Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
Yeshiva Toras Chaim Alumni Newsletter
In This Issue
Chaim Hirsch to be Honored at 28th Annual Dinner
Starting to Lay the Cinder-blocks
Pilpul Shiur
Schloss Pidyon HaBen
Mazel Tov!

Work on the new dorm is moving at an incredible pace. 12 workers were here laying cinder blocks on Wednesday. The yeshiva has never seen construction move at such a fast pace.

This week the Bais Medrash was busy working on a Pilpul Shiur from Rabbi Luban.

Have a Good Shabbos! 


Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator

Chaim Hirsch to be Honored at 28th Annual Dinner

Mr. and Mrs. Chaim and Samantha Hirsch will be accepting the Kesser Torah Award in memory of Chaim's beloved father, Raphael Mordechai ben Yitzchak (Marvin), Hirsch A"H, whose life was a paradigm of chesed and emes, and whose middos tovos continue to guide and inspire them every day. An alumnus of the Dr. Abe Chames High School (1999) and a highly regarded forensic CPA, Chaim frequently delivers educational and motivational lectures to various audiences - including our talmidim - on the importance of integrity, honesty, and the perils of fraud. Additionally, he generously gives of his time to the Yeshiva as a member of our Finance Committee. A talented Early Childhood educator, Samantha has impacted the lives of the many children she has taught. She now devotes her kochos to educating her own children b'derech HaTorah. Born, raised, and currently living in Hollywood, the Hirsches involve themselves in the mitzvos of Bikur Cholim and Hachnosas Orchim, to name a few. We congratulate them on their accomplishments and thank them for allowing us to share them with you. 

Starting to Lay the Cinder Blocks


Pilpul Shiur

YTC's Presidential Debate and Election

By Zev Gassner (Reprinted from this week's Spotlight.)

Prior to the recent presidential election, students of Yeshiva Toras Chaim participated in a mock debate.  Twelve students-six supporting Obama and six supporting Romney-clashed verbally trying to argue for their candidate.


Opening statements were made by Akiva Nemetsky and Netanel Raden.  Nemetsky brought to light the failures of Obama in his first term, prominent among them his failure in remedying the economy.  He also pointed out the success of Romney as a businessman and as a politician.  Raden argued that Obama has helped the economy more than the statistics and numbers indicate.  Raden also showed that Romney was unqualified to act as the head of our nation.  Both statements were intel-lectually honest and truly eloquent.

Next, a student from each grade argued on a specific issue facing America.  Questions were asked by the moderators and answered by the debaters.  Students tackled issues concerning the economy, foreign policy and more.    Each debater was held to a two-minute time limit, making his task even more challenging.  The students spoke well, delivered their points persuasively, and accurately addressed the issue at hand. After the specific arguments, both campaigns delivered closing statements.


Finally, students were given the opportunity to cast their own votes in a school election.  Mitt Romney was victorious by a relatively small margin.  Although Romney won, all agreed that the debaters for both sides performed quite admirably.  Additionally, it is important to note that although they argued for a certain candidate, the debaters did not necessarily approve of the candidate for whom they were arguing, further toughening their task.


Mr. Spring, the Social Studies teacher, arranged and headed the debate, along with the Secular Studies principal, Rabbi Levine.  One student remarked, "I think this is a great example of Yeshiva Toras Chaim's attitude toward secular matters.  The debate showed how much the Yeshiva cares about keeping their students informed about the secular world around them."


Mazel Tov! 


Mazel Tov !  


Mazel Tov to our alumnus Binyamin Berkson on his engagement to Michal Berger from North Miami Beach. 


Mazel Tov to our alumnus Joey Gutmann on his engagement to Kayla Skaist from Pittsburgh. 


Mazel Tov to our alumnus Chesky Eis on his engagement to Elisheva Semmel from Kew Gardens.





If you have a Mazel Tov or other occasion which you would like us to share with our alumni, please email us at so that we can spread the good news.  

 If we inadvertently omitted a Mazel Tov, please let us know. 


Keep in touch,


Avrohom Eliezer Friedman

Alumni Coordinator