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In this issue...
New tangle: ING
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Pre-Strung Tile photo

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102 Tangles

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Zentangle Ensemble

September 3, 2014


Where does the time go? We just checked the date of our previous newsletter and it was over a month ago!


Well that means this one will be all the better for it!


We are happy to introduce a new tangle for you called ING.


You can also enjoy along with us many of the visual treats we've recently received from tanglers all over this world.






New Tangle: 

We introduced a new tangle "ING" at our last two CZT seminars. This is a tangle that Molly deconstructed from an art installation at ING's campus in Florida. Molly took this picture when she was in Florida to run a marathon:

After a lot of exploration and experimentation, Molly developed this step out:

One particularly delicious aspect of this tangle is the ability to interpret it in various ways . . . 

Molly creates a narrow structure with ING:

Maria creates larger triangles in her version, then fills the triangles like in tripoli:

Rick adds tangles and plays with shading bringing out the origami feel of folded paper:

This is a simple and fun tangle that can be taken in many different directions. 

After we shared ING with our CZTs, Susan Cirigliano, CZT, wrote to us, "I was working on my August Owl and trying to figure out what to use as a perch and then somethING came along! Thanks for ING.

We look forward to seeing where you will be takING it!

Shared Gifts

Thank you all for what you send . . . for us to enjoy . . . and for others to enjoy through this newsletter.


Hello Rick and Maria,

We've both had a fab time here in Cape Cod - here's a photo of some tangles on shells after a Zentangle session on the beach with some people from the vacation house! 

Lesley Roberts, CZT (UK)

[Rick adds: After talking with Lesley, we learned that she was holding impromptu classes on the beach and whether they were retirees, bored teenagers, or seven year olds, all had a great time for hours on end. Passersby kept asking, "Where can I get those decorated shells?"


Rick and Maria,
I realize this may never get to you two personally but I'm sending it anyway. I wanted to let you know how Zentangle is helping me get through the roughest time in my life.  My husband lost his battle with cancer this year. We were married 22 years . . . together 25. 

I am attaching a picture I just did last week . . .

. . . , it is basically navaho* but I added my own twist to it, no, the lines aren't perfect as I'm fairly new to this, but the lines were pen from start to finish which is something I normally don't do, but that day I felt confident to go for it.  

I will always see this drawing as the day my mind unscrambled. I took my time and focused on every line and felt the weight of the world disappear.

I can't THANK YOU enough!!   

[Rick adds: This is a great example of the impact just a little bit of simple shading can have. Thank you so much for sharing that!]


Hi Molly, Rick and Maria, 

I thought you might enjoy my latest photo. I obtained an old store mannequin from our creative reuse centre, they were selling them to raise money for our childrens' hospital. Well a blank canvas is irresistible and about 100 hours later 'Manny Quinn' was full tangled. 

We are using him at school as a 'guess how many tangles on the Tangled Man' contest. 

Cheers, Gill
Gillian McAuliffe, CZT (Australia)


My daughter was my first student after CZT Seminar 15. 

After a basic lesson, she tangled her dishwasher! 

- Ginny Lockhart, CZT 


Dear Rick and Maria,


I have gone Zentangle crazy!! I can't stop drawing . . . or shopping for pens, pencils, erasers, paper, stomps & torillions (I'm learning new words too!) and pretty colored brush pens and gelly roll pens!!


I am sending off my first attempt with color and shading all on my own. I think shading is key, and I have a lot to work on in that area. See my Aura knot!




I want to send you both a big thank you for your amazing videos. What wonderful teaching tools. They are great! 


Thanks again,




[We received these next images from "graham" and the only words that came with the images was the email subject, "Like Minded."]

[Rick continues . . . Awesome paradox, Graham! I love how you play with the components in a betweed-esque way. Thanks for sending those.]

* navaho is a tangle by Caren Mlot, CZT

Blog Posts and Bijou at the Beach!

Since our previous newsletter we've had a couple new blog posts. 

Stuck Up
"Stuck Up" addresses the question, "What on earth am I supposed to do with all these Zentangle tiles once I have drawn them?" There's lots of great ideas there.

"Merci" shares some fun times at the beach with Bijou proving that yes, all you need is a stick at the beach at low tide to tangle. 




Thank you again for playing with us on this marvelous adventure.



Rick and Maria (et Bijou) 









About Zentangle

The Zentangle Method is an easy
to learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

phone: 508-234-6843

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