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In this issue...
New Tangle: arukas
New Tile: Opus
Seminar Update
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Pre-Strung Tile photo

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102 Tangles

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Zentangle Ensemble

November 29, 2014


We have a new tangle for you to enjoy: arukas


We have a new (larger) tile for you to explore: Opus


Details below.


Have fun!




New Tangle: arukas

Molly writes:

As time goes by it seems that discovering a magical new tangle is a bit more challenging. We don't spend our days searching for tangles, rather, it seems that they sort of fall on our laps. 

We are sometimes struck by something we see in our worlds and then spend some time deconstructing it. We may get a new idea in our heads or we might just happen upon something while tangling. 

I have found that most of the tangles I discover happen in the latter way. This was the case recently as I was tangling away during a rather lengthy conference call (it helps keep me fresh for the duration of the call.) I was fooling around with orbs, as I have been fascinated with them lately. 

I don't remember exactly how it happened, but somehow I found myself in this back and forth aura rhythm. Soon a star was born . . . I mean, a tangle. The name came to me immediately. I think it had something to do with the pen I was using. (!)

Arukus is a beautiful, versatile, and very forgiving tangle.

We introduced this tangle at our recent CZT seminars. Here's the step out and some of the samples we displayed. 

Arukas loves tangleations! For instance, play around with the number of beginning spokes. 

As you can see in the variations above, you can also:
  • Use multiple initial circles. (Just be sure to do each spoke and aura on all of them as you proceed.)
  • Add solid fill and sparkle.
  • Use a spiral.
  • Use other initial shapes
  • Explore and have fun!
Here are some more tangleations:


We look forward to seeing what you create.

And remember . . . when in doubt, AURA. (That's what our grandson, Ramsey, reminds us!)


Opus Tiles

Earlier this year we had the extraordinary opportunity to introduce you to our dear friend Bijou. And along with Bijou and his wonderful philosophies came the Bijou Tile . . . a tile of smaller proportion that opened up a new intimate surface to be tangled. 

This year was also a year that marked ten years since we gave our first Zentangle class. We wanted to celebrate this milestone with something of grand proportion. 

So, in a year where we first took the Zentangle practice even smaller, we thought, let's go big to celebrate this exciting anniversary. 

We have watched how folks have been creating larger scaled Zentangle inspired works for years. And now we have a tile to support that larger vision.

We are excited and honored to introduce to you:

Any artistic work, especially one on a large scale.

Our Opus tile is Zentangle tile of grand proportion and measures 10.5 inches (27 cm) square. It is crafted from the same wonderful, 100% cotton, archival, mould made paper of our original Zentangle tiles. These tiles are a beautiful surface for those ready to work larger with their tangles.

During our research and development stages as we explored this wonderful and vast surface, we discovered that this larger canvas not only opens up more space but also invites new ideas and techniques.

Here are examples from . . . 

Sandy Bartholomew:

Laura Harms:

Carol Ohl:

Margaret Bremner:

and Maria:

The expanse of this tile invites the use of different size pens and creating tangles large, small and in between.

This is an ideal canvas to mix the Sakura� Pigma™ line of pens such as the Graphic 1, Micron 08, Micron 01, and the Micron 005. 

Paradoxically, the Micron 005 is a fun pen to use on this larger canvas as you add tangles almost as textured shading. The Micron 08 provides a beautiful contrast with the Micron 005.

Opus Tile - Set of 5:   $22.00




A Seminar Update

Since the newsletter announcing our 2015 CZT seminars went out earlier this week, all seminar dates are already about half full.

If you would like to attend one of our 2015 CZT training seminars, please register soon.

That newsletter about our 2015 seminars is here.



Once again, thank you so much for enjoying and sharing this amazing Zentangle adventure with us.



Rick, Maria, Bijou and all at Zentangle 









About Zentangle

The Zentangle Method is an easy
to learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

phone: 508-234-6843

� 2014 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved