Enrichment, empowerment, excitement & more
All fill the halls and the students at Rohr.
Project Greatness begins as our teachers become reachers
Bringing out habits, kindness, and team-building features.
Spelling Bee is in the air as students signed up to see
Who would represent their class in this year's Spelling Bee.
Twenty-four boys were chosen based on a challenging test
December 25th, come watch them do their best.
Family Game night is approaching as the 8th graders prepare
An amazing family event that we are so excited to share.
Come play games, win prizes, take pictures and eat
With four different tournaments, you all can compete.
Workshops are in full bloom, revolving around the play
Tryouts took place this week--every single day.
Stay tuned for the cast and crew to be announced next week
So every student can shine, because their GREATNESS we seek!