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October 23, 2014


This newsletter has two quick bits of info for those interested in attending a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) training seminar.

  1. Last minute spaces in this fall's CZT seminars
  2. Info about 2015 seminars



Last Minute Openings in Fall 2014 Seminars

We just received some last minute cancellations for our fall seminars.

As of right now, we have the following spaces available:

October 26-29, 2014 Seminar 
(yes, that is this Sunday!)

1 space available

November 2-5, 2014 Seminar 

3 spaces available

Both of these CZT seminars are held at the Hotel Providence in Providence, RI. The basic timeline, for those that have to check airline information, is check-in around 4pm on Sunday and the program ends around 5pm on Wednesday. Both weeks are the same format. You can read a summary of our CZT training seminars here.

Please contact Martha Huggins [email] to register. 

First come, first served on these so don't wait to respond!

2015 Seminar Registration Info


We know many of you are waiting patiently for the announcement of our 2015 CZT training seminars. 

Our ability to accept registrations for 2015 is tied to the unveiling of our new and fabulous (wait till you see it!) website. However, it's taking a bit long than we thought to get everything ready to transfer to our new website.

Our plan is to now open 2015 Seminar Registration in mid November after our fall 2014 seminars. 

Nevertheless, we can now release the dates to better assist you in planning for time off and travel. 


CZT Seminar #18
April 12-15, 2015


CZT Seminar #19
April 19-22, 2015


CZT Seminar #20
June 21-24, 2015


CZT Seminar #21
June 28-July 1, 2015


All seminars begin on a Sunday and end on a Wednesday. 

We also have been able to keep tuition at the same price as this year.

Day Student
Includes training, meals and supplies.  $1,495

Share Room Student 
Include training, meals, supplies and three nights' shared lodging at the Hotel Providence.   $1,775

Private Room Student
Include training, meals, supplies and three nights private lodging at the Hotel Providence.   $1,985


Thank you for your patience as we get our website and registration system perfected before releasing it. 

Please do not make any permanent plans until you are officially registered.


To all who are planning to attend a CZT training seminar, we look forward to meeting you and working with you!



Rick and Maria (et Bijou) 









About Zentangle

The Zentangle Method is an easy
to learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

email: [email protected]
phone: 508-234-6843

� 2014 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved