Dear Parents:
Our eighth grade is rohrin' and soarin' in learning and so much more. Each Rebbe in the eighth grade exudes his own warmth and excitement towards Torah learning and infuses that energy into their talmidim. Rabbi Alber's weekly tests challenge the boys and help enhance their skills, while his weekly Divrei Torah give the boys a thought provoking idea to share at the Shabbos table.
Rabbi Reznitsky's class created miniature models of the Gemara case they are learning to visualize and actualize what they are learning in the sugya. His creative ideas and contests add so much to the learning environment. Rabbi Medresh joined us for the first time this year and has embraced our Yeshiva and his talmidim with a devotion and dedication to Torah learning and Torah growth. All classes are learning Gemara Bava Basra, Navi, Halacha, Chumash, and Mishnayos.
The RMS BookBall season is in full swing, as they met in the "friend zone" this past Thursday to celebrate reading for pleasure and enjoyed an ice cream treat. This program is an opportunity for boys to read on their own and score "touchdowns" to secure positions on the field. The program ends in February with a Medal and Trophy ceremony recognizing the tremendous accomplishments they have made. Who will be the next MVR?
Each week all the boys who submit a story for HP Connection, enjoy a delicious bowl of cholent during lunch on Thursday. Each story highlights Hashem's hand in our daily lives. Thank you to Rabbi Kaganoff for coordinating this special program.
Have a great Shabbos!
Save the Date
Family Game Night
Wednesday, November 28th
A night you and your family won't want to miss!