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In this issue...
New Tangle: Well
Two Great Comments
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September 3, 2013


A trip to a local museum provided a wellth of tangle inspiration.

Here's a new one that we think you will enjoy.

We call it well.






[If you have trouble seeing the images in this newsletter, you can view it here where we archive all our newsletters about 30 minutes after they are sent.]

New Tangle: Well

Rick writes:

Near our home is the Higgins Armory Museum, which specializes in medieval armor and weaponry.

On a recent pattern search there, I saw a small box covered with what look like wrought metal patterns.

Here's a close-up of its cover:

Here's its step out:

This tangle offers many variations. Here are a few ideas to inspire your own explorations of possibilities in well:

Part way through drawing this tangle, you'll see this grid. Explore how you might further tangle and shade this.

Variation :
You may have noticed that each adjacent square is a mirror image in each direction. Explore what happens when each square goes in the same direction. Here's a partially completed view:

Notice the similarity to paradox in the above two variations.

Here is the above variation completed:

Other Variations:
  • Curved grid lines
  • Different sized and placed inner circles
  • Try squares or diamonds instead of circles  
  • A grid that creates triangles  
  • Your pleasure! 

Well Explorations

In one exploration, I filled some spaces and shaded others.

In another, I auraed the grid lines and one edge of each (in this case) petal. I also varied the size and positions of the circles and finished the petals in more of a hollibaugh fashion.

The idea for "auraing" the petals came from these flowers that Maria and I saw recently:

This next tile explores the relationship of well with paradox and cadent.

Border, string and initial grid:

Completed paradox and additional circles:

And completed tile:

Maria explores the first variation of well described above.



Hmm . . . maybe there are more than two dimensions to these tiles!  


Visit this blog entry to discuss this newsletter and to see larger views of some of these images.




Drawing from this well

There's a lot in (this) well.

You've seen the shape of paradox.

If you look deeper, you'll see cadent swimming in both directions!

It also contains the elemental components of huggins in the same, if exaggerated, relationship! The hint is in this rug pattern:

I'm playing around with drawing well without a grid and just using cadent or huggins. So far it's interesting, but not as relaxing as drawing well as intended.


BLOG Zentangle
  • We think this blog entry on "Rulers" is useful to keep in mind.
  • Here's a fun look at the Higgins Armory.
  • Maria "Circles a Square" (or is that, "Squares a Circle") in this blog entry.  
CZT Seminars for 2014
We will announce our Certified Zentangle Teacher seminars for 2014 in our next newsletter. We will also broadcast on Twitter when the newsletter is published.

For more information about our CZT program, see this link.

A Couple Great Comments

"I took a Zentangle workshop from a CZT in Columbus, Ohio, a few years back as part of an art educators conference and am only now getting to doing it myself - for real - as a practice.

"The community, the pedagogy and the artform you have created is wonderful. Thank you."  -- AD


"I know you get a lot of email. I am yet another one who can't imagine life without this absolutely brilliant life style. Creating Zentangle art is more than a hobby to me. Not sure I can even tell this story without getting misty eyed.

"I accidentally found a video of yours one night on YouTube and watched it . . . Mooka? Maybe that was it. My job then was the 10pm - 6 am shift, sitting in a dark room watching tv as individuals slept. I would do a check and change two times a night and sit the remainder of the time.

"Time moved so slowly. I'd think about my problems and fight sleep. I did crossword puzzles and word finds but got tired thinking so hard. One day I found your video and was intrigued. I thought to myself, "I can do this."

"The next night I went to work wearing a headlamp and started tangling.  Something happened! Time started flying and my creative flow began. I was truly addicted. Zentangle is my drug.  I started looking forward to my "alone" time. Zentangle took my mind off of my problems and gave me something to look forward to.

"I can't begin to tell you how much this whole experience has changed and helped me. It put a spark in me that keeps growing.

"Thank you for being so creative and sharing so much of yourselves with me and others. I love doing this and I have spread my love of everything Zentangle to my kids and to my friends and co-workers. 

"From the bottom of my heart . . . thank you!"  -LH


Thank you again for sharing in this wonderful and creative exploration with us.

We look forward to seeing what happens when you draw well!   ;-)



Best always,


Rick and Maria 






About Zentangle

The Zentangle Method is an easy
to learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

email: rickandmaria@zentangle.com
phone: 508-234-6843
website: zentangle.com

� 2013 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved