi Mandel

It was hard work but fun. -Moshe Waisman

We got tons of prizes. -Chaim Ference

We should have it every month. -Boruch Korff

We should have it every week. -Benny Kanoff

We should have it every night. -Yosef Nemani
Being MC was fun. -Shuey Braunshweiger

I loved working there and I actually bought a game. -Elisha Steinberger 

Excruciatingly fun! -Jacob Benchetrit

I couldn't be prouder of our boys and how they took the lead and showed the community a great time! -Mrs. Ruck

Workshop Work Out
Check out some scenes from our Friday Workshops where our students embrace different skills and talents.

The students in the Artastic Workshop are creating and designing scenery and props to help bring Persia to life for upcoming play.
Students continue to create the amazing model of the Bais Hamikdash with power tools under Rabbi Kaganoff's tutelage during this workshop.

With our script fully casted, our Role Players get to work learning and memorizing their parts.

The RMS Orchestra gives students an opportunity to enhance their musical ability or to learn to play an instrument.

Save the date: March 5, 2014 

Rohr Middle School presents 

"The Shushan Chronicles: A Royal Reversal" 

Mr. and Mrs. Seth and Esther Entin


Seth, sometimes known around town as "Shlomo", and his wife, Esther, have been involved with Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes since 1998. Together with their four children, Yaakov, Yitzi, Shmuel and Meira, they have been, and continue to be an integral part of the YTCTE family.
Born and raised here in South Florida, Seth attended the RASG Hebrew Academy and Talmudic University, after which he graduated with highest honors from the University of Miami Law School. An active member of our Board of Directors, Seth provides invaluable advice and guidance to our school. As a native Floridian, Seth can certainly attest to the enormous Torah growth he has witnessed over the years in our community. Besides being a long standing member of Young Israel of Greater Miami, Seth has set aside a daily commitment to learning in the NMB Community Kollel.
Seth is a Shareholder at the law firm of Greenberg Traurig PA, and practices in the area of international tax law. He has been awarded "top attorney in his field" by many prestigious legal publications and is a renowned speaker at tax conferences worldwide.
Esther's name has been synonymous with PTA activities in every one of our divisions. From her early years as an assistant in the Toras Emes Preschool, to president of PTA, Esther has taken great pride in being an active participant in all areas of her childrens' education. From mother/daughter luncheons, to Scholastic Book Fairs, there was no task too small or too great to tackle.
The Entins are prime examples of active parents who put their childrens' chinuch first and foremost on their list of priorities. As their children progress, Yaakov, in Ner Israel, Yitzy, in Kerem B'Yavneh, Meira, in Bais Yaakov, and Shmuel, who is currently attending DACHS, we wish them continued growth and nachas from all their children.
To place your ad in honor of Seth and Esther Entin 
or to make your dinner reservation please click here.