Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
December 14, 2012


Thur. Dec. 13:
No Mishmar

Thur. Dec. 20:

Sun. Dec. 23:
Asara B'Teves
12:10pm first dismissal
12:45pm optional mincha
1:15pm second dismissal

Tue. Dec. 25:
RMS Spelling Bee

Thur. Dec. 27:
Friend Zone

Sun. Dec. 30:


Ignite the Greatness within Every Student!

Dear Parents:   

Although we had a short week here at RMS it was a busy and productive week.

On Thursday, Rabbi Fried's class presented their original Chanuka presentations displaying the knowledge they gained regarding Chanuka to their classmates.

Mrs. Ruck's sixth grade Civics class competed in a five day Olympics over the past three weeks. Each boy represented either Rome or Greece and studied from an Olympic Booklet of facts and information while competing in seven Olympic events that took place in the Ancient Olympics in Olympia, Greece.  This past Thursday, our boys joined together for an Olympic feast of Roman Pizza and Greecy French Fries. Medals were given out for each event in addition to Sportsmanship, Knowledge, and an Overall Champion. Every boy came out a winner and gained a lot of knowledge as well.

The week culminated with a fabulous school-wide Chanukah Breakfast filled with achdus, great food, inspiring Divrei Torah, and student leadership.  The Divrei Torah, given by Jacob Benchetrit, Dovid Roth, and Chaim Kirat, left us inspired and with something to think about. Over sixty acts of Random Kindness were witnessed by our students. Come check out our "Wall of Flame" to see how sparkling our students can be.  Thank you to the breakfast Committee: Avi Nash, Chaim Kirat, Gaby Tokayer, Boaz Sobol, Mutty Koot, Yaakov Deutsch, Roee Blumstain, & David Galinski who did a wonderful job before and after the Breakfast.  Thank You to Rabbi Alber and all the Rebbeim for all their efforts to make this Breakfast spectacular.

Hope you had a great Shabbos!
Have A Happy Chanukah!
YTC High School Applications are due December 21!

Chanuka Presentations in 
Rabbi Fried's Shuir


OpenHouseRMS Open House
