Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
March 15, 2013


Wed. Mar. 20:
2:30pm Dismissal
Thur. Mar. 21 - Wed. Apr. 3:
Pesach Break
No Classes
Thur. Apr. 4:
Classes resume 9:00am
No Mishmar

Ignite the Greatness within Every Student!

Dear Parents:  top
In Mrs. J's art class one of her students, Simcha Galbut (grade seven), has been working for six weeks on a coil jug!The details and design are all his own. He is working hard and is creating a masterpiece!
 clay with J
This week the seventh grade completed their Menorah projects and painted the Menorahs they had formed from clay.  The seventh graders also used Styrofoam to make some of the other
keilim of the Mishkan. Thanks to Rabbi Fried, Rabbi Pam and Mrs. J. for putting this great activity together. 

Rabbi Kaganoff's class created a hammock out of rope to demonstrate the Shabbos Melacha of kesher  - knotting.  Click on the hammock link above and enjoy the amazing pics!

We would like to wish Dovid Roth success in the Miami Herald Spelling Bee which will take place on March 20th. Hatzlocha, Dovid!

Have a good Shabbos!
Menorah Project
menorah project

7th Grade Mishkan Project



Final deadline for "Early-bird" registration ends Monday, March 18th.  We encourage all our parents to take advantage of the early-bird registration fee of $400 for first child $350 each additional child  as well as the 10% discount on Book, Building and Insurance/Security fees if registration and all fees paid by that time.  If you have any questions please call Mrs. Rashi Levy X221 or Mrs. Julie Kirschenbaum X220 at the financial office at 305-944-5344.