Sneak Peak for the Coming Weeks
November 11
Professional Development Day
Early Dismissal 12:15pm
November 20
Family Game Night
Rabbi Fried's 7th grade class took an exciting excursion this Wednesday. Thank you to Rabbi Selmar who gave them a hands-on view of what it means to put up an Eruv and how to make sure it is kosher. The boys traveled through North Miami Beach learning the ins and outs of the Eruv. They definitely did hang onto every word that was said and enjoyed the hands-on learning experience.
Thank you to Ezra Bistritz, our resident photographer, for a great job!
The RMS bookball league is Rohrin' and scorin' as the boys continue to read books and score touchdowns for every 100 pages they read. Each month we meet in the friend zone to borrow books from the Rucktabulous Lending Library, take the Trivia Challenge or get a Bookball Sundae (cool treat). Come check out our scoreboard in the hallway to see who is a Quarterbook, A Line by Line Backer or the MVR?
Currently, Yosef Steinberg is in the lead with 229 books read.
Our Reading Plus program is also in full swing as 6th and 7th graders compete against themselves to improve basic reading comprehension skills. The boys enter the Media Center twice a week under the supervision of Mr. Cohen and engage in interesting lessons and activities to bring their reading fluency and comprehension to a higher level. Each month they will have a Bookball Plus assembly to acknowledge the strides they are making in the program.

Save the date: March 5, 2014
Rohr Middle School presents
"The Shushan Chronicles: A Royal Reversal"