Greetings! In this newsletter: - We have a great new tangle - rixty.
- CZTs Linda Cobb and Linda Halvorsen are organizing an effort to get the attention of CBS's "Sunday Morning" program. Details on that below.
- Zentangle 10th Anniversary coming up!
- Our Keepsake Boxes are back in stock
- We're now offering a 7∙7∙7 sampler of 21 square tiles: seven white, seven black and seven tan.
Here we go! |
New tangle: rixty
Maria writes:
As we all patiently (well, maybe some of us) await the promise of spring and all the wonders it brings, we want to share with all of you the gift I gave Rick for his 60th birthday that we recently celebrated.
Wow! Can we really be that old? Someone once told me that the definition of "old" is 10 years older than whatever your age is. That sounds about right. Creating this new tangle was more difficult than usual. As most of you know, Rick sort of gravitates towards straight line tangles and I, on the other hand, am a bit on the curvy side . . . But I put all my preferences aside and presented him with rixty Our daughter Martha came up with the name rixty. Pretty cool, I think. -- Maria
Rixty Introduction
Rick writes:
Maria started to give me my birthday present in a restaurant during a family get-together for my 60th birthday. Fortunately the tables had paper coverings!
We tore off a piece for a memento.
Originally we were spelling this tangle's name "ricksty" but soon changed it to "rixty."
Here are some of Maria's early explorations: Our grandsons, Ramsey and Wyatt, each helped "unwrap" my birthday gift! Here are some more wonderful ideas of the places you can go with rixty.
In this next one, Maria first "dusted" the black Zendala with Zenstone shavings. Then she tangled it with a Sakuraź Pigma™ Graphic 1.
Here's a page from Maria's current field notes journal:
Molly joined in the celebration:
And I also got a chance explore my present!
Rixty is a fun, simple and dynamic tangle. Particularly when it's clustered tight together, its step out is not intuitively obvious. It's another Zentangle "magic trick"! We're going to wait a couple weeks or so to share rixty's step out. We have two reasons: - You have a(nother) good reason to take a workshop from a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) . . . because we've shown them the step out.
- You have a chance to ponder how YOU might deconstruct this pattern to most easily tangle it. You may come up with a more elegant step out than if we just showed you ours!
Join the party! |
7∙7∙7 Square Zentangle Tile Sampler
For people who want to try out all our Zentangle tile paper choices, we created a sampler. This collection of 3.5 inch Zentangle tiles includes seven white tiles, seven black tiles and seven tan tiles. Each tile is made from 100% cotton, mould made, archival paper. Each paper has been researched and tested by us to best suit tangling needs. Each color invites a new set of tools and techniques that opens up endless tangling opportunities. 7∙7∙7 offers a little taste of each, so you can try them all today. Lucky 7's . . . Enjoy! 7∙7∙7 Square Zentangle Tile Sampler
CBS "Sunday Morning" Show
Over the years, we have received so many wonderful letters from passionate people, telling us how creating Zentangle art has benefitted their lives. The stories are amazing and we reread them often thinking them to be so beautiful.
It has been our mission from the beginning (almost 10 years ago) to put the Zentangle Method in the hands of as many people as possible, all the while staying true to our original vision of quality and support. During this time, without any advertising and with little retail store exposure, the Zentangle story has spread worldwide.
Recently, two of our CZTs, Linda Cobb and Linda Halvorsen, brought to our attention CBS' "Sunday Morning" show. They thought it would be a good fit for sharing the Zentangle story. They suggested that if lots of tanglers wrote about their Zentangle experiences at the same time, CBS might choose to do a Zentangle segment.
We think it's a fun idea to play with.
So, here's the plan.
In the spirit of all things Zentangle, we invite you to write a letter to CBS's "Sunday Morning" show, briefly explaining why you feel they should share the Zentangle story with their viewers.
Briefly tell them your story about what drawing in a Zentangle way has done for you and ask them to feature the Zentangle story on their show. Keep it personal; don't cite others' claims, just your own.
In order to make an impression we suggest:
- Use (if possible) a square envelope, to stand out from the rest. If you don't have one you can always make one. Put two stamps on it, as square envelopes cost a bit more to send. (Check with your post office first.)
- Decorate your envelope as only a tangler can do!
- Decorate your letter! Tell your story or use just a few words to describe your experience. Whatever you decide to say.
- Enclose a 3 1/2" square Zentangle tile . . . an original or a copy cut to 3 1/2"
- Include information such as your email, your first name last initial, and how to contact Rick and Maria (rickandmaria@zentangle.com) or 508-234-6843.
- Everyone get ready to mail their letter on April 1st. (no fooling!) [Address below]
- Comment on our blog that we will be publishing on April 1 and share the letter you sent. You can even link to an image of your envelope and tile. Be sure there is a way for us to contact you (by email) because we're going to pick a name (using a random number generator) and give away a framed original Rick and Maria "ZIA" (Zentangle inspired art).
- Mail to:
CBS News Sunday Morning
Box O (for Osgood)
524 West 57th St.
NY, NY 10019
We are not sure if this will work, but hey, it's a great way to do a fun project together and maybe win a prize!
Thank you all for a most wonderful decade of meeting new friends and sharing our passions and dreams.
And special thanks to Linda Cobb and Linda Halvorsen for organizing this effort. They have been instrumental in similar efforts to bring awareness of the Zentangle Method to many people. We are very grateful to have them in our spectacular bevy of CZTs.
[CBS Sunday Morning LINK]
We'll remind you on April 1 to mail you letter!
Zentangle Tenth Anniversary Coming!
Can you believe it?
We hardly can! It literally seems like just a few months ago, or maybe one year. It all remains so wonderfully exciting!
July 17, 2014, will be the Tenth (or is that "Zenth") Anniversary of our first public Zentangle class in Providence RI.
We invite you all to join in a celebration of
"Planet Zentangle Day"
As we get a bit closer to that time, we'll be promoting the idea of "RAZs" or, Random Acts of Zentangle. In other words, we'll be encouraging tanglers all over this wonderful planet to create a Zentangle tile or other Zentangle art and give it away. Maybe you'll give away many pieces; maybe you'll do it anonymously, maybe you'll do it with great fanfare; maybe you'll just hand a completed Zentangle tile to the next person you meet.
We're looking forward to having a lot of fun with this and we'll have more to say as we get closer!
Oh, yes . . .
Our "Treasure" Boxes are back in stock! The first set went quickly and we decided to reorder. Our plan is that this will be our final order and when these are gone, then we'll play with designing something else!
Wishing you and yours a fun rest of 2014!