See 10-1 Through the Eyes of Artists!
CodeNEXT: "SEE 10-1 Through the Eyes of Artists"
Land Development Code Advisory Group gathering feedback 

CodeNEXT growth
Join the folks from CodeNEXT & Imagine Austin for "See 10-1 Through the Eyes of Artists" - a chance for creatives to suggest changes to the land development code which will benefit the creative community.

Monday, April 4
6:00 - 9:00 pm
323 Congress Ave.
site of the Drawing Lines: Explorations of Places exhibition

Matt Lewis, Assistant Director of Planning and Zoning, and select artists will have a participatory conversation about their work and engage in a dialog about how Austin can best Grow and Invest our Creative Economy.

From 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. the CodeNEXT Land Development Code Advisory Group (CAG) will be at different stations within the Drawing Lines exhibit. CAG Members will listen to your input about the revision of the land development code and specifically to get feedback on the draft of the first Prescription Paper: The Next Austin, Manage our growth, keep our character: Natural and Built Environment Code Prescription.
art by Teruko Nimura
Drawing Lines: Exploration of Place Exhibit Opens

The Drawing Lines project is an artist-driven, community-based public project, commissioned in response to Austin's historic political transformation and done in partnership with the Cultural Arts Division. The project explores how art itself, as a process, can be part of the conversation about Austin's new geographic districts. Exploring these citizen-driven, yet prescribed boundaries of place, Drawing Lines has matched artists with each of the 10 council districts to co-create a place-specific public project with residents.

Drawing Lines: Explorations of Place
is an experiential and immersive exhibition bringing together 10 commissioned place-specific public art projects for the first time under one roof to reflect on the new 10-1 political structure, each district's dynamic cultural life, and the city itself. Capturing an historic moment in Austin's evolution as a city through each of the artists' year-long residency, the exhibition provides a snapshot into the first year of this new council structure and the newly drawn geographic communities it is charged to represent.
Art by Sonya Cote

Art by Sonya Cote (District 5)
Above: Art by Teruko Nimura (District 7)
Drawing Lines: Explorations of Place
Exhibition Opening Party: Friday, April 1, 7-10 pm
323 Congress Ave. (McKean-Eilers Building)
Additional Open Gallery Times:
Saturday, April 2 - Sunday, April 10, 12-5 pm 

Other Events:
Drawing Lines Artists
  • District One: Los Outsiders - / Person / Place / Thing /
  • District Two: Deborah Esquenazi & Carrie Kenny - Portraits
  • District Three: Adrian Quesada - Windows
  • District Four: Zell Miller, III - Youth Voices of the 4
  • District Five: Sonya Cote - Share
  • District Six: Josef Kristofoletti - Roboticelli
  • District Seven: Teruko Nimura - Wish Lantern
  • District Eight: Patrick Bresnan & Ivete Lucas - $3333.33 Plant Give Away
  • District Nine: Jack Sanders - Construction Event
  • District Ten: Steve Parker - Sound Atlas
Downtown Map Sample
Cultural Asset Mapping Project is coming to your district!
Help Austin's Cultural Arts Division map our city's cultural assets and creative resources

We need your help to map our city's creative and cultural assets! With a series of interactive mapping exercises, community meetings, focus groups, and surveys, the Cultural Asset Mapping Project will be able to create a city-wide census of Austin's cultural assets and creative resources to integrate creativity and culture in City planning and development.
The Project will begin with a public meeting in each of the 10 council districts. Participants will have an opportunity to review a map of their district's cultural resources and will be asked to add to our existing maps. The Cultural Arts Division has collected information from various datasets and listings of non-profit organizations and for-profit businesses to create a database of cultural assets to serve as a starting point for our public meetings. At these meetings, we hope to engage residents in a discussion about existing cultural assets and to begin to locate any assets that have not yet been identified. After these initial meetings, the Cultural Arts Division will integrate these new assets into the existing maps. Our final deliverable will be individual Council district maps with cultural assets identified, a district specific status report, and a short list of cultural economic development strategies.

Sign up to receive project updates - and stay tuned for how to get involved! 
Opportunities from Cultural Arts Division

Applications Open for Multiple Cultural Funding Programs
Funding is available for nonprofit organizations and individual creatives working in many artistic disciplines including dance, film/media arts, literature, music, theatre, and visual art.
City of Austin Seeking Artists-in-Residence for AFD, EMS Departments
Artists from Austin and surrounding counties are eligible to apply for two Artist-in-Residence opportunities with the Austin Fire Department and Emergency Medical Services. Deadline to apply is April 21. Read the full Call to Artists 
Music and Creative Ecosystem Omnibus Resolution

On March 3, 2016, the Austin City Council directed the City Manager to explore options for implementation of the goals and objectives identified by the City's Economic Development Departments' Music & Entertainment and Cultural Arts Divisions.
Read the Resolution
NCAR Arts Vibrancy Index II: Hotbeds of America's Arts and Culture

Austin has been named #18 in the Top 20 Arts Vibrant Large Communities (population of 1 million or more) by the recently released NCAR Arts Vibrancy Index Report. Well-known for its music and movie scenes, Austin also has a robust, multifaceted arts scene. Austin's large number of arts organizations and independent artists per capita puts Austin's Arts Providers score in the top 5% of all cities!
Read the Report 
If would like more information about the City's placemaking and creative industries development initiatives, contact Janet Seibert, Civic Arts Consultant, 512-974-7860.
City of Austin Cultural Arts Division | 512-974-7700 | |