Zentangle (R)
In this issue...
New Tangle: Aquafleur
Zentangle at CHA
Tanglers write . . .
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories


102 Tangles

Vertical Tri Frame

Zentangle Frames

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

January 19, 2014

Happy 2014!
In this year's first newsletter we share a new tangle and some great stories.



New Tangle: aquafleur

Maria writes:

Rick and I finally managed to take a few days off and traveled to a beautiful island, Bermuda, for three days. It is very unusual for us to sit still that long . . . but it was a lovely time, for sure.

All I wanted to do was draw and read. And, that is all I did.  Rick was a bit more active, off on scooter rides, walking the beach, swimming every 1/2 hour. My goal was to come home, not only with some cool Zentangle tiles, but also I was determined to create a new tangle that was influenced by our temporary home. It was our first trip there and now we find ourselves ready to go back. The people were so nice, friendly and the beach and resort, well, let's just say, it was as close to nirvana as possible. Perhaps Bermuda is another word for "heaven" in some unknown language . . .

So,  back to the tangle,    

I wanted to have movement, like the waves.

Drama, like the sunsets.

Shapes like the flora.

And passion . . .

Well . . . here we go!

This is a dynamic tangle to aura.

Play with integrating other tangles between the "petals".

Aquafleurs within aquafleurs.

Have multiple aquafleurs in one Zentangle.

Interwoven tangles extend and dance beyond its aura.

This is such a dynamic tangle in part because there is a nice mix of light and dark.

When you begin with a randomly curvy shape it's less obvious how aquafleur is tangled. However, you can also use the same approach to straight-edged forms like this triangle.

On these previous two tiles above, we "toned down" the tile with our gray Fabrico pen. White touches and highlights are a mix of white Gelly Roll and a white charcoal pencil.

Here's a page from Maria's current field notes book. She tangled this on the plane back from Bermuda.


You can "ride" this tangle in so many directions. We look forward to seeing where you go.


Zentangle at CHA 

Rick writes:
We just returned from the annual Craft and Hobby Association Trade Show at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. In this case "we" means Molly, Martha, Maria and I. Such fun!

It was great to experience a few warm days after the recent bitter cold here.

Maria and I were invited to speak due to Zentangle's impact on the craft and hobby industry. 

Our talk was titled, "The Zentangle� Inspiration." Its description read: "Zentangle founders, Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas, describe their Zentangle discovery from concept, branding, to how it stays relevant. They will explain how practicing the Zentangle Method inspires individuals to experience their own joy of creativity and express it is so many craft media. They'll also share what's next for Zentangle."

We'll share what we discussed in future newsletters and blogs.

We had an awesomely large screen behind us on stage:

That image is a gilded letter that we tangled as we spoke:

It was an exciting and fun time. We had a chance to meet up with many area CZTs. We met new people from around the world and made new friends. 

During the convention we gave small demonstrations in Sakura of America's booth:

We gave a workshop on the convention floor:

And we hung out at the Sakura booth, meeting wonderful 
people and goofing off:

On our travels we were always on the lookout for tangles. Sometimes we would find ones that reminded us of ones we already use, like:

Static as seen from our plane over the Rocky Mountains.

Shapes that reminded us of paradox as seen in the sun shining through a plastic cup on the plane and in these awnings in a hotel lobby.

In this ceiling light, translucent hollibaugh.

We also took lots of pictures of patterns and textures that might be sources for future tangles:

We all had such a wonderful time.

Thank you CHA. Thank you Sakura of America. And, thank you to all the wonderful people we were fortunate to meet!

Tanglers write . . .

We have some amazing images to share that tanglers around this world have sent us. But, this newsletter is quite long already, so we'll save those treasures for our next letter.
But, here are a few short comments that are just so very beautiful. We think you'll enjoy them.
Since finding this site and studying everything I could get my hands on about Zentangle and how to do them, I have at last found my muse again. Some day I hope to come to one of the CZT seminars, but until then, thank you for bring the joy of art back into my life.  --CC
My mom got me a Zentangle Kit for Christmas and though I'm almost 40 years old, I feel like a kid again. I crank up some music and almost every day sit down and do some tangling. I've been reading your blog and others, bought a book or two and just generally gotten sucked in. It is something amazing and I wanted to make sure I thanked you.  --Chad
Hi Rick and Maria, I just wanted to tell you how much I'm enjoying tangling. As a recovering cancer survivor, I have found it very therapeutic and it's rebooted my artistic side. I love the decorated wig form. Brilliant idea. Think I will do the same to mine! Looking forward to playing with fengle. Many thanks and happy new year!  --RB
All of us here at Zentangle wish you and yours all the best for this coming year and we look forward to exploring its possibilities with you.

See you soon.

In the meantime . . . Enjoy!


Rick and Maria

About Zentangle

The Zentangle Method is an easy
to learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.


� 2014 Zentangle, Inc.