Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
February 22, 2013


Sun & Mon. Feb. 24 & 25:
Purim & Shushan Purim
Wed. Feb. 27:
Bookball Award Ceremony
Thur. Feb. 28:
Thur. Mar. 7:
Thur. Mar. 14:
No Mishmar

Ignite the Greatness within Every Student!

Dear Parents:    top

This past Monday, Rabbi Anton's sixth grade shiur, had a special guest.  Dr. Martin Brody came and shared his megillah collection and a replica of a Murano cup. The boys were amazed and fascinated by what they saw. He also shared with them what goes into preparing the klaf for the writing of aMegillah. He talked about the Megillah of the Vilna Gaon and showed them what a HaMelech megillah looks like. The boys were mesmerized by the gematrios Dr. Brody quoted and the connection between the Bnei Haman and the Nuremburg trials of 1946. The replica of the Murano's cup was amazing. It created a bridge to the past. 

The Seven Rabbits of Highly Defective Teenagers
d goal of dis nu prog S -
To Ignite The Lateness Within Every Student!
av a gud Shabbos n a hpE Purim!
Mazal Tov to 
Rabbi  & Mrs. Ephraim & Sarah Palgon 
on the engagement of their daughter, Leora to Yossi Estersohn from Queens, NY!
Annual Learnathon
