Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes
November 15, 2013
Sneak Peek for the Coming Weeks
Wednesday, November 20
Family Game Night

 Have a GREAT Shabbos!


Our 6th grade class learned all the 13 Ani Maamins. After we finished covering all thirteen, we went to Haulover Park to fly kites. We had a kite in our classroom that had the 13 Ani Maamins attached to the kite string, so we also took that to fly at the park. We really had a fun time at the park. 
-Avrumi Gruenstein
Family Game Night is in the air at RMS as students across the grades use their teamwork and leadership skills to prepare for the big event. One you surely do not want to miss!
Project Greatness is off to a great start with our new and improved program.  Each grade will explore different aspects of leadership, kindness and team work as the teachers collaborate and team-teach each week. This past week, 6th graders continued to be introduced to the Seven Habits, 7th graders learned about anger management with an interesting toothpaste experiment and 8th graders teamed up to explore the concept of trust.

Save the date: March 5, 2014 

Rohr Middle School presents 

"The Shushan Chronicles: A Royal Reversal" 

 Rosh Hayeshiva and Rebbetzin
Rabby Yisroel Y. and Rochel Niman

Rabbi and Mrs. Niman are outstanding Marbitzei Torah in our community. In 1987, shortly after receiving smicha from Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim, Rabbi Niman joined our Hanhala.  For over a quarter of a century, he has led our Yeshiva with great passion and humility, true to the vision and goals of his Rebbe, the Rosh HaYeshiva, HaGaon HaRav R' Henoch Leibowitz, zt"l.  The Yeshiva's tremendous growth, from its humble beginnings in rented facilities on 41st and 79th Streets on Miami Beach, and modest pre-school houses in NMB, to our current beautiful, multi campus, 5 division, 750 student renowned institution of Torah and academic excellence, are the product of our Rosh Yeshiva and Rebbetzin's total commitment to our Yeshiva.


In the Bais Medrash, Rabbi Niman's sincere devotion to his talmidim and insightful shiurim challenge the bachurim to push themselves to greater heights in Torah learning.  Additionally, Rabbi Niman has taken the time to be available to the community at large, through adult Shiurim and learning one on one with Baalei Batim. Rabbi Niman, through his insighful Torah wisdom, and focused dedication to securing the Yeshiva's spiritual and financial viability, has been an essential key component to our Yeshiva's emergence as a large, successful and sought after educational center.


Rebbetzin Niman, through her exemplary hachnosas orchim, her deep concern for the Yeshiva, and spearheading fund raising activities for the school, is a real partner in her husband's mission. Rebbetzin Niman has been a dedicated mechaneches at Bais Yaakov for many years. She has the unique ability to make the past come alive through her Historia classes, and she is now zoche to be teaching her second generation of students!


The Nimans are blessed with a beautiful family of children and grandchildren, who are following in the footsteps of their illustrious parents and grandparents. The YTCTE family is very fortunate to have two such special people dedicated solely to the mission of imparting Torah wisdom and its values to our children. We truly owe them a great deal of Hakoras Hatov.