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In this issue...
Welcome CZTs of Seminar 20
BLOG Zentangle
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo


July 12, 2015


Once again, we are honored and thrilled to introduce to you the CZTs who attended our 20th Certified Zentangle Teacher training seminar in Providence, RI, USA, on June 21 - 24, 2015.

That, and more for you below.


Welcome to CZTs of Seminar 20!

Please join us in welcoming the CZTs of Seminar 20! 

They spontaneously arranged themselves in what looks like a beautiful pennant, shining in the sun. This class includes people from 13 countries! 

Students in this class brought so many beautiful creations to share . . . in so many media . . . on so many surfaces . . . that we can show only a small sample from this and other areas:

So prepare to be inundated with ideas and inspirations!


You can see all of these images and more in a larger format at this newsletter's companion blog post.


Thank you for enjoying with us this sample of the creativity shared at this seminar!




We will announce our 2016 CZT Seminar schedule in about a month. 




BLOG Zentangle

We blogged about an Opus tile we received from Lesley Roberts, CZT, from UK. She tells a great story about tangling on the back(!) of a tile.

See her work, follow her steps and read her story at this blogpost.

Join the conversation. We will send a gift to a randomly chosen commenter.




Also, check out the companion blog for this newsletter which contains larger views of all the pictures here and more from Seminar 20!


Once more, thank you again for sharing this wonderful adventure with us and with each other all around this world.


Go to this link to find a CZT near you and take some Zentangle classes!



Best always,

Rick, Maria, Bijou and all of us at Zentangle 












About Zentangle

The Zentangle Method is an easy
to learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

© 2015 Zentangle, Inc.