Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
November 16, 2012


Thur. Nov. 22:
Sunday Schedule
No Mishmar 
Fri. Nov. 23:
Sunday Schedule
Tue. Nov. 27:
Friend Zone
Wed. Nov. 28:
Family Game Night 
6:30 - 8:30pm
Thur. Nov. 29:


Ignite the Greatness within Every Student!

Dear Parents:   

Rabbi Fried's seventh grade shiur enjoyed a class Shabbaton together in North Miami Beach, last Shabbos. The boys davened and ate all Shabbos meals together. Some of the activities included an Oneg at Mrs. Ruck's home and a Motzoei Shabbos scavenger hunt at Walmart.  The boys would like to thank Rabbi & Mrs. Fried, Rabbi & Mrs. Mordechai Palgon and Rabbi & Mrs. Levy for hosting the boys for the Shabbos meals.  They would also like to thank Yeshiva Toras Chaim, Sharrai Tefillah, the Atkin family and Mrs. Ruck for helping to make the Shabbaton a huge success!
On Wednesday, our students had the privilege of hearing from Rabbi Menachem Nissel, Shlita,  a world-reknowned Mecahnech from Eretz Yisroel.  Rabbi Nissel spoke about the power of Tefillah. He explained that we can daven for anything from Hashem, whether big or small.  Davening is something that we can do anywhere and anytime.  Hashem loves us so much that he wants to help us and we just need to daven for what we want.  Rabbi Nissel also said that when we daven and Hashem does not give us what we want Hashem may be telling us that what we want is not good for us or Hashem wants us to daven even more! Sometimes, Hashem will use our Tefilos to help us with something else that is good for us!


This Thursday, there was a Culture Of Kindness Everywhere at RMS, as students, Rebbeim, and Teachers took on the commitment of creating a culture of kindness at RMS.


Culture of Kindness Day began with an impromptu kickoff by Dovi Schwartz.  Throughout the day Rebbeim and teachers incorporated the concept of kindness into their lessons. Students wore stickers with slogans on their shirts or hung up quotes in the halls that spread the message of kindness. Each student received a brochure, created by the 8th grade students, to help encourage each student in the school to perform acts of kindness daily.


This event was a follow-up on Dr. Yehuda Kranzler's visit this past Monday.  Dr. Kranzler spoke with the 6th and 7th grade classes to discuss what a culture of kindness is and how to promote kindness and put a stop to bullying.  We are looking forward to our next event which will include a S.P.A.R.K.ling kick off assembly in December.
Bookball Plus is also in full swing as students in the 6th and 7th grade continue to progress in our Reading Plus reading comprehension and fluency program. The boys assembled to receive the first set of awards for leveling up or receiving high reading comprehension scores. The assembly ended with a refreshing treat to celebrate how "refreshing" it is to make accomplishments and strides. 
We would like to thank Reb Yitzi Spalter and South Florida Kosher Butchers for helping us with the transport of the toys for our Toy Drive for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Thank you to all those who responded so generously to this call to help our brothers and sisters in need because of Hurricane Sandy.
Have a great Shabbos!
Many thanks to this week's news contributors: 
Avner Yeshurun and Dovid Roth.

Attention Eighth Graders
You are cordially invited to attend
Yeshiva Toras Chaim - Dr. Abe Chames High School
Prospective Parent and Student Open House
Sunday, December 2, 2012
at Yeshiva Toras Chaim
invitations to follow shortly

Dr. Kranzler
Culture of Kindness Day

Project Greatness

RMS Band Plays for ECE
Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes 
28th Annual Dinner 
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
more information at

Dinner Update

We encourage all parents to participate in this campaign by placing their personal ad and by soliciting friends, family and business acquaintances.  Personal or solicited ads will be applied towards your Give/Get obligation.


Anyone who raises $1,000 will receive two complimentary tickets to the Dinner.


We look forward to having all our parents attend the Dinner

Tuesday, January 15th at the Treetop Ballroom at Jungle Island.

Invitations will follow in the mail.


Have a great Shabbos!